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Everything posted by Boomstick

  1. There's also an Outcast specific one.
  2. Thanks so much for the update, and the transparency! Amazon may run like a scarily efficient clockwork robot overlord, but Wyrd is human (and sounds like you treat your warehouse workers more reasonably too) and that's what I appreciate about you guys. We'd never get this sort of transparency from Amazon, and I'm happy to wait patiently for my goodies. You guys keep up the amazing work!
  3. Quick update on Dreamer and Chompy, coming along quite nicely.
  4. Assuming I'm not facing Ten Thunders: Soul Stone Cache: 6 [Masters] - Colette Du Bois, Leader [Henchmen] - Cassandra Felton [Enforcers] - Angelica Durand - Coryphee Duet - Ferdinand Vogel [Minions] - Mechanical Dove - Mechanical Dove - Mechanical Dove - Soulstone Miner + Magical Training Taking Harness and either Breakthrough or Power Ritual, definitely bluffing Power Ritual turn one. Idea is that Colette and Cassandra and Angelica will be able to get down markers for Harness while engaging to prohibit enemy markers or pick them up with Don't Mind Me. Having Colette go late turn two will allow you to move your own models out of engagement to prevent the other crew from trying Hold Up. Meanwhile, the Duet can get into their backfield turn 1 with a little help from Colette, and can get markers in place for either Breakthrough or Power Ritual, flip their back field Turf markers, and then help support things in the middle. Soulstone Miner can support as needed. Vogel provides healing/Shielded to those in the middle, as well as ranged damage not caring about engagement with potential card draw, and more marker removal just by walking, also with card draw. Colette does her usual movement shenanigans and aims to bury a model each turn.
  5. My best RPG experiences have always been centered around when my players add to the world with their own actions. Things far beyond the rules. The top option that comes to mind is when one of my players in a homebrew Pathfinder world role-played an Orcish wedding, which I'd never consciously thought of before, but turned out to be a ritualized fight where both parties prove to the other that they can take care of themselves, thereby showing they'll be an asset instead of a liability. Having just picked up TTB at GenCon, I'm looking forward to starting some trouble Breach-side and seeing what shenanigans my players get up to to deal with it.
  6. I've recovered from GenCon and have completed building and basing Dreamer's new box and a spidery couple I've had waiting for him, along with Serena... Altogether it'll be 70ss if I can get them all done (unlikely, but I'm motivated to get them on the table. If nothing else, aim high, and if not, next month!)
  7. Looking great so far everyone! Especially enjoying @Wintergloom's Urami work, wow! My month wrapped up with a lot of learning on my end, tried some new techniques on the Hooded Rider (or as I've been calling him, the Dark Pony of Time) and am pretty pleased with the results. Between him, Bad Juju, and three Flying Piglet parrots for Zipp's Pirates, I'm at 29ss for the month. Presuming no issues at GenCon, next month: Dreamer!
  8. WIP after today's work on the Hooded Rider. Really enjoying this model, while at the same time feeling like it's taking forever to make noticable progress due to all the details.
  9. It's 106 miles to Malifaux. We got a full Fate Deck, half a cache of Soulstones, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it! Really though, I just want some horns. I don't even care that they'd inevitably be a 17 piece trombone and trumpet, and a sax where you have to attach the individual buttons.
  10. I'd love to see the Crossroad Seven as a blues band instead of a rock band.
  11. Quick update on my end: Flying piglets are pretty well done but for some basing and deciding if I want to green stuff them some pirate hats. Bad Juju just needs better eyes and a touch up or two on his water effects. I'm stepping up my lighting work on the Hooded Rider and pretty pleased with it so far. Thoughts?
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