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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. Zombicide 'Murder of Crowz'? Though you get 15 bases of them so if you don't play Zombicide I guess it's a bit much for a couple of them.
  2. This definitely sounds like a lack of terrain. Not that they should be able to easily close the gap, they should need to be cautious about how they move foward, but they shouldn't be getting gunned down before reaching combat. This is a good guide on how much terrain you should have on the table.
  3. Just a point - how much terrain are you using? Malifaux uses more terrain than other games. You should have a good mix of terrain that entirely blocks line of sight as well as bits and peices that grant cover modifiers. The 2E starter box is the classic Guild vs Neverborn matchup turned on it's head - Guild is generally the shooty faction with Neverborn as the fast melee faction. They intentionally turned that around for the starter. Just like playing a Neverborn crew box vs a Guild crew box, insufficient or inadequate terrain will leave the Neverborn (melee centric) side hurting. edit - ah, just saw scenrio 5 calls for a full set of terrain. This is wise. You will likely notice a shift to being more balanced when you put more terrain down. It's just the natiure of wargames that have asymmetrical forces. You wind up with shooty factions that dominate open tables and melee factions that dominate crowded tables. The right amount of terrain is a bit of a balancing act that takes time to get right.
  4. I wouldn't do it for gaming, but a few large peices like favoured masters for the display shelf would be nice.
  5. The reason I mix manufacturers is because different brands have different strengths. I use Army Painter and Secret Weapon washes and inks because I find they're the best. I moved from Citadel to Vallejo and P3 after their latest range redo, as I got tired if their colour tones changing and Vallejo have a huge range colour matched to Citadels old ranges. P3 make the best yellows and oranges I've used - great pigments. I like GWs technical paints but the only one I use is Blood for the Blood God, as it's better in non ventilated areas than Tamiya Clear Red.
  6. If you can afford it, jut buy the box and put the rest aside for a rainy day? Never hurts to have extras around if you ever feel like running them. But remember, one of the Bushwhackers has a birdhat. Everyone needs a Gremlin with a birdhat. So you'll be buying it for two models
  7. I've used Citadel, P3, Army Painter, Secret Weapon and all varieties of Vallejo without issues. Dropper bottles are best, but I don't avoid non-dropper brands if they have colours I want. In general, you're not going to have problems with any acrylic paints from companies that make them specifically for the hobby industry. At the moment I've been having fun with Vallejo Air paints, as I suck at getting a good thinned consistency and these are pre thinned. While they're pre thinned for Airbrush use, they're fine to brush on as well.
  8. Yeah, I've got no issues with GW's models at all. I still think the Tyranid range is the best realized insectoid range of aliens any company has done. I just have the standard issues with their pricing and rules (especially as a Tyranid player, where I've lost simply by my army choice these days).
  9. I... get that? I wasn't trying to disparage other peoples hobbies, just add my opinion to the thread. My brother frequently takes Infinity models, his Dremel, and makes entirely new units out of them. Personally, I don't see it as a selling point. But, I'm not a converter. I have a Tyranid army I started in 5th, and couldn't even bring myself to buy those Tervigon conversion sets. I just played without Tervigons. And they were simply bits you glued onto a Carnifex.
  10. I don't consider easier conversion work to fix a boring model as an advantage, personally. Mostly because I won't buy a model I don't like the look of in the first place. If the pose is boring enough for me to want to convert it, I'll go find something better.
  11. Got to join the Not Impressed camp. I admit I am biased because I really wanted them to look like the creepy things birthing from the base of the Mysterious Emmisary, but 3 identical models (one mirrored) in rather static poses just isn't doing it for me. These are the first plastics I'll be hunting down proxies for.
  12. Personally I like the story encounters. I want to see more like the University and Crossroads 7, which aren't about filling out gaps in a line in a single SKU, but about adding something unique to the background of the game. I like the gap fillers as well due to the extra content - story encounters are fun. But I don't play pick up games at the shop, so asking my brother to run through a story encounter box is easier than convincing someone at a shop who might be in tournament prep mode wanting to only play gaining grounds. For stuff I want to see more of - unique models with interesting rules. The Crossroads 7 added a band. I can't think of many other games that could pull off having a playable band as your force, but in the world of Malifaux, it works, because there's so much weird, wonderful and absurd things going on.
  13. This is how I've used it. It helps that it's very sift even when dried, so you can just use a funger to rub the excess off while leaving the gap filled. I used a whole heap of it gap filling my Mature Nephilim. All dried up now though so I'll need another for when I start on Chompy.
  14. Half the Emmisarys shown so far have been like this (Mysterious - base/body, Arcane - top arms, Brutal - dude in cage, possibly pine box, Lucky - where do I start?). Considering they're meant to be centerpeice models, a bit of complexity isn't bad.
  15. No, they will be sold by CNC workshop as normal releases, they're just letting Demented games package them with some pledge levels.
  16. I find the light grey text of the quote box harder on the eyes than pink. The light theme overall is flawed.
  17. It was just a thought along the lines of having a dual Resser/Neverborn master. I mean, it's not like there's a wide selection of Neverborn who don't utterly despise Resser magic.
  18. Sorry for the thread necro, but this thread came to mind when I saw this. There's a game called Twisted which has a similar setting idea to Malifaux (weird steampunk victorian) and they have a local Australian company doing MDF scenery for the game. And it would fit right in as a Malifaux Quarantine zone, as it's normal but warped and weird. Here's one of the buildings in the flesh, as it were. The scale should be right - the models are 32mm, and some are already used as Malifaux proxies.
  19. My first thought was Swampfiend. I get the Resser angle with the skull face though. Maybe Hayreddin will get a promotion in the next book as a dual Neverborn/Resser master and these sort of things are his toys?
  20. Remember that despite her general ability to lop someones head off in melee, Lilith is not a brawler. This is a pretty big misconception with her and why so many who start with her end up dissatisfied. She's a guerilla fighter. To reiterate what others have said: Use Tangle Shadows to pull enemies to yourself. This ability is missed a lot with new players. This ability can also target Lilith herself. Being able to swap an enemy, who has already activated, into close proximity to an unactivated Teddy or a Mature Nephilim will make people cry. Just be sure it doesn't overextend the friendly model you decided to move, though if you've got actions left Lilith shouldn't have much trouble getting back into line. Illusionary Forest is a massive blessing. Never discount the ability to simply create terrain in a melee centric crew. Your opponent gets into a good position, and siddenly he can't see what he wanted to shoot. If gives you room to breathe. Lilith should be doing these sorts of things for the benefit of her crew. She herself should only get her hands dirty when the opponent overextends and leaves a nice, juicy target for Lilith - which is generally something she can kill in a single activation - preferably kill in a single action - and get back into cover. It might seem like you're 'wasting' her by simply creating terrain or moving models around, but think of the bigger picture of the effect things like that have.
  21. Any chance of custom cards in the future, like being able to print off a card with a different name and picture, but the disclaimer that it counts as another model?
  22. That appears to be from playmats.eu. They do a range of mats for Malifaux. They've caught my eye, nice to see one in use. How durable is it?
  23. Yeah I was going to get 2 Nightnare Coryphee but just one is $60 after exchange rates. I'll be sticking to one and magnetising the base.
  24. hi, sorry for the late answer, actually the model has precut stairwell gaps, we plan to add the stairs but the price raise another 9€ so we decided to left it over and if it sold well we will add it in a future release, so we left a cut on the place that it will be, but it has some grips so if you want you can punch out it or you can left it there and play on the full floor. Dang. Now I have to buy one.
  25. Really wanted that Barbaros, but I dontbhave $300 to spend at once on stuff. There's barely $100 worth I want in there.
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