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Everything posted by Blacks85

  1. Dont' try Lady Nigeria...she's absolutely underpowered
  2. Thanks guys for feedback. I've played my first game yesterday vs the Guild ended up 10-4 for my Gremlins. I thought they were more random but - in fact - they are pretty controllable. The Lacroix sniper was definitively overpowered in my opinion. Mah Tack...hum, well...just didn't try enough to say but probably fair enough. I will definitively play a couple of more games - one with somer looking your advices - and maybe buy a couple of masters to start Thank you
  3. Italian team +1 Andrea Ricco, paid ! I was wondering - seeing how many people from different countries are coming - why not add the European challenge? Back to warhammer times or bloodbowl, why don't make teams of 3 - 4 -5 people for each nation (1 x nation, number based on min. nation partecipants) and sum up their points for a final prize for teams? Or if there is no room for extra prizes just for a cup or for fun? What do you think?
  4. Hi Guys, I'm looking around to decide my second faction for this game. I was wondering...can the Gremlins be competitive too if played correctly or they are just thought to be fun?
  5. Unfortunately the Hamelin "Blighted" mechanics are not good...they are too slow for the game as it is played. In my opinion they are not fun either. Hamelin is extremely good if you need a team with very few hard beater and you want to play them as the last activation to maximize your beating and avoid opponent to strike you back. You can just have him with a rat and a wretched and you can create tons of activations from nothing. Then is a decent master - very hard to kill - and with some obey that are always useful, somehow. Nix too is definitively weak in my opinion.
  6. yep, if you play for fun you just do not care about "underpower", "overpower" or whatever...you just have fun! So I guess it's out of the purpose of this post and yes, you'll take it! But in my opinion...is not even fun to play You just have one extra action per turn that is a shoot...I found jack daw random tormented or some other random model with more interaction way more funny to play for fun
  7. I think your overestimating his possibilities in Show of Force and underestimating how card-intensive he is. You need a 11suited to hit the "Son of a ...." and he's not an enforcer. It means you need to discard a card (Assuming you're lucky and you have a low suited card) then discard another card to reach the TN and cast the spell. This makes 2 cards and 1 action without doing anything... Finally you can try to shoot (Without focus eh...) so in close range or discard another card with "I pay better". In the second case, it makes 3 cards and you didn't attacked yet...in the first case you are close to people and they super easily 1 shot you. At this point, if you are lucky you can win the duel with attack action and let your opponent cheat first. Otherwise, you have to cheat first considering you already used a 11+ card and other 1-2 cards. If you are lucky enough to win, you have discarded a 1SS upgrade from someone and - perhaps - it would make difference in the upgrade count....or - in most cases - you have used 1 activation and 3 cards to do nothing....absolutely nothing. You now have half of your hand and 2-3 or maybe 4 cards less to defend from enemy attacks and - likely - the opponent can directly kill one of your guy with the upgrade because you have no defensive high cards and your enforcer will just die as a sheep. Boom, that's Hans...and that's the bitter true. Wyrd please, buff him. Honestly? I will choose a trapper even if he would cost 6, maybe at 5 I can get it. Speaking of "Hunting party", I always do a crew with only 1 peon / minion who sit back as a trapper or malifaux child and there you have no chance to score VP
  8. There is no game in Malifaux where you should take Hans over a trapper....there is just no reason at all. I've tried him many times because I desperately wanted him to have a chance....but it's totally overpriced. Too costly, too fragile, literally immobile and definitively too much card intensive. The only good point of him is that he can shoot into melee...but it doesn't worth the price anyway. R.I.P. Hans
  9. That's a good thought. Yes, I suppose they are going to do the WP opposed test at the beginning of activation...but the WP 8 of hannah is not that bad. It's probably an option when playing TARA that makes things interesting. I'll try it next game, well thought man
  10. Oath keeper is a must, the rest is a choice. She has movement 6 and rapid fire with 3/4/5. With fast you can almost 1shot everything on the field within 18" (or 16"..don't remember if she shoots 10 or 12) The rest is just "the rest"...
  11. I went for the mechanical rider, it's overall more versatile. You can summon spider to give you more activation, heal them and get combo with Johan. It also places more markers directly in the face of people - more useful for the biggest part of scheme with markers.
  12. Hi guys, I've the complete outcast faction and - I was wondering - which of the 4 riders fit best with Leveticus. I mean, which one bring something that Outcast do not have and is more flexible, generally speaking. I know that highly depends on schemes, strategy and opponent...but I'm not going to buy more than one...and I absolutely want one because I like them and they bring quite a lot of power. I was thinking about "Pale rider" vs "Mechanical rider" Both of them bring schemes markers which is one of the biggest lack of outcast. What would you choose ?
  13. I've just bought another ticket. Italian team mate "Giordano Vignoli" Italy is preparing the death squad
  14. Hello, During a game tonight we were unsure about the word "Immediately". Do the triggers stating "Immediately" occur during the current ACTION time - pausing the current ACTION - or do they occur after the current action is resolved but before any further action can be taken? Example1: "After damaging the target immediately take (1) AP action". If I kill the target, before it is removed, the above trigger goes in place. Can I resolve the trigger pausing the current attack? Or do I have to complete the ACTION (Attack) and then resolve trigger causing - in fact - the trigger to be canceled because target is dead? Example2: "After damaging the target get Poison+1" vs "After suffering damage immediately end the attacker activation". Does the defender get poison? Because the defensive trigger goes first...so if we PAUSE the attack ACTION and then resolve the trigger, activation is over and the poison is lost. If we resolve the trigger after the current action is over, the poison+1 goes on. Thanks
  15. I agree Jordon. You can make some spectacular things with him IF you can chain around 5-6 other IF And even IF is the case, you need to build a crew around him to try get something out of it.... I will give him a try this week end...the best thing that came over my head is the +4 armor I can give him with a nurse...and then throw it in the fight praying it would be enough to see another activation Still definitively overpriced, Wyrd please bring him down to 7 SS or give him some defensive stuff
  16. I'm trying to figure out how unbalanced this model is. I believe is underpowered in every possible way: Definitively easy to kill: only 8 wounds, almost no WP and none defensive ability at all. Terrifying is not even all...just living. Definitively no dmg output: with MI / SH 6 is extremely hard to trigger moderate / severe. Paradoxical mechanics: it works pulling everyone to himself to throw AOE damage and stuffs like that...but it's incredibly fragile so it's basically suiciding itself doing that The only very good part is the extreme mobility...but what is the purpose considering it has no DMG and survivability? Was it designed to run away from everything? :-) I'm just wondering why shall I include in my crew....rather having a cool Frankestein in my crew !
  17. Me and my friend from Italy...all paid (Riccardo Neri, Luca Mazzetti) Can't wait to play this event!
  18. How many places left do you have? Because I'm trying to persuade my friends to come with me...but I need a while ! It would be probably interesting if you can update the first post with the current subscribed / available places ! Thank you
  19. Good morning, I'm a new player (just started ~10 days ago) but I do really like this game and its mechanics. I'm from Italy and I'm wondering if - notUK people - can subscribe and join the tournament? I've asked to my friends and maybe we can do a 4-5 people group and come to play with you. It could be a starting point to plan and organize maybe some international tournaments too ? Thanks
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