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Everything posted by -Loki-

  1. As my brother said - guess he'll need new daydreams too.
  2. I received mine a week ago in Australia, so they're arriving down here.
  3. Speak to your group if they will only allow Wyrd miniatures. My guess is they will say go for whatever as long as it's characterful. The only time it'll be a sticking point is tournaments, and that just depends on the TO, which I find generally go with the same idea. If it's characterful and looks cool and there's no confusion as to what it is, it's generally permitted. I've had the same conundrum with Collidi. I've been interested in him for a while but the Emmisary just does not fit. I'm planning on using this. It's 54mm, so it's quite large, and once on a 50mm base with something to give it a bit of extra height should be fine.
  4. Chronicles is great. I'd pay to subscribe to a physical format. It's only every second month, but has a Malifaux scenario, a Through the Breach short one shot, a few fluff stories, a hobby article (these vary between terrain making and model painting) and more. It's a great e-zine.
  5. You don't need to run Grow lists to run Nephilim. They're still fast glass cannons, so adjust your playstyle accordingly. I really enjoy using them with Lilith. If you want to stick to Nephilim without Growth they have the widest range of models under that tag that Neverborn has access to. You've got fast scheme runners with Tots, sturdier (but not overly sturdy) beaters with Wretches, glass cannon beaters with Young Nephilim, support with Shamans, control with Lilutu, range with Angel Eyes and Tuco and big beaters with Nekima and the Mature Nephilim. As already said, Nephilim are good, but they're outclassed by a few things (and to be fair, Illuminated outclass most, if not all, minions in their SS range). You're not going to lose playing them, but you won't win with them if you don't realise their weakness (durability).
  6. Seems she throws out a lot of WP tests, so Sorrows are going to be popular. Not sure if Candy and Kade will add much though.
  7. Last gencon I seem to recall getting my stuff before September, and I'm in Australia as well. Though I could have just been fortunate to be on top of one of the stacks.
  8. Thanks for the offer, but like they just announced more additions to the POD cards, and the LE plastic are among them.
  9. Yay, I can order Miss Terious and Angry Drunk! Also Miss Ery since the card I got just said Teddy.
  10. Gmorts has some more photos of that WIP cabinet. This one shows all of them. I really like the alternate Titania using the actual red joker art, and what appears to be what would make a great female Dashel, from TtB art IIRC. Less female pinup, more burly badass.
  11. Well, Titania was already based on the red joker, but an alt Titania using that art would be nice. I even wouldn't mind it cutting off at the knees and having a rippling scenic base insert.
  12. 12 Rams could make an alternate Angelica for the Dark Carnival.
  13. Yeah, she's the 12 of crows. Nathan did a thread (that he accidentally deleted) a while ago asking people for suggestions for Twisted Alternates. Somsone suggested that card and he said he'd forgotten about her. Given the turn around time, he either got it done post haste or already had it in the pipeline.
  14. Back when Nathan did one of his 'suggest stuff' threads for Twisted Alternates, someone suggested this and he was like 'wow, I forgot about that!'. Nice to see it. Wonder what it could be a Twisted Alternate of.
  15. I bought a still sealed Miss Terious from someone, and it does not have the M2E card, only the 1.5E card. Is this something I could get sent to me via the mispack form?
  16. While it's a limited pool, I've had far less seams on the Wyrd prebuilds than from their HIPS models.
  17. Yep. Zipp is November 2016 and Asami is January 2017.
  18. Collidi likes Minions, not just Puppets. So I see no reason Illuminated and Tots wouldn't work with her.
  19. I'm guessing general release will be some time next year.
  20. My only experience with their pre-built PVC is the Tortoise and Hare, and I've got no issue with the material. Can't wait to see the kickstarter.
  21. You've got the benefit that the Illuminated are just great beater minions in general, so they work well with Lilith as well. Those two boxes mix pretty well. Nekima is a Neverborn Allstar. She's a fast glass cannon beater that works well with anyone, provided you don't mind the massive 13ss investment.
  22. I got one. I was going to put it off until later on the weekend, but figured I'd just do it last night. Glad I did it early. Not surprising. The reaction to her box was the most positive I saw of the new boxes.
  23. I was going to wait and do my order later on the weekend. Glad I got it done early and got Titania.
  24. They play like a school of sharks. The Illuminated hover around and generally beat on things until Brilliance is thrown on someone, after which they zero in and destroy the target. Basically they're a melee focused crew where damage can be boosted by throwing Brilliance on a target first. Next two purchases, I'd go for a box of Depleted and a box of Beckoners. Depleted are tough tarpits that spread Brilliance when they die, and Beckoners lure enemy models around and spread more Brilliance. In general, you'll want Depleted, Beckoners, Mr Tannen, Mr Graves and a Doppleganger. If you want another big beater, maybe a Teddy. If you want scheme runners, grab Terror Tots - if you get an ace of masks, Lynch can recycle it when other models cheat with it, so Tots essentially gain infinite Sprint making them lightning fast.
  25. Still not getting it? Mysterious Emmisary is a Neverborn model.
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