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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. Greetings everyone! It's time for another game review! My latest review is a look at the new digital version of the popular tabletop game Boss Monster. If you haven't had a chance to try out the original tabletop version, I recommend it highly! Boss Monster is an homage to the old 8-bit side scrolling video games many of us grew up with, but this time you get to be the Boss monster in charge of the dungeon! Check out the review of on my gaming blog!
  2. Thanks for the kind words! I can't wait to get this guy onto the table, just gotta get around to finishing off that creepy little kid who likes to hang out with him. With Iron Painter kicking off, who knows when that is going to be...
  3. Just finished up painting the new plastic Lord Chompy Bits! Check out some other angles of this tyrant over at my blog! I hope you all like this guy, he was a ton of fun to paint!
  4. Super excited to get a story based Malifaux podcast! Can't wait to get it on iTunes!
  5. Hey all! I painted up this Insidious Madness proxy for the A Wyrd Place March hobby challenge. I figure that since it's April Fools day I should share something with you all that isn't quite what it seems! I have a few other angles available at my blog. Check it out!
  6. It is also good to establish whether or not a model can climb through a window that is clearly wide enough for the base and has no glass in it :-P Thanks for the great tips! I definitely need to go to Adepticon next year. Already have my tickets booked for Gen Con though!
  7. I want to give the rabbit antlers and make it a giant jackalope. Also, are the April releases going to be available for purchase during this sale?
  8. Excellent! It looks like a really cool concept with a fun aesthetic.
  9. Dear Wyrd IT people, please do this, it will make you the heroes of at least a handful of us. We will make the usual ritual sacrifices and offerings in the standard manner. Please confirm receipt of this request in the usual manner, you know the one Also, not-IT, are you planning on having When Darkness Come Rattling at Gen Con to demo? Because that would be awesome!
  10. Thanks, glad you like it! The basing is to match the rest of my crews (you can take a look at them here)
  11. Ok, that was more than a little bit scary how fast you responded to that...
  12. Very cool! I look forward to giving that game a try. On the front of Tara and the special edition grave spirit, will this be a new sculpt for the grave spirit or special colored or translucent plastic of the existing sculpt?
  13. Hey everyone! It's time for another review from your resident board game nerd--Blue Sun, the latest expansion for the Firefly boardgame I've said it before and I'll say it again--Firefly is one of my all time favorite games and I want it to be your favorite too! Check out this review over at my gaming blog!
  14. Official painted miniatures cost time and money, both of which get passed on to the consumer. The official concept artwork in conjunction with the renders does more than enough for me to showcase the models.
  15. I just finished up painting my Dawn Serpent to add in to Marcus' Magnificent Menagerie! I hope you all like it: Check out this post for a few more angles of this model
  16. I would buy their album. I hear they're touring with the Grateful Undead...
  17. This technique is used a lot with Lures, Obeys, and other similar mechanics.
  18. I've done this several times and never failed to get 2 :tomes in my hand turn 1; may have had to spend a SS to get some more cards but it is worth it. As to Marcus using those :tomes for his upgrade, he gets one of the 3 options for free and most of the time I don't even worry about getting the extra options on the first turn; I would say that permanently turning some gunsmiths, Johan, or even Howard Langston into a beast outweighs the downsides of using those :tomes for that purpose.
  19. Hey all! Thought some of you all would appreciate my latest hobby tutorial: how to quickly make yourself a quality wet palette for super cheap! If you're not familiar with what a wet palette is or why you should be using one, this tutorial explains it as well. I hope you all enjoy it! Hobby Tutorial: Quick and Cheap Homemade Wet Palette
  20. Two recommendations for you--when I do water slide transfers I always put down a coat of gloss varnish first (GW 'Ardcoat), the put the transfer on once the gloss has dried, and finally seal it with matte medium (GW Lahmian Medium). Putting down the gloss first allows the transfer to stick better with fewer air bubbles underneath and the matte medium ends up bringing down the inherent shine that transfers seem to have that makes them look like transfers. My second recommendation (which fits more with your actually question) is that I end up using Krylon clear matte varnish to seal my models. The important thing when sealing models is to hit them with very light sprays of the varnish and to do it in a low humidity environment (for me that means inside). Also, make sure the temperature is between 65-75 degrees. High heat and humidity tend to make varnish frosty or sticky.
  21. Thanks! So, looks like one upright trash can could fit snuggly onto a 30mm, comfortably onto a 40mm, and with room to do other things on a 50mm. Kinda sad that the boxes are too big to fit onto a base.
  22. This makes me want a werewolf kind of model for Malifaux. Sure we have Myranda who shapchanges, but we don't really have a humanoid-wolf kind of thing. I think that would be fun to paint and could have cool rules.
  23. It should be noted that since you are coming from the shadows you can't make interact actions on the first turn Welcome to the Wyrdness!
  24. These make me quite jealous of everyone who got to go to Adepticon this year. I will have to try to make it out next year!
  25. Any chance we could get a photo or two of some of the scatter terrain next to a couple bases (30mm, 40mm, and 50mm) for scale? I was contemplating having Nekima jumping over some of these as her rock doesn't fit in with the basing scheme I have for my Neverborn, but I haven't been able to find anything the shows these in close proximity to any models.
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