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Everything posted by Boro

  1. Witchhunters Pistolero from male multi spur
  2. And just because he is so handsome.. "I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok. I sleep all night and work all day."
  3. I painted some non wyrd models lately from Ammon Miniatures. They have a nice little, fun game that deserves some attention. Here my first painted models.
  4. and here my convict gunslinger. I will have to practice painting stripes some more...
  5. The crewpicture didn't turn out very well. But here the newest addition to my Crew:
  6. Thanks. It was my first try on a flame effect. Here comes Johanna! The next pic will be one of the whole crew.
  7. I actually got exactly that McVey-Jetgirl as Firestarter proxy for my Kaeris crew. It is a really nice resinmodel but sadly a bit small. It still works. Not all women have to be giants.
  8. I read and loved most of Pratchetts books. And I have almost all of them in german and english (Raising Steam is the only one I don't have from the Discworld books). My favorite one would also be the first I read. The Fifth Elephant. Closley followed by Thief of Time and Going Postal. My favorite character is Vimes. Then probably Death and Vetenari.
  9. Yes, I will take a group picture of them soon. I see your point about the lipstik. Should I change it to maybe red?
  10. Newest addition to the crew: Vanessa
  11. This year we have a Malifaux campaign in our local gaming store. As part of this campaign each participant is requested to paint a full starter crew during the first two months of this year. I chose to paint my hired swords. Here are all the members of the crew directly from my painting table. The pictures are taken with my cell phone. Ronin 1 Ronin 2 Ronin 3 Taelor Viktoria of Ashes Viktoria of Blood Student of Conflict
  12. I have the same problem here. I doubt that my local store specifically mentions the product I buy to be wyrd product on their receipt. Would it work for me if I take a picture of the receipt together with the malifaux boxes I buy still wraped in plastic? But anyway, thank you wyrd for this great promotion!
  13. Nice models. I like pink candy a lot. And Killjoy is just great!
  14. yes, he is the friendly grave digger from your neighbourhood. I still use my old Mordheim scenary for allmost all my games. Maybe they don't match the bright green GW-grassmat, but they are great gameplaywise.
  15. @Charlarino thanks @Uktena The totem models did not appeal to me as much as the others. I neclegted painting them until I found them most useful in the game. The crew pictures had already been taken so I just took separat pictures of the totems... It probably dosn't make a lot of sense, but that's why they have their separate entries.
  16. Malifaux is a great game and it motivated me to pick up my paintbrush again and again this year. Here are my first two painted crews. I hope many more will follow.
  17. @Jotun yes I play at Tactica in Oerlikon. You can ask in the malifaux section in the tactica forum for people to play with you. I am sure there are some that would meet privately as well. I would play at my home too, but at the moment i am moving around my stuff and it is a complete mess. I recently got married and my wife just moved in with me :-)
  18. There are quite a few Malifaux players at my local gaming store in Zurich Switzerland. It first started with the release of Malifaux 2E and the plastic starter boxes. This year they will organize a little campain. I don't know how many people will play in it. My guess would be around 10.
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