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Everything posted by Bakuriel

  1. I love the Collodi/Laz bunker buster, using my will after a chain activation and auto firing is a great way to punish the table, blasts be damned. That said, I'm surprised nobody uses Envy with him like I do. Because of the wording on Envy's 0 action, which states that the targeted model takes the focus action, you can give all your puppet pals focus in a 6 inch aura for the low low cost of one card from your hand. Kind of hard to beat, especially when he's a great ranged model for our beloved puppet master.
  2. 20 SS Guild Crew The Judge + 4 Pool Govenor's Proxy (3) The Jury (8) Executioner (9) - Ready To Work (0) (exported from CrewFaux) Who needs upgrades?! (Edit: forgot the 0 upgrade for executioner) Seriously though, don't even know if this list would work or not, just felt like loading up the witch hunters for the hilarity. Somehow this seems half solid. Proxy mostly because he fits the cost but also because he can heal your beaters while providing an irritating duel to anyone who swats him.
  3. Carmina Ortega Originally a prestigious member of the Ortega family, known for her preference with a mid ranged carbine, Carmina was a scourge to Neverborn threats everywhere. She was recognized largely for her ability to vanish into her surroundings so completely that even the native creatures she hunted had difficulty pinning down her location, until it was too late. Unfortunately for Carmina, fate had cruel plans with her. During an otherwise routine operation she ran afoul of some Illuminated working for Jakob Lynch, and in the battle that followed became afflicted with their Brilliance. Sadly, Carmina's strong will and independence worked against her, as she battled with her addiction internally, never letting on just how badly she needed the brew to keep herself stable. After a particularly rough night on the job, Carmina almost failed to take out her target, the one obsession stronger even than the hold of the hungering darkness. Finally to the point of seeking help, nearly among the ranks of the Illuminated responsible, she began the futile efforts to release herself from the grip of her addiction. Hope was a rare commodity, and in a moment of desperation, she turned to the Guild's expert on magical maladies, Sonnia Criid, in an attempt to purge her soul with purifying flame. The hungering darkness proved far more formidable than she'd planned. Nobody is quite sure what happened that night in the Guild Enclave, but a few reports share some striking similarities. What everyone seems to agree upon is this: a woman, or what sounded like a woman, began screaming at the top of her lungs, the sound gradually distorting in the night air as a bright blue-gold flame roared to life, climbing into the sky before surging off deep into the quarantine zone. Ever since that night, reports occasionally trickle in of a woman wearing a long red leather duster, peering at them from beneath a wide brimmed hat with eyes that seem to burn with a brilliant violet light. Details about her features are obscure, as those few unfortunate enough to survive seeing her face describe a nightmare vision of a woman burning to death before their very eyes, her skin scorched and melting away as she grins madly at them, as if in the throes of ecstasy. Whatever Carmina has become, it hasn't dampened her skill with a rifle, or her addiction to both the Brilliance that caused her downfall or her duty as an Ortega. Occasionally seen placing bullets into the Guild as often as their enemies, Carmina has become a scourge in the night, a candle flickering against the darkness, and a grim reminder that no matter your skill or strength of character, when treading the path of your fate in Malifaux, bad things happen. Association: Guild/Neverborn Notable features: smoldering heart, drawn to the light, from the shadows, clockwork rifle with the following triggers; ram: critical strike, mask: coated bullet, tome: incendiary round (burning +1), crow: pinned down
  4. I like using my emissary, but tend to take him mostly with Lucius for the amusing backstab charges, though I might take him with Nellie once I get the new conflux. For my personal amusement, I like to bury Lucius with a marshal and What lackeys are for my emissary into annoying positions.
  5. I generally go for promises queeg with two orderlies and whatever other beater model I like, such as Phiona. Orderlies are decent enough in melee, useful with the healing, and occasionally able to cycle cards with in the name of research. Queeg gets really irritating with the orderlies resetting hard to kill all the time, same for other henchmen Sometimes I'll swap out one orderly with a reporter, especially if I'm using phiona, and those negative attack flips are really helpful when the only way to get rid of them is to waste an ap dropping a useless scheme marker.
  6. Would be pretty hilarious whatever the outcome
  7. If I wanted to focus exclusively on stopping charges, I'd use riflemen standing behind ashigaru that I'd hired with some Domadores, then possibly support that with some sanctioned casters to keep the ashigaru from getting pushed... This sounds dumb and I must try it now...
  8. Lackeys shows up in TtB form in the new overseer rules in the core book, as does the defensive trigger to shunt damage onto said lackeys. Seems like Lucius is something of an overseer/commander mix.
  9. I need this book in my life yesterday
  10. Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of how the Neverborn get the short end of the story stick, but given that I made references to Bloodwretches, it seems that I can spin the group of Neverborn enslaving Cooper as being subservient to Nekima, which works because she's a bit of a nutjob even by Nephilim standards. Definitely need to work on some backstory for Cooper to really get this going, which is lucky for me, since his history is left mostly up to imagination as is.
  11. No offense taken, I asked for constructive criticism. It's largely left out of the main story, since the chronicles like their open ended themes. And I did copy the later text boxes from the chronicle itself, can't take direct credit for that. That said, I'm more than willing to entertain ideas about his actual motivation. When I ran the game I had it that he was murdering some of the more mind control resistant parents who followed him around, but honestly it didn't really come into play much. However, I know other groups will dig much deeper into the rationale, and I very much want to improve upon what's been drawn up here so far. Edit: Thinking about it, the missing daughter angle gives me an idea. Rather than her simply being gone, perhaps she's been hidden in plain sight. Hunting for opinions again here. Mercury and thin Lizzy are his son and daughter, and baritone Lola is what used to be his wife. The Nephilim, or at least the Neverborn, control the curse that can change them back, and are holding his family hostage for some slight against them from the past. Or just because he's a powerful human, could be any number of reasons there. It doesn't yet solve their murdering sprees, but it does give strong control to the Nephilim and potential complications if the Fated kill any of Cooper's subordinates.
  12. Ran the module this past Tuesday, this is the result: Session ran almost exactly 2 and a half hours, accounting for delays, which was the desired run time. Party had guild ties, so questioned Sylvia and moved on, bypassing the false lead and the revelation about kids. Didn't slow the party down, but they were surprised to find out who was being abducted later. Almost everyone failed the centering challenges, save one character who had to convince the rest of the party he wasn't crazy. Hilarity ensued, but he succeeded. Party managed to chase the caravan without issue, and split up to search. First party member decided to open the beast cage, sent it into the performer area, scared the bejeezus out of the two in that area. After the beast started assaulting Lola, someone had the bright idea to unhitch the cart after they saw the kids, allowed it because it was clever. Once the caravan scene wrapped up we hit time for the session (player with a tight schedule) but everyone enjoyed themselves, so it was a success. Still open to suggestions and tweaks, and interested in hearing stories if anyone runs it themselves.
  13. Late to the party here but all I can think of is starting up a V:tM game and a few sessions in some Malkavian has a crazy nightmare about this strange place where magic runs wild and vampires never existed, then you restart the session when everyone gets sucked into the dream and has to redo their characters as Fated.
  14. Greetings all! I'm happy to announce that I've been added to our already formidable list of Henchman, and am currently open for demos in the greater Charleston area in South Carolina. Currently my main venue is the Green Dragon, located at 7671 Northwoods Blvd in North Charleston. My regularly scheduled demo time will be alternating Tuesdays starting October 17th from 3pm onward, but I'm available during the afternoon after 3pm on Mondays and most Tuesdays, as well as most of the day on Saturday and Sunday. If you wish to set up a demo, feel free to message me directly and mention your availability and what day and time works best for you. My events aren't limited to the board game either, as I possess the core rules for Through the Breach and many of the supplements. I look forward to helping build our community even more, and can't wait to see you at the gaming table!
  15. Changes made, Scene 3 and Conclusion have been added Edit: Help with FMC stats will be particularly appreciated as that part gets really arduous after a while
  16. No problem, I'll be around a lot so I can help once you start getting the module outlined.
  17. Check out the Wyrd Chronicles on drivethrurpg.com, every issue starting with #14 onwards has a TTB one shot you can read through to understand the format the modules take and can help with ideas on how to write your own. The one I'm writing, Dark Carnival, mostly copies the format of the Ferryman from the Penny Dreadful series.
  18. Glad you appreciate them. I personally find the Lynch idea particularly interesting thematically, because Ocean's Eleven had hidden twist elements to it, and I like the idea that Lynch is your "interested third party" and uses the heist as a way to distribute Brilliance to the poorer areas of Malifaux while using the loss of the brew as a way to hike prices up in his casino for a short while. But the Guild and Star are also great targets. It's all in how you approach it, gotta think about the endgame of a scenario as you're going along, you know?
  19. I'm writing one up too, and what I did was find a pre existing module with similar challenges and follow that format. To start with, big ticket locations to target could be; Guild headquarters for a large sum of scrip or stones, stealing a shipment of stones from the star theater prior to a smuggling operation, or hitting the Honeypot Casino with designs on selling some of Lynch's special brew to an interested third party. All of these match the scale you're trying to imitate.
  20. Shouldn't be too difficult, in all honesty. Heist attempts are common enough in Malifaux. Given the scale of the movie, I think the best place to start is to define your target and the goal of the heist. Soul stones are the most likely goal, naturally.
  21. Scene 2 complete, really hoping to get some opinions and/or criticisms on this one.
  22. Updated once again, up to the end of Scene 1. Will attempt to draw up Scene 2 tomorrow.
  23. Thanks for the input. I did have clearer ideas on the facts than the rumours. That input will definitely help me reformat when I get back to writing this up.
  24. First part of Scene 1 is up Edit: Help with the Information/rumor section would be appreciated, feel like they should be a bit more detailed
  25. Thanks for all the feedback. I'll be posting each Scene separately for critiques and improvements. Prologue is now updated into the first post.
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