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Everything posted by Guslado

  1. Who pulls the strings which control us all? With this piece I have fulfilled my goal of completing an entry every round of this competition. I've had a such a blast with Iron Painter; I ended up painting pieces which I would have never been inspired to paint without this competition and used it to challenge myself as a miniatures painter. Thanks to Wyrd for putting together such a fun event . Thanks to all of the judges for all of the time they spent with each and every model, even those completed by those of us the eliminated crowd. And a huge thanks to Supervike for herding all of the cats involved in something this big.
  2. I want to go do karaoke with Davorc Bowly! Seems like it would be one crazy evening...
  3. So, are the penguins the most feared creatures to which you refer or do you mean the Doctor? Fun piece
  4. Ha! I hadn't noticed that! Good catch! Really fun piece, great job!
  5. So, I did a little calendar wizardry and have a rough estimate on the full Gen Con announcement and price list based off of how they did things last year: In 2014, Gen Con began on Thursday, August 13. The full Gen Con announcement and price list was posted on August 7th (took a little forum diving to find that one). Gen Con 2015 begins on Thursday, July 30, so if they announce things at the same time relative to the start of the con, they will be posting the full list on Friday, July 24th. Obviously this is only an estimate based off of how they did stuff last year. One reason they may not release it sooner than that is because they don't want to say they will have something at Gen Con and then have it unexpectedly delayed and unavailable. That being said, they did announce the Nightmare and Miss model earlier this year than they did last year, so who knows. All I know is that I am excited to see all of the goodies that will be waiting to come home from Indy with me
  6. It all depends on what kind of photos you have framed.
  7. Anything suitable for framing would be good by me. The walls of my nerd room may be covered with this stuff, but I like to keep it classy
  8. On the front of awesome, cool, shiny Gen Con stuff that isn't made of transparent or colored plastic, any chance we might be able to get some sort of poster (perhaps of that cool map off Malifaux you posted in a preview a few months back)? My game room is really missing any Wyrd products to hang on the walls...
  9. Thank you very much! Glad you like them.
  10. Something I am looking forward to with the starter set is the digital rules manual. Seems like a really cool idea. Can any of you official type people speak as to what format that will be available in and the means for obtaining one's digital rules manual after purchasing the starter box?
  11. The crossroads has a lot of connotations when it comes to old blues music (selling one's soul to the devil for crazy musical skills, etc.) so I like it a lot more than Boondoggle.
  12. I finished off some fish-frogs to join Marcus' magnificent menagerie. I hope you like them! I have some other angles and close-ups over on my blog, check them out!
  13. If it will help, in D&D bards cast spells using their instruments. This is just the Malifaux version of a bard.
  14. I, for one, will be getting the entire band and hope it comes in one box because it would be much easier that way.
  15. Aaron Darland, you're my hero. Whoever did concept design for the Crossroads Seven, you're also my hero.
  16. It's ok--being a Michigander/Chicagoan living in Texas I completely understand where you're coming from on this.
  17. Just finished up painting Joss. Looking forward to him hitting the table and then hitting some Ressers in the face. For some better images and a few different angles, check out my blog!
  18. I am assuming that the bits of fluff that are included in the book with each of the new cards will give a good explanation as to in what way each model has shifted its loyalties.
  19. It's ok, I didn't playtest them either, just looked at the cards as a preview of forthcoming new shinies. I don't like doing beta things because then when the actually release comes out I have to relearn the things they changed.
  20. 7 members, one from each faction. They were in the beta files.
  21. It's ok Aaron, I saved the photo so that Nathan can't hide the truth from us! Admittedly, that doesn't prevent him from hiding you from us, but you can rest easily in Wyrd's secret prison knowing that you got the message out.
  22. Any decision yet as to if there will be stuff going on Friday or Sunday?
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