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Jesy Blue

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Everything posted by Jesy Blue

  1. I've found it just the opposite in my teaching games; after hearing the theme, many new players take the wild west theme because it's very familiar, so I've taught that keyword the most. The ease of being able to use your gun action all the time (charging, melee, standing still) is very freeing to a new player. It's learning other crews WITHOUT the Run and Gun & Gunfighter afterwards that are hard. ... and who's playing any crew to its full potential as a newbie?
  2. My answer is always to go with Zipp.... reguardless of any situations. Freikorps is a solid second choice, though.
  3. Tormented vs Qi and Gong is a nightmare for Jack though.
  4. Remember, Undergrowth & Pyre markers aren't destructible. The physics Obliteration & Marshals attacking the pilot offhandedly hurts my head.
  5. Combine these two and I think we got it. I'm thinking a giant Green Anaconda who's bite zombifies: kill a Size 3+ become a Flesh Construct, Size 2 becomes a Mindless Zombie, and Size 1 just get swallowed whole and heal the Anaconda. The totem is a gremlin in khakis named Steve who is bait luring meals to the master. <green anaconda size reference>
  6. ... I don't really see McTavish, the gators, or the Bokor fitting in Infamous.
  7. Oh, I never even considered Green Peace to be a Malifaux antagonist, but yeah it scans!
  8. We can now talk about the EVS keyword... and no I don't know what it stands for:
  9. So, we're kicking Zoraida out of the Bayou! She can keep the Swampfiend keyword, the Swampfiend models in Bayou keep the keyword too. Hell we'll even keep releasing some new Swampfiend models in Bayou going forward. But she no longer represents The Bayou! So, which Gremlin do we upgrade to Master status... OR suggest a whole new Gremlin leader to take her place.
  10. Unfortunatly, all my knowledge of southeast Asia is limited to its martial arts, so muay thai, eskrima, silat, kali, bokator, etc... and it's political landscape from WWII forward, which is not pleasant. I'd be interested with what some one could dig up theme wise.
  11. Well Anya definetly is not a cannon, her damage output is okay but nothing even remotly overpowered. As for being glass, there's already so much healing in 3 of the 4 models in this keyword that being glass may not be a problem.
  12. I'll meet you halfway: a Muay Thai Monk On An Elephant!
  13. So you're taking a crew of only all Masters and Totems: Who is the Leader of your faction's All-Star Team? For me, it's gotta be Youko for Ten Thunders because reducing the opponents hand size is just universally too good.
  14. .... and to confuse things more, Youko can be a Japanese name, but Hamasaki is definetly a Japanese surname. She's probably confusing us on purpose. I'd be interested in monks from Thailand, as they are very different. A cool Hard to Wound muay thai monk would be good. Or really any excuse to get a step pyramid into Malifaux. I don't think India counts; we would have gotten at least a mention of it in any of the Sandeep fluff.
  15. Anya & Viktoria have the same base stats, but Anya has 2 more wounds and costs 2 more Stones.
  16. The double wings on the "Thunderbird", tomahawks, and the attire scream native american, and fluff confirmation of the daughter of the company founder practically confirms it. Makes sense the train & dirigible company combined would all have movement tricks. This keyword is probably gonna be super fast. The Catalan Rifleman fluff leans towards snipers rather than shotguns.... but there are 4 models in the box. A henchman heavy crew of All-Star shooters could be the future. Good thing we have Prospectors.
  17. I just meant majority wise, more of the Drago "If he dies.... he dies." mentality. Yes, it all stems from the whatever model has the upgrade, which makes Nexus a completly wrong choice for the strategy because you have to remove all Bounty Tokens on a model to score, and everything, theoretically, would be going to Nexus. If the rest of the crew's damage track is very low damage & a token like the master is, do you differentiate which point of damage was the killing blow: the 2 point irreducible token damage or the normal damage? You get to choose (in most cases) as it's your turn most likely, and can place it where it's most advantageous. But in just add a token actions/abilities/etc., yeah all damge comes from Nexus. Does it make Cadmus the easiest keyword to play this strategy? Maybe. Does it make it easier to just fake out and score the End point of Vendetta? Maybe. I'm just really super excited for another crew that seemed to be based on Irreducible Damage!
  18. Sounds like what happen in Shadowrun. That ended up fine so I foresee no issue.
  19. The Society welcomes Anya Lycarayen, and her pet, Sovereign, to the world of Malifaux. Now get to work... coffee is for closers!
  20. It sounds like a compilation album of Obliteration, Plague, & Puppet.
  21. My record is 15..... plan accordingly.
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