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Everything posted by TeddyBear

  1. Sorry for this repetitive question. When a friendly model is over 2" from an enemy; models that are friendly with first can shooting (without randomize) is correct? Where can i find this rule? only on errata? is it true that in all miniatures games "within" means that the model can add the lenght of his base? for example: place this model "within" 4" it could be 4 plus his base? then a model on a 50 base is placed at 6" approximately? thanks
  2. The second, i think the first is impossile.. I ask this, because from previous posts i understand that actually Sonnia don't use many pieces: Malifaux child Francisco Stalkers Emissary Brutal Abuela Handlers And rarely Pathfinder Freikorps specialist Samael (someone say no) Now is it possible, with only this pool to be competitive in every strat or schemes? Thanks
  3. In tournaments, is it possible with Sonnia use a fixed list? If yes, do you share your lists? Or your "core" of lists?
  4. By chance someone know the list of winning dreamer (by Mark Elwood) of last biggest tournament in uk?
  5. hi all! After resolving says: "these effects happen after Step 5, regardless of success or failure." But Step 5 says: Determine Succes.. now, my question is: if one model has a df trigger (after resolving) and fails an opposed duel, first entering the df trigger or first it take damages, and after apply the df trigger? sorry for mistakes
  6. I have a little problem with english language spoken fast
  7. These master are considering played only with res. pieces? Because i have played many times vs tara like res. (obviously with a mix with outcasts pieces) I think that she is a super versatile, and she can excel almost every schemes or strategies
  8. How do you use generally Som'er in tournament? Any advices are apprecciated!
  9. so for you, definitely in sonnia crew samael don't work well?
  10. Thank you so much codingCaptor! And thanks also for useful explanation of every single pieces that you list up! Somebody else has had experience with somer in tournament? and in tournament with pigapult?
  11. Hi all, some of you think that it is n.1 of gremlins master, others thinks differently.. in my opinion it could be the most fun master of the game.. i am evaluating if i add it to my "malifaux pieces pool" I have already asked to someone, but how would you play it in tournament? How pieces he need surely? I like pigapult very much.. it is a really strong piece.. it would be possible to use it in all schemes and strategies in tournament (gg2017)? sorry for my language mistakes Thank you so much!
  12. I just have to be honest, lately i see only gremlins and arcanists at top of tournaments rankings, closely follow by Res. Hello Zipp, Hello Reva (for me actually tier 1 masters)
  13. No kidding, perhaps the emoticon made you misinterpret.. sorry I open this topic for looking for advices.. i don't know Sonnia..
  14. expert sleuth? (but need an enemy marker right?)
  15. (sorry for this question but i don't know why i have a doubt now) Can ap from nimble be used for charge? (i always knew that charge is considering a tactical action and no movement action..) i had read in forum that howard langstone (for example) can make 4 attack sometimes.. how? thanks for all reply
  16. thanks for reply, in tournament samael is generally used? (he seem very strong, but he need more movement trick...maybe with austringers?) @wizuriel: how do you use ryle? thanks again
  17. Hi all, I'm considering whether to buy it.. Which pieces are definitely needed to play Sonnia in tournaments? (especially after papa disempowerment) Many thanks
  18. Ahhhhh ok!! Is it only one possibility to reflip right? (then for example, if tara's controller want to stop the game and the opponent had already flip a 10; tara player can reflip..if he reflip a 10? game must continue..right?) Why this ability is written "once per turn" and no "at turn 5" or "at last turn"? thanks for all clarifications!
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