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Hobby Wyrd

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Everything posted by Hobby Wyrd

  1. In July we will be releasing our latest Errata, and we wanted to give our community a little bit of insight into our thought process. The community has voiced their concerns about balance issues since Madness of Malifaux, and we wanted to let you know how we are addressing them. Let’s start with the list of models that will be getting an Errata. These models fall into two camps: models that are too powerful and are getting toned down (they’re being cuddled nerfed, there, we said it), and models that are not powerful enough and are getting a bit of a boost. The cards getting toned down are as follows: Damian Ravencroft, Unbound The Configuration (Upgrade) Lohith Soulstone Gamin Harrison Frodsham Harris J-5 Gearling Sabertooth Cerberus Harold Tull, Artillerist King’s Wall Louisa Fusi John Watson Guild Mage Perdita Ortega, Neverborn Hunter Nephilim Hunter (Upgrade) Hag Hunter (Upgrade) Bestial Hunter (Upgrade) Ghost Hunter (Upgrade) The Iron Matron Koji Yannic Waller Wandering River Style (Upgrade) The cards getting a boost are as follows: Slate Ridge Mauler Sergeant Sanctioned Spellcaster Razorspine Rattler Angel Eyes Tuco Ortega Maurice Bloodwretch Corrupted Hound It would be surprising if there is a single person in the community who 100% agrees with the above list; however, we think it will address many concerns. There are a lot of factors that go into deciding whether to Errata a model. Every meta is different; it is possible there are models some players consider problematic, which other playgroups have found ways to deal with, and potentially even consider underpowered (or vice versa). While we strive to create as balanced a game as we can, perfect balance is unfortunately impossible. But, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Asymmetry adds a lot to a game. Building lists and finding ways to counter the top of the meta can be fun, but only to a certain degree. When the top of the meta is too high, it becomes oppressive. When it came to some of the Madness Keywords, they have been found to be in that oppressive category. Hopefully, the steps we have taken here will make those Crews not as over-powering, shake up the meta, and create a healthier game overall. Of course, we also want to mention the models we are giving a boost. In a game with so many models, there will always be some that are not taken as often as others. You may be asking yourself how we chose which of these models to address. There are many factors that go into these decisions: some models are good tech picks, others exist in crews with lots of options, etc. We used those factors and more as a part of an experiment to see how this can work. There are significantly more models getting a boost in this Errata than in previous ones and, if it goes well, we will strongly consider doing more in the future. It could be argued that these are not the “worst” models in the game, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if it’s the worst or the second worst if it doesn’t see the table. When selecting these models, we weighed out-of-game factors, such as unsold stock we had on hand, as well as on the shelves of game stores, to a higher degree than when we tone down models. Since these models aren’t running around breaking the game, leaving some models be was an option. The meta of any game is a living thing that changes and grows with time, experience, and, on occasion, Errata. This was not the first Errata and will not be the last. There are almost certainly models that exist that will see an Errata later, but that is the natural ebb and flow of a game’s meta. In other words: if we missed something, we’ll get it next time! This Errata will be released in late July, just in time for Gen Con. So if you want to see how these changes play out and you’ll be there, sign up for some Wyrd events! With all of that said, we also wanted to give you a sneak peek at a portion of the upcoming Errata. The most exciting ones are the ones happening to the Witness Keyword, so let’s go over them. The Configuration Upgrade affects the whole Keyword, so let’s start there: The Conduit Ability is now only Once per Activation. This allows the Configuration to work how it did before while preventing the Witness models from always getting the Triggers they need. Next up is Lohith: We made one simple change to Lohith: his Soulstone Geode Action no longer affects damage flips. We feel that this will stop the model from increasing damage outputs, reducing the oppressiveness and damage output of the entire Keyword, while retaining the core of what Lohith is all about. Next, let’s look at the Soulstone Gamin: We replaced the Prioritize Trigger with Drain Magic. This is to prevent an unintended exploit where Drain with Prioritize built-in could be used on relenting friendly models as a form of free card draw. This was too powerful, un-interactive, and not very fun. Swapping this Trigger out for something else allows the model to function similarly to how it did before without being open to that particular abuse. Finally, there is Damian Ravencroft, Unbound himself: Damian Ravencroft, Unbound has received the most changes in this entire Errata cycle, arguably the most changes of any Errata cycle. All the other models and Upgrades on the list above have received changes more in line with those to Lohith or the Soulstone Gamin. A Trigger here or a word there has been altered, but the identity of the model stayed the same. Damian Ravencroft, Unbound did not stay the same, so let’s talk about it. This model was way above the curve, and he was above the curve in a way that changing a word or swapping out a Trigger would not solve. Part of the issue was that he just did everything a little too well. He drew cards, dealt damage, he Healed, he turned off enemy Soulstones, enemy Triggers, and enemy card draw. He repositioned models, handed out the Focused Condition, and cleansed Conditions. He was good at everything and lacked focus. So we decided to give him exactly that. Damian Ravencroft, Unbound now prefers to stand in the center of the battle, allowing his models to draw LoS and range through him while he supports them and directs what they do. He is the eye of the hurricane, heralding the onslaught his crew will throw out while controlling the action. Let’s go through his card and talk about how his Abilities and Actions facilitate that playstyle. Refraction is now his signature Ability. This is what allows friendly models to draw range and LoS through Damian, and defines where he is supposed to be on the board. His 14 wounds, Superiority Complex, and Beacon of Order help to keep him alive while he is in the thick of it. Witness’s Influence supports his Crew by manipulating the Configuration. On the back of his card, Absolute Control and Chains of the Tyrant are the two most important Actions for his new playstyle. Absolute Control allows him to make friendly models take Actions, and, since they can draw range and LoS through him, it enhances his ability to act as the eye of the storm with Attacks striking out from him. Chains of the Tyrant allows him to reposition models and Pulse out some damage, further controlling the area around him. He can even Summon Soulstone Gamin with it, positioning them to use their new Drain Magic Trigger. Waves of Power and Die Though, Unsung are not part of the heart of his new playstyle, but they are important Actions. Waves of Power is a powerful Bonus Action. Its unique format encourages really thinking hard about the value of cards in your Configuration. The lower the value of the card you draw into your Control Hand, the more powerful the effect. This forces an interesting choice between receiving either a stronger effect or a higher card. Finally, Die Though, Unsung is his new melee Action. Damian, Unbound has awakened the powers of the Tyrant Witness, and what better way to represent that than turning an enemy’s own attacks against them? Die Though, Unsung is stronger against the mighty, while, ironically, being weaker against weaker models. After all, it is a very different story for a Mature Nephilim to get hit with its own Attack than a Mindless Zombie. So think about where you use this Action! It is our hope that this Errata does not simply downgrade the power of a problematic model, but also creates a new and interesting playstyle that did not exist before which even Damian enthusiasts will enjoy. With all of that said, some people will want to know why Damian Ravencroft, Aspirant is not on the list. The changes to his crew, and the Configuration Upgrade, in particular, are a hit to his power. The meta will need time to adjust to the changes we have here, then we will see what the future holds. That’s all for today! If you liked this Errata deep-dive, let us know. Maybe next time we can share our thoughts about the value of a good hat... Also, note that all of the featured cards are still being tested so are subject to change. Have a great day, and stay Wyrd! We’ll see you at Gen Con!
  2. In "Forged in Darkness," an imprisoned Tyrant receives a visit from Father Time himself. http://www.breachsidebroadcast.com/e/chronicles-46/
  3. Hey Wyrdos! This week, Waldo decided to break out his fishing pole and snacklebox (a tacklebox for snacks, obviously). Armed with gummy worms for bait, he ventured down to the local creek to see what sorts of ichthyoids he could wrassle up. Unfortunately, he ended up dragging this thing back to the office: We don’t know what it is, but the general consensus is that it’s not edible. To make matters worse, a very angry (and ghostly) captain showed up a little while later, swearing vengeance and cursing us for taking “her Ferryman.” What do you think, Wyrdos? Who is this oddly-familiar woman? Was this undead creature her pet? Do gummy worms really work as bait? Let us know your theories in the comments!
  4. Hey Wyrdos! This week, Waldo decided he’d try his hand at inventing again. One roll of duct tape, a few blocks, a fork, a coffee pot, and some engineering know-how later, we had a little armored coffee fortress rolling around the office. Waldo didn’t install an off switch (of course), so we’re waiting for this caffeinated castle to tire itself out. In the meantime, if you’re curious about other castles with strange movement tendencies, there’s a tale that might intrigue you… “The Tragedy of Galehault”, our latest One Shot for Through the Breach, takes place inside an ancient mechanical citadel. Legends say its king was a man obsessed with creating a form so perfect that not even death could claim him. Now, horrid amalgamations of flesh and metal crawl through its constantly-shifting innards, and the remains of great inventions and incredible technologies lie within. The Fated will need to brave the changing castle and its guardians to discover the place’s cursed past… and maybe uncover a way to shut it down for good. This adventure also includes a wide variety of traps and tricks you can use in other ways to trip up Fated characters, even if you don’t plan on playing through The Tragedy itself! You can download the PDF of “The Tragedy of Galehault” for just $5 on DriveThruRPG. Follow the link and dive into the mysterious tale behind some of the first amalgamations… The Tragedy of Galehault on DTRPG
  5. Hey Wyrdos, Convention season is here! As GenCon approaches, we hope you're as excited for the Best Four Days in Gaming™ as we are! Are you heading to GenCon 2023? Are you interested in sharing your passion for Wyrd Games with the community? If so and time allows, consider volunteering for Wyrd at this year's show! We still have a variety of open shifts available, sign-up here or fill out the form below. If you can't volunteer but still want to try to make one of our events, click here. Can’t wait to see you there Wyrdos!
  6. Heya Wyrdos! We’re excited to release our Tournament Documents for the M3E Tyrant Tournament, Henchman Hardcore, and Double Random Rush Wyrd Events at Gen Con 2023! Make sure you take a look at the documents for all the event goodness, and please take note of the changes from last year’s policies, such as our punctuality guidelines. Basically, if you're late, you risk losing a VP. We made this change based on feedback we received last year on late starts which negatively impacted other players. So, be on time, you Wyrdos! There’s still time to get your tickets to one of these or our many other great events! Check out the image below or head over to our Wyrd Gen Con 2023 Events page. We hope you’re just as excited as we are for The Best Four Days in Gaming™ in Indianapolis, August 3rd - 6th, 2023!
  7. In "Not Quite What the Doctor Ordered," Sebastian sets out on a mission for McMourning but gets mixed up when he finds himself in the middle of a carnival. http://www.breachsidebroadcast.com/e/chronicles-45/
  8. Hey Wyrdos! This week, Waldo decided to give himself a promotion. He cut out a paper crown, brought in the most regal stick he could from outside, and worked on his “Grandest Poobah” walk. While our beloved imp handles all the responsibilities his new station has, let’s take a look at someone else who’s moving up the ranks. Commander Bura might be a familiar face to Through the Breach fans. Leaping off the pages of Above the Law to join fights on the tabletop, Bura is a foundation around which your forces can rely. The Vanguard keyword believes defense can be the best offense. While she retains the Guild’s usual methods of solving problems, Bura’s epithet isn’t just for show! That’s all for this week, Wyrdos. Tell us how you’re planning to use Commander Bura in your Guild crews!
  9. Hey Wyrdos! This week, we’re wrapping up our Heavy Metal painting contest, where entrants were asked to showcase their skills with metallics. There were tons of fantastic entries, so thanks to everyone for participating! However, only a few can emerge from this ironclad competition victorious. Take a look at the winners for both the Singles and Overachievers categories: Singles: 1st Place - @Snorty Saiga with Heavy01 2nd Place - @Allbwith Heavy02 3rd Place - @JordiFort with Heavy10 Ove rachiever: 1st Place - @Skrytnik with Metal07 2nd Place - @KID55 with Metal04 3rd Place - @Stevelangelo with Metal05 Best of Awards The “Best of” staff voting was tough for this contest; the number of great entries to choose from made it hard to pick our favorites! Eventually, 3 winners came out on top: Singles: @Jordi Serra with Heavy19 Overachiever: @Stevelangelo with Metal05 Best of Wyrd: @KID55 with Metal04 Finally, our giveaway winners are as follows: @Brad Maynes @Shock & Awe @Cognitive_Thoughtworks That’s all for this week, Wyrdos. Thanks again to everyone for participating, and don’t forget to click the Heavy Metal logo above to check out other great submissions! Winners will be contacted, and badges will be assigned to all participants and winners today.
  10. In part two of "A Disease Divided," the Freikorps goes up against the Plague Tyrant himself, Hamelin. http://www.breachsidebroadcast.com/e/tales-of-malifaux-160/
  11. Hey Wyrdos! As Waldo has no doubt told you all, we here at Wyrd love Halloween. We were all shocked when a wilder gene-ius appeared in the office with a collection of curious cobbled-together creatures in tow. Our new scientist didn’t waste any time setting up for this year’s Rotten Harvest! Check out this electrifying trailer to get a closer look at what sorts of lovable creations the young doctor will be bringing along with him. Rotten Harvest boxes will be available through retailers after summer. But remember, they’re limited release: once they’re gone, they’re gone forever! Make sure you get your pre-orders in at your local retailer!
  12. Hey Wyrdos! This week, Waldo decided he’d start looking into fungal gardening. Weird as it may sound, our little imp has something of a green thumb! He’s been making mushroom soup, mushroom risotto, mushrooms with mushrooms… needless to say, we’re all a bit tired of fungi at this point. But you know a pair who isn’t? Batsch and Amalie! This pair of mycologists fell in love Earthside, dedicating their lives to figuring out the mysteries behind the mycelium. They traveled to Malifaux during the first Breach on a new expedition into the Bayou. Unfortunately, the mushrooms here turned out to be a bit more bitey than the pair expected. Batsch and Amalie’s adoration continues in undeath. Their Fungal keyword rewards close proximity and collaboration, turning the battlefield into a spore-infested wonderland for allies. Distracted enemies might not agree… That’s all for this week, Wyrdos! What do you think of this new fun guy and his gal? Let us know in the comments!
  13. Welp, between the excitement of Adepticon and Gama this slipped right through our fingers! I'll be getting this sorted asap and thanks for bringing it to my attention!
  14. In "A Bad Penny," a malevolent coin circulates through Malifaux's underground economies. http://www.breachsidebroadcast.com/e/chronicles-44/
  15. Hey Wyrdos! This week, Waldo decided he’d give everyone around the office some of his brand-new headshots. Our little imp poses with the panache of a supermodel… or so he says. Most of the pictures just had his horns and eyebrows. Apparently, he hasn’t quite figured out the camera. Still an iconic Waldo move, wouldn’t you say? Speaking of iconic, we’ve got some exciting new things coming for the Wyrd line! If you aren’t familiar, the Iconic line focuses on bringing characters and action-packed moments to your painting table. They come with two miniatures: one painter’s scale, and one small enough to use in your games of Malifaux! One we’re very excited to show off is everyone’s favorite ice cream-loving monster with a heart of gold, Archie! As you can see, they must have run out of his favorite flavor… While Carving Day is still a ways off, that doesn’t mean the Carver can’t pop up when you least expect him! Take a look at how this nefarious scarecrow looks as he ascends to the peak of his power during the Halloween season. Gallopin’ ghosts, it’s Maco Joe! That’s right, we’ve got our first Iconic from Vagrantsong on the way. This piece features Joe in all his headless glory… is he trying to offer help to our Vagrants, or hinder them? Even cooler, instead of coming with a smaller version of Maco Joe, this Iconic has exclusive Junk Cards you can add to your games of Vagrantsong! That’s all for this week, Wyrdos. Keep an eye out for other Iconics like the Last Dance; they’ve been delayed a bit, but should be waltzing to shelves near you soon!
  16. Hey Wyrdos! This week, we found a bunch of chewed pencils missing erasers around the office. Turns out, Waldo’s been trying very hard to figure out what ‘PDF’ means. “Personal defense fig” is the closest he’s gotten. While we try and convince our imp you aren’t supposed to actually gnaw the erasers off pencils, let’s share some other news about a certain PDF… That’s right! From Shadows, the Ten Thunders-focused expansion for Through the Breach is now available on DriveThruRPG! Filled with secrets, mythological beasts made real, and pasts that influence the future, this book is perfect for Fated and Fatemasters looking to add mystique, intrigue, and corruption to their games. You can grab From Shadows RIGHT HERE! Click the image above to go to the wallpapers page. You can also check out these awesome wallpapers featuring art from the book. Guard your screens with ferocious oni, peerless assassins, and characters of entirely scrupulous natures. That’s all for this week, Wyrdos. How are you and your Through the Breach group enjoying From Shadows?
  17. Heya! Thanks for pointing it out, We got it fixed, and now all of the OG guild gals are back where they should be!
  18. In part one of "A Disease Divided," the community of Freiholt begins to develop a rat problem, and fingers are pointed at Benny Wolcomb. http://www.breachsidebroadcast.com/e/tales-of-malifaux-159
  19. Howdy Wyrdos, With folks out and about at GAMA last week, Waldo capitalized on the opportunity to expand his musical horizons by rummaging through a few Wyrd office playlists. Seems he loved what he heard because declared he was going to "collect as much Heavy Metal as possible." Imagine our surprise when we came in to find loads of iron, lead, and cobalt at our warehouse docks. While we teach Waldo the difference between Heavy Metal and Heavy Metals, here's a look at our Spring Painting Contest! Our theme for this contest is Metal. Entries must feature non-metallic metal (NMM) or true metallic metal (TMM). If you’re new to the Wyrd Painting contests, these are a chance for our community members to express their talent and creativity through the miniature medium. An important point of note: Entries do not need to be Wyrd-based, but it is the only way to qualify for our Best of Wyrd prize! The deadline for submissions for Heavy Metal ends on May 31st, 2023. Eager to learn more and get started? Head over to our Forum Post here for all the details! That’s all for this week Wyrdos, and we’ll be back next week with more fun from Waldo’s Weekly.
  20. Hey Wyrdos! This week, Waldo decided to celebrate Arbor Day by dragging an entire tree into the office. We aren’t sure how he got it inside, much less how he moved it (our imp isn’t known for his core strength). Still, it’s nice to have a bit of greenery around! A little bit of arboreal goodness is just what some Through the Breach games need too. Those who wander Malifaux’s most fertile grounds might just come upon a strange pair, chosen to help spread the world’s flora. In this free Augment for Through the Breach, Fatemasters will be able to take advantage of this youthful Primordial and his hijinks. Though willing to offer assistance (and some delicious apples) to those in need, the Sowers are more than capable of calling the natural world to defend not only themselves but the very grounds they tend. TTB_Augment_TheSowers.pdf That’s all for this week, Wyrdos. Tell us how you’ll be adding the Sowers to your Through the Breach game! Will you bring a shovel to your next session, or sit down for some banter and apple juice?
  21. We're so honored for Vagrantsong's nomination for Best Cooperative Game in the 2022 Golden Geek Awards! You can support our spooky boss-battler by voting below! https://www.boardgamegeek.com/geekawards/boardgame
  22. In "Ram in the Thicket," a steel worker is driven by the ghosts of his past to commit terrible acts. http://www.breachsidebroadcast.com/e/chronicles-43/
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