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Everything posted by Jessie

  1. While we cannot guarantee replacements for second-hand copies, feel free to send us some details through the general feedback form here: https://www.wyrd-games.net/contact and we'll see what we can work out. At least please tell us what country it would be being shipped to and what token(s) you are missing.
  2. Hey Macbeth, Please use the Damage/Mispack form on our contact us page here: https://www.wyrd-games.net/contact We'll get you sorted out! (There will be no "packed by" sticker on a Fate deck, so you can just put n/a or none or something.)
  3. The date got extended to the 15th of November! Go with what's on the website. Thanks for pointing out our discrepancy!
  4. If either of you could give it a check to confirm, it's supposed to be fixed now.
  5. Thanks for reaching out to us on this. We will be looking into it in a few hours. Sorry for the trouble!
  6. Yes. If the item has been released or not doesn't matter. If it's Wyrd product bought in such a way that it supports a local game store, we're for it. Just make sure you have a paid receipt to photo/scan and you're good to go.
  7. Yes, if it's the online storefront of a store with a physical location. It does have to be someone's local game store. It does not have to be local to you. (I don't know the answer to Nosilloc's question, sorry. I'm here for the paperwork, not the planning.)
  8. Unfortunately no updates. Or maybe not "unfortunately," since we've not had any bad news either. We've all just got our fingers crossed that it'll be here on time for our regular release at the end of the month. As soon as we have news, we'll be posting it.
  9. Hi there! Please reach out directly via the forms here: https://www.wyrd-games.net/contact We can get this sorted for you!
  10. Hi @Kusokurai! It would seem my response to your initial request got caught in a spam filter! Or maybe Waldo had something to do with it... either way, I'm happy to report that your promo models are on their way to you! It normally takes 4-6 weeks for international shipments via FIMS, but shouldn't be too much longer now
  11. They are available for sale here: https://giveusyourmoneypleasethankyou-wyrd.com/collections/featured-products/products/witches-and-woes-rotten-harvest-baby-kade-and-candy
  12. Hey everybody! If Grumpus Waldo took a walk from your cart, never fear! We have had similar issues in the past and so have a process in place to ensure everyone with a qualifying order receives their 2020 Waldo! It won't appear on your original receipt, but again, if your order is >$100 before shipping, then we'll make sure to get that pesky imp in the box! We're here if you have questions, comments, or jokes!
  13. You'll need confirmation of payment for pre-orders, although we are offering the book for sale right now during our Retail Therapy 2020 event!
  14. Bonjour! Hola! Guten tag! Ni hao! Kon'nichiwa! We announced a while back the release of our 3E rules in a number of languages, including Español: https://www.wyrd-games.net/m3e-languages <--- This link also includes free Polish, Russian, Italian, German, French, and Japanese editions. We're working with translators to get cards finished in those languages as well, and if you have experience translating game rules like this, we encourage you to reach out!
  15. Hi @Maogrim! Apologies for missing this thread before! The best way to reach us is via our Contact page on our website. We have a form there where you can send us photos and the like so we can get issues like this resolved. You can also directly message me, or any of the other forum members with staff badges here if you have questions or comments! Depending on where a player lives, a package might take a few days (Domestic-US) or up to 6 weeks (International), depending on carriers. This year, it's been taking a little longer in some parts thanks to the ongoing effects of the pandemic.
  16. Who's excited to get their hands on the Rotten Harvest Candy and Baby Kade? The 2020 Rotten Harvest LGS promo is now at an end, which means we've shipped out the promotional models, and some of you lucky Wyrdos may already have them sitting in your mailbox! For the rest of you who sent in a submission, it may take up to 4-6 weeks for your model(s) to arrive depending on what part of the world you live in. As always, we're here to answer any questions you may have! Thanks for participating and supporting LGS's all over the world!
  17. Our webstore is not included in the LGS promotion.
  18. Hey there, @Ozzac, due to the pandemic, we are accepting receipts from webstores for companies that also have a storefront somewhere in the world, for this sale.
  19. We accept multiple receipts totalling the minimum, so long as they are within the dates of a promotion and are itemized. Pre-orders must be paid for to count.
  20. For those concerned about exchange rates, we utilize the converter at XE.com when we get out-of-country receipts. You can double-check your local currency minimum there with the $75 USD minimum for one of the models, and $150 USD minimum for two. We're also here if you have any questions!
  21. That is a great question! For clarification, we'll be offering the following through August, so those can be ordered up till the last day of August: Order Initiates (x3) $27.00 - WYR23301-SO Elijah Borgmann & Firebranded (x3) $32.00 - WYR23302-SO Good Ol' Boy (x3) $27.00 - WYR23601-SO You can order them via the links above or support your LGS by asking them to place an order using the WYR SKUs. As always, if you have any other questions, comments, concerns, or jokes, feel free to reach out via our Customer Support channels!
  22. If you haven't already, please reach out via our Contact Us page, and we'll get this figured out!
  23. Hi JGauth, You're right. It is disappointing, and again I am sorry for dropping the ball on that one. You did the right thing in reaching out a second time to figure out how to resolve this, and the fulfillment team and I are working to ensure a speedy solution for you. We try our best to follow up, and we always appreciate reminders to be our best.
  24. Hi @kOOn, and others! We've been keeping track of all orders that are $150+ before S&H, and they are getting a Waldo mini. If there's anything else of concern with your order, please don't hesitate to reach out via our customer support channels, and we'll get it sorted for you! Stay warm, Wyrdos!
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