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Rurouni Benshin

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Everything posted by Rurouni Benshin

  1. I once ran Hannah with Ironsides' crew box, with the additional Arcane Reservoir upgrade. Having 8 cards in hand came in very handy, and with the Warding Rune upgrades, that's 3 models with Counterspell.
  2. Some strategies and schemes require quarters and scheme markers to be uncontested, or not within a certain distance of enemy models. Other instances could be because you might not have another 6 ss model within range of the Waif for him to come back. It's largely situational, but I'm sure it happens from time to time.
  3. Wait... what...? *reads rest of thread* *foaming of the mouth ensues* *Ahem*, Excuse me while I put Levi at the head of my "Models to Paint List"
  4. Is there a cap to the number of participants? I'd like to attend, but need work out some logistics first. Thanks!
  5. Well, 7AP... Dismounted McCabe is Summoned and so will suffer from Slow unless you remove the Condition. It's only 1 AP, but a Monk of Low River could easily solve that too. Just won't be able to Interact. Post Note: And then I realized we're talking about McCabe as a Guild Master... *lol*
  6. When I have Misdirection on a Master, I try to keep someone who's more resilient close by, until they're in the thick of combat. Most popularly, Mei Feng is the Master I bring with Misdirection most often. Along with her, are usually a couple of Metal Gamins. With Armor +2 and Hard to Kill, they're decent targets to use with Misdirection, and if they end up getting killed after a few attacks, you're down only a 4 ss model. Hopefully by Turn 2 though, you're in the middle of your opposition's models to use Misdirection on.
  7. Here's a small tip for you: If you start with Shenlong having one of his limited upgrades (in this case, we'll say "Low River Style"), and then switch to "Wandering River" during the first turn, Sensei could just pick it up for free, without having to start with it. It may slow down the game play for a turn, but it would save you 2 ss from the beginning as well. Just something to keep in mind, when you're building your crew in the beginning. But, yeah... Sensei is just awesome. Probably my favorite Henchman in the entire faction, followed closely by Kang.
  8. Executioners were the first Guild models I bought, and I've still yet to try them. Think I will now, Z...
  9. I don't think it's that OP, when you take in consideration a few things: 1. If you're using Mei Feng's "Vent Steam" to protect them, that's one less AP she has for attacking. Anyone familiar with her knows that she can get into combat easily on any turn, provided there're scrap markers or constructs to Rail Walk onto. Save for the trigger from Vapormancy, you'd be spending AP using that instead of attacking. 2. 26 points invested into 3 models usually isn't a bad idea, but only Sensei is a Henchman, and TT Archers only have Df 4. Mei Feng would have to do her job protecting the TT Archers just as much as take down enemy heavy hitters. Which leaves 24 points to invest in people running Schemes and objectives, upgrades for Mei, and adding to the SS pool. That all being said, if the rest of the crew was dedicated to Scheme and Strategy running, it wouldn't be too difficult to play against. Otherwise, I would imagine this crew being a slower moving one, making certain schemes and strategies harder to accomplish.
  10. Wow... well done! I'm so glad I waited on getting the metal model now.
  11. "Making your way in the world today, takes everything you got..."
  12. I'm conflicted on the Tengu. They are accurately depicted as how they are shown on their stat cards, but those models from Bushido look amazing too.
  13. Morning everyone! How's everyone doing? Missed my intended train this morning literally by about 10 seconds, only to come into work on time anyway... So... Not too bad of a start, I guess.
  14. I actually did use "Wings of Wind" on her the one game we played. Maybe it was because the game was set at 40 ss that the returns on the upgrade wasn't as obvious, but I'd be willing to give him another chance with Mei Feng. I largely prefer Kang as her Henchman, since I bring her crew primarily against Ressers and Arcanists, and occasionally Neverborn though. Maybe against a different faction, Sensei Yu would work better for her. Ah, now I see. Thanks!
  15. How does the Soul Porter give Sensei "Chi" exactly? The Soul Porter can only target an Ancestor model, which Sensei isn't. Is there a way to make him an "Ancestor" that I'm forgetting about?
  16. I've used Sensei with Misaki, Mei Feng, and Shenlong only so far. Of those 3, it was with Mei Feng that had the smallest impact. That said, I'm sure Sensei can be very effective with any of the other Masters that have useful (0) actions. I have to say though that I hadn't thought about using "Mulligan" twice in the same turn. Nice way to draw better cards!
  17. I've always put "Hard Worker" on Kang, myself too. It's also a good upgrade against Ressers, since "Hard to Wound" comes up pretty often against them. Her crew is honestly my "Go-To" whenever I face Ressers, Arcanists, and Neverborn now.
  18. LIES! That model does not exist! It's a scam! Unfortunately it does..and I am so gutted. I had three of them through various deals etc and then when plastics started taking over metals a couple of years ago..i sold them for £3 each! *cries*
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