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Everything posted by Bazlord_Prime

  1. Same here - don't have any Squeelers, but I have all the others, and am familiar enough with how they look from M2e to not be a problem. I'm just going to try out Ulix as though Squeelers don't exist, which will impact the grow mechanic a bit (but that won't be my focus anyway in the first games), and see how that goes. Have been eyeing up a Ulix = scheme runner idea by pairing him with a Rooster Rider for up to 21" movement per turn, but that may or may not work out 🙂 Biggest differences I've noticed are that Boars are now ~similar to Piglets & War Pigs, whereas in M2e they were quite different, and the odd one out. And Piglets no longer have that Small Target debuff, so it'll be easier for the opponent to shoot them down. Not sure now whether I'll try Ulix or Freikorps tonight, but will let you know how I go, anyway.
  2. Just started looking at Ulix myself. The front of his card has "Sturdy Critters", which allows you to pitch a card to give a 1/2/2 heal (depending on the value of the card you pitch). Soooo, why ever pitch a Severe? Wyrd just felt that a 1/2/3 heal was slightly too good, so no point chucking a Severe, unless you really have to?
  3. Now - about Ulix. I've only skim-read his crew's cards, and I don't see any Summoning other than his Grow Up Strong action. Is there something else? Because if I just kind of ignore that, then the only Summoning I have to worry about with him, is the placement of Piglets whenever another Pig dies (or if The Sow uses "Birth"). I *think* I can handle that. Maybe. I'm just considering him, because for the most part, all of the Pigs have very similar Abilities, Attacks, Triggers and purposes, so it seems like it might be a fairly straightforward crew to learn. Or is foregoing Ulix's growth-list potential really just handicapping the whole shtick? EDIT: Okay, just realised that the Hog Whisperer & Slop Hauler can both summon Piglets.
  4. Thanks for all the advice, everyone! Yeah, I remember playing M2e Lucius and finding the overlapping effects from Dashel, Queeg, Sergeants and the Riflemen being a bit of a hassle for me. Never got the hang of who was doing what, so it really slowed down my play. I haven't really looked, but I imagine that in M3e, Dashel's crew hasn't moved too far away from that shtick. The only main M3e experience I have so far is a tournament late last year, and I used Brewmaster for that, with Zoraida as a second Master. I found that okay to use, but it did drain me a bit, and I think I was really using Z and Whiskey Golem the most out of all of the models! I really like Z's Obeys, but I found a couple of times that I was essentially doing 7 Actions in her 1 activation, due to her Obeying (with double Masks), 2 of my beaters into getting 2 Actions each, so at that point I was feeling bad for my opponent who was more or less sitting there watching me play with myself for half an hour (I also need to speed up my play, of course...). And yeah - I have NEVER remembered Penetrating Stench, so I'm sure I'm not getting the most out of my models, most of the time! In terms of what I find the most taxing, I think it's the constant re-reading of cards in order to make sure I'm getting the rules right. So a crew with fairly consistent Abilities and Actions would be best. Probably puts Freikorps (and possibly the Viks, who I could borrow from a friend) into first place. That all sounds like excellent advice. I could take an elite Zoraida crew, for instance, form a solid plan, and Obey my own big beaters into carrying it out. Your point about having a 1st turn plan, really resonates for me in terms of Deployment. I can experience significant confusion, indecision and stress when I'm suddenly faced with having to decide where to put all my models, how their Abilities etc are going to interact in the 3D of the gaming table (with terrain, etc), rather than just the 2D of the theory-crafting space, and then knowing what Activation order and Actions I ought to do. So that point about having a crew with a fairly well mapped-out 1st Turn sounds like it somewhat addresses that. I gather that Wong for instance has a fairly consistent 1st Turn - cluster everyone around him, and do "The Glow", followed by a bunch of "Fzzzzap!" Attacks on your own models to load Glowy. I just don't dig those overly excessive "Playing with yourself" metagame styles at the moment, so I might steer clear of the Wong-esque crews and see which ones offer me some kind of rails for setup and deployment, without really needing to sit there flipping against just myself for the first turn. Freikorps should offer that a bit, although I guess the Equipment upgrades would all require simple duels anyway. Hmmm... Thanks @Jesy Blue. Yeah, I have found the Poison upkeep occasionally difficult, and you're right - it's mostly been a pain in the a*#e for my opponents, since they take on the bookkeeping of it on their own models. Still slows the game down, especially since it ticks down each End Phase. And I always feel under pressure at the beginning of each round to consider who in my crew needs more Poison again, how to get it there, etc. I was starting to gravitate towards Freikorps, Infamous and Swampfiend anyway, actually. I could live with non-Obey Zoraida, but I think I might even find it easier to run her with a couple big beaters, and have her Obeying them, than to get mixed up in the (admittedly cool, but pretty mind-bending) Voodoo Doll shenanigans. By non-Obey Swampfiend, do you mean to have Z concentrate more on just Hex, and Threads of Fate? Per @Adran's point, I find remembering persistent Abilities etc like Penetrating Stench and Poisoned Fate to be a bit much (tend to forget them, then remember them, then get down on myself for having forgotten them, so... might be an idea to either stay away from crews with those things, or just willfully ignore them). Anyway, will try out the Freikorps tomorrow night and see how they fit. It might be Outcast O'clock for me 😉 Thanks again everyone for taking the time to help me out!
  5. Hey all, Got a tournament coming up in a month, and I haven't gotten a lot of practice in M3e (played a fair bit of M2e tho). I have a chronic fatigue condition that makes long periods of attention and mental acuity pretty draining, so I was wondering what Masters/Keywords you all think might be the least taxing? I'm not too worried about being competitive - as long as I have fun, and am not completely knackered by the end of game 2, I'll be happy 🙂 For the record, here's a list of the Keywords/crews I own and can field at this tourny, so I'm mostly after your opinions on these ones. As an example of what I find draining, Wong is right up there. I'm finding his Glowy mechanic quite confusing, and it requires a lot of bookkeeping, so crews with a simpler shtick would be better for me at this stage. Thanks in advance! BAYOU - Wong (Wizz Bang) - Brewmaster (Tri Chi) - Zoraida (Swampfiend) - Ulix (Sooey, Pig) - Zipp (Infamous) - Som'er (Big Hat) GUILD - Sonnia (Witch Hunter) - Dashel (Guard) - Hoffman (Augmented) OUTCASTS - Zipp (Infamous) - Von Schill (Freikorps)
  6. Just to flesh this Attack out a little: So you can use Maddening Drums to "Push the target into base contact with the chosen Marker". Does anyone read this as not specifying a maximum distance on said Push? The Attack text allows multiple Markers to be removed (as long as they're in base contact), so I'm just wondering how much leeway you'd have on where the target model ends up. If the closest edge of the chosen Marker was the maximum 6" away from the target, I'm thinking that there's nothing in the wording of the Attack that says you'd only be able to Push the target to that closest edge - you should be able to Push it all the way to the other edge, or halfway over the Marker, just as long as the target ends the Push in contact with it. Yes? (The wording also neatly avoids the "Push towards" and "Push away from" stipulations, so you already have freedom of positioning in the sense that you can Push towards either outside edge of the Marker, rather than just the middle.)
  7. Cool. I'll look at updating that!
  8. No, I've had an extended leave of absence from all things Malifaux, so it's not got anything newer than the OP. I'm getting back into it again, so I'll have a look at what needs to be added. Thanks!
  9. I think this is the rub: some people are going to contend that everything following the Ensorcel trigger is subject to the "no Triggers" clause, but what you're saying is that each Action subsequently generated should be regarded as a discrete case when determining whether or not Triggers can be declared. Has there been any indication from Wyrd about which way we're supposed to lean?
  10. I agree with your reading of the different Trigger regimes resulting from Obey & Ensorcel, but In confused about the Ensorcel Charge situation Just for clarification for everyone. I mean, that chain looks like this: Action (Obey) > Trigger (Ensorcel) > Action (Charge) > Action (Attack generated by a Charge) > Trigger (eg Onslaught) > Action (Attack from Onslaught). All for 1 AP 😉 I can see such a cat-fight coming over that chain of Actions/Triggers when it happens. Which will probably be next gaming night...
  11. Zoraida's "Obey" Attack causes the target to take an Action, controlled by Zoraida. Can this resultant Action declare Triggers ("Onslaught", for example)? If Zoraida succeeds with a second Mask on her Obey, she can declare the "Ensorcel" Trigger, which reads more or less the same as the original Obey text. Can an Action resulting from this Trigger declare Triggers of its own? I can't see anything in the digital rulebook saying that Actions generated by Actions cannot declare Triggers. But there is definitely a rule against Actions generated by Triggers declaring further Triggers. Thanks!
  12. Yeah, Gluttony was a complete pariah in M2e, but he's worth looking at now. Reaching out to 10" to snag an enemy, and throwing them into their own Markers both for removal and damage - it's pretty nice. He is a 7 Stones opportunity cost on something else, but if you know you're going up against a Marker boss...
  13. No-one would fault you for playing that as an Alt McTavish. Especially since on this model the rider is *actually* sitting on the damned gator!
  14. Gluttony is another Versatile option for Marker removal. It's less straightforward than the Emissary's way of doing it, but Gluttony has a few of his own good things going on there. I used both Emissary and Gluttony against Kaeris last week, and - because of positioning and other things - Gluttony ended up removing ~4 Pyre Markers, Emissary 0.
  15. Yeah, it's now (in M3e) worded specifically that the target suffers damage from the Poison Condition. I know in M2e it was clarified that Expunge just did plain old damage, but this is ... suspicious. I'm going to go with what's written, as CD1248 agrees, unless I see otherwise. And as far as I know, no-one else has questioned this, so it must be fairly uncontroversial? Or do we think most players are probably just playing it the same way as M2e Expunge, out of habit?
  16. Hi all, Just taking a gander over M3e Brewmaster for the first time, and then reading a mate's batrep about a McMourning game, and I wondered how the two would interact when faced with each other? To me, "Blood Poisoning" reads kinda like the damage done from it is actually Poison damage, rather than generic damage: "Target suffers damage from the Poison Condition equal to the value of its Poison Condition (to a maximum of 5 damage)." So am I correct in thinking that the defensive abilities of both Brewy and McM's crews regarding Poison would just negate the Blood Poisoning damage (also thereby Healing the filthy Rezzer crew. Sigh...)? Thanks!
  17. Gotcha, thanks. I hadn't even looked at the Summoning upgrade yet, so that makes a whole lot more sense.
  18. Had my first M3e game last night, and I'm stepping out in style with Lynch! Had quite a few issues though with figuring out what Brilliance is supposed to do on my own models (beyond Illuminated). Why the heck do Beckoners receive +2 Brilliance at the start of the game, when they seem to have no way of using our themselves?? Only thing I can see is that other models (Kitty & Depleted) can target them to lose a Brilliance so that they can push towards the Beckoners. Is that it? Ta! P.S. (also, really surprised the Beckoners don't impose a -ve to Wp on their Lure for each Brilliance a target has. That would be pure fluff, right? It's a shame)
  19. Forgive the necro... But we've just started playing a bit of HH as a last hurrah for M2e, and in order to get some enthusiasm back, ahead of M3e (which we're hoping will be soon??). Last night, we all took models we'd never/hardly played in M2e, and most of us got wasted by this combo: Ryle + Executioner (Ready to Work) + Hunter + Brutal Effigy. The Effigy's (0) "Fear Not The Sword" proved too useful, and who needs both Ryle AND an Executioner in your face? Also, the Hunter was working surprisingly well with its Harpoon dragging our models out of position, and into the death zone. So far, this is the list to beat (in our little group). Just FYI, I took: Samael (Witch Hunt, Dampening Field) + Witchling Handler + 2x Witchling Stalkers. Wasn't happy with Sam's squishiness, and it always seemed that he had to be the one putting Burning on models, for some reason. I know - I didn't play him well, but I'm keen to try him again, as his damage output is enticingly high. Just was disappointed by the lack of synergy of the other models, in that none of them gained anything from an enemy having Burning. Any ideas? I'm already thinking about a Freikorps Specialist and a Guardian instead...
  20. BLAM!!! "Let me through - I'm a doctor!" BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! "Okay - better call the morgue, actually"...
  21. And the Sawbones gets to use that attack without: a). Paying 1 AP to ready the weapon; b). Arousing suspicion, as he's just carrying a simple and inconspicuous Drs bag 😉 Still - that shotgun bag could also be inconspicuous. The first time...
  22. Yeah, I think that in the process of adding the above question, I kind of answered it myself...
  23. Hi all, I'm running a Chemist, and have just taken the Specialized Toxins talent. In the Core v2 book it's been changed to read: "When this character performs an Action or declares a Trigger that would give a target with the chosen Characteristic the Poison Condition, it affects the target (even if the target is not Living), and the target gains an additional Poison +1 for each chosen Characteristic that it possesses". Rusts n' Oils and Necrochemist say: "When this character creates a compound (...), she may choose to have it affect (Constructs/Undead) instead of Living characters". So anything that delivers Poison onto a target can be used under Specialized Toxins for affecting non-Living targets. Whereas the other two Talents also apply with any compounds that don't (or do), deliver Poison. A lot of the Alchemistry Toxin compounds deliver both the Poison & the Neurotoxin Conditions, and the way I'm reading Specialized Toxins is that as long as Poison is involved, the compound's entire effects will be felt by the target (so Neurotoxin, Crazy, Suffocating and Paralyzed, as appropriate). Sound about right? The Necrochemist/Rusts n' Oils Talents are still useful for all of the other compounds, especially for healing non-Living members of your own party. Thanks!
  24. Hey all, We're looking at starting an adventure Earthside, and as all the Tarots are supposed to represent characters starting out in Malifaux, has anybody got ideas/suggestions about creating fresh characters over on Earth? Ta!
  25. I agree. I guess I could just put them both, but the mobile formatting is shonky enough as it is!
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