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Everything posted by Skitt_Happens

  1. Got to say. 2 days later and the render is really growing on me. Think we need a 360° spin.... Aaron, Nathan, Justin, anyone...?
  2. It's the synergy I have heard for it - haven't tried it as Yan Lo is in my master queue but hasn't yet made it to the table. I'm also a big fan of Wastrels, but the premise is: In standard or corner deployment such that you are not immediately engaging the enemy en-mass, walk the Wastrels out in front of Yan Lo and gain defensive. YL discards a card to gain Chi +1. Charge Wastrel with YL, picking the lowest card for defence and cheating up to get a straight flip for damage. Cheat in severe damage to gain Chi +1 Second swing you just need to hit, any damage kills Wastrel, granting another Chi +1 and drops a corpse marker. Using Toshiro, summon an Ashigaru from corpse. You've turned a useful 4ss model into a useful 5ss model, slow and wounded but 10" up the board (YL's 6" charge + 1" + 1" base of Wastrel + 1" corpse marker +1" base of Ashigaru) and YL has Chi +3. Probably costs you 3-4 cards. I reckon that's worth it.
  3. 5x9=45 Misaki w/ Smoke and Shadows, Wings of Wind and Disguised =5ss
  4. Wastrels are cheap and get easy defensive, making them good chi piggy banks. Komainu are spirits, making fury of yomi easier to get off as you don't have to make them spirits first.
  5. ... poo. I must have spent hours looking at that photo prepping my own conversation and I missed those two legs... now mine feels like an injured Joro. At some point I would love to put down a list of 5 Jorogumo with Misaki and Smoke and Shadows: I wonder if Asami will replace Misaki in that list? 1 ap charges v teleporting monsters... I want Ripples of Fate, now!
  6. Hmm. I have reason to believe that this pic is not legit. For one, I can't think of another Malifaux release that doesn't feature all of the contained models on its cover art, and two: those jorogumo have too many legs! The cover art clearly show 6 legs, with the arms making it up to an arachnid 8 limbs. Those Jorogumo clearly have 8 legs + 2 arms. I suspect someone has a copy of photoshop and too much time on their hands.
  7. On the subject of interference: I played a game of it against Molly in a tournament earlier in the year - I lost, but it was close and in hindsight I can see two very simple decisions that I got wrong and could have won me the game. What worked well though, was using smoke and shadows on a jorogumo. Dropping a 50mm base with 3" into the middle of opponents crew at the end of turn 1 or 2 is brutal. Joro just sat where she was battering everything around her. My opponent was forced to feed his models to her to stop her rampaging through his back line. Just throwing it out there: it doesn't matter if you are out activated if you can dictate what your opponent is using his ap for.
  8. I understand that the mech bacon and shadow emmy have other uses in the game as well, but for the purpose of creating Komainu, would you not consider spending the 17ss on a 3ss Emberling and 14ss of other fun stuff?
  9. If she summons, and the description: "the oni she calls forth from the Beyond...", suggests she does, then at the very least she has access to regenerate from Tengu. The turn after they are summoned. Man, I hate how that ability is worded. I suspect that her upgrades are going to be vital. Seems like the sort of model that could be built to perform a number of different tasks.
  10. Oooo... that's going to be a love it or hate it model, me thinks. I don't know how I feel yet, probably won't until I get my hands on her. Rules look exciting. Could we please get a rough idea of release schedule for these new masters? I'll definitely be buying Ms Tanaka, but am I likely to need a proxy for a month or eleven months?
  11. Guild: Francisco w/ Wade In and 2 Austringers. 21ss spent by declaring faction.
  12. I actually disagree. Partially. If you take blot the sky, both the carrier and the archers become priority targets for your opponent. I'm a fan of taking a single archer with no BtS: this allows you to apply some extra pressure where required without your opponent making a beeline for the >20ss battery you've brought that is really squidgy. Just another option to consider.
  13. Tried it. It is. Opponent focused her turn one, reducing her to 1 wound. "Come here, Piggy! Om-nom-nom." Opponent focused her again turn 2 and killed her. Totally worth it to make the majority of my opponents crew spend 2 turns to get rid of a 9 stone minion.
  14. Come on 10T Brothers and Sisters! Get your votes in on the Monday preview forum - we are all desperate to see out newest recruit, right?
  15. When do people take Punk Zombies? I am struggling to find a time when I would take them over illuminated: faster, tougher (I think) and potentially, when given fast by Toshiro to use scintillating cloud and charge, higher damage potential. Unimpeded is nice but... In almost every situation an Illuminated seems more useful. Am I wrong?
  16. I agree that Ten Thunders are a little under represented, but it's not a massive drop off by the tournament statistics I've seen. Gremlins were very low, but then they had their models released... Dual faction thundering is definitely a factor. In my meta there are quite a few players who I know to dabble with TT, but very few use it as their primary faction. One important thing is that, as TT didn't exist in 1st edition, long-time players already have a "top 5" faction. Primary TT or Gremlin players are newer players generally (I include myself in that). Gremlins have a clear and attractive hook. In terms of game play, TT is a bit muddier. In my opinion, TT are really strong in the high / mid-range of models: our options at 7-8ss are all brilliant. However our options are less spectacular at <5ss and non existent at >10ss. Compare a Katakana Sniper to a Trapper (in Outcasts) - we pay an extra soulstone for a model that is all round better, but if all you are doing is focus, shoot, repeat, then you are paying more for a model that does the same thing. The popularity of Neverborn and Arcanists, I think, is that each of their models has a specific task to which it applies itself very well. As long as you don't ask them to do anything else, they won't let you down. Neverborn have dominated the UK rankings for a long time because, in the right hands, the performance is very hard to match. I have a theory: playing well with TT should not necessarily be about creating unstoppable lists and playing for 10vp, but finding your opponents weak spots and poking them in it. With a pointy stick. To win with ninjas you must become the ninja! This is a less obvious, and immediately appealing strategy, but equal to any other faction in its own right. Having said all that, at my last tournament the tables were separated in banks of three. In my second round game (Squatter's Rights) I looked over and all three players sitting on the same side of the table were all playing TT McCabe. Great moment of: "have I brought the right master?" Look to my left, look to my right: "apparently I have." I suppose the extrapillated question here is: why did we choose TT over other more "competitive" factions? Aesthetic was the leading point for me, but I also like the character of the Ten Thunders.
  17. Strange how much the Angler-fish, ghost fairies divide opinion. I like them: they are disturbing and oddly cute. You don't like them? Don't buy them. They freak you out even being on the table? I'm definitely bringing them. I'll be 1-0 up on the mind games before we've started!
  18. Really like this model too. Beautiful! I'm going to put it out there: last week Ressers and 10T shared more than 50% of the total votes.... Tuesday preview? Come on Wyrd, we know you don't want to drag this out over 7 weeks, really...
  19. Thanks. Been playing that wrong. I seem to have managed to slightly misunderstand nearly everything on his card...
  20. Related question: do you shuffle the cards from both castings back into your deck, or just the copied action?
  21. Right - I see, thanks. Not sure what to read into that. Interesting...
  22. I presume that should say turban and beard, and by "Sinkh" do you mean Sikh? I have no idea what a sinkh is and Google doesn't help much... also, what minion are you talking about? I don't see that as a turban and beard - could be but could also be long hair and a mask. The hands and feet are very dainty for a man...
  23. Really love the sculpt for Titiana - can't wait to see the others! I have a question for the Wyrd Sisters (staff): will the new masters be getting their own avatar and conflux upgrades? If so, will these be included in the crew box or can we expect to see a wave 4 upgrade deck?
  24. I think you are thinking of 10T brothers. It's a trigger on their (0)
  25. I had a game earlier this year in a slow grow league which taught me a few things about dealing with Ramos. It was a 45 stone game and I was playing McCabe. My opponent took Joss, brass arachnid, tool kit, effigy. I think the firestarter, who as always deployed off on a flank and I ignored all game. I was surprised not to see Howard but ... happy days. If you know you are playing Ramos he's easy to build for: McCabe with bos, gs and promises. Kang. Dawn Serpent. Some other models who may or may not have done something in the game. Turn 1 Ramon summoned 3 spiders next to Kang. Dawn serpent lined up in kangs aura and shot the spiders. 3 spiders dead in one activation. Top of turn 2, Kang, who had bos on him at this point dropped recalled training, dropped a card to ignore armour and promptly charged halfway across the table into Joss. This was a stupid idea, even with to attack and damage and ml 7 ignoring armour because he has hard to kill so you aren't going to kill him in 1 activation. I realised this as I went to flip for damage on the first hit... Red Joker. 9 damage ignoring armour. Joss on hard to kill. Then he died. If you take away Ramos' beaters (particularly in reckoning as we were playing) he has to join the fight himself. This is not where he wants to be. Ramos was unlucky and Black joker ed a spider summon on turn 2 and electrical creation summon turn 3, but as he pushed up the board he found himself in a triangle of McCabe, Kang and a reactivating dawn serpent with glowing saber. Dawn only got one hit in with the sword as he was pushed away, but positioning by a wall allowed hin to bite him instead. All at to attack and damage... om-nom-nom! Ramos is killable, but when you go after him, don't attack anything else till he is off the board. An opportunist kill on the side will make the task of getting rid of Ramos expenentially more difficult.
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