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  1. Heh, had not thought of that...
  2. ok so, that seems to be a particular weakness of Colette, namely condition removal and healing. your models are pretty hard to kill until a big lucky card or something ignores your DF triggers, then you got problems that without healing, wont be going away. Hopefully before that point you've already nailed down enough points for the win but if not, I haven't seen a lot of ways to heal up a Colette crew. any suggestions?
  3. with Colette, getting her into position with Howard wouldn't be such a hard move, but the mid level masks is a problem, and the cost involved might not make it productive, was thinking she would also make a great runner killer turning her into the rattler, but meh... think the points are just a slight bit over what you'd get from it...
  4. Malfaux raptor hits Howard and triggers turning him into a beast till the end of the game, while Myranda is around she can give him her AP (2) for two MI attacks, then chain activate him to act right after using her two AP... he also gets def if she is within 3 aura... is that correct? If so, I really wonder why I don't see this in more Colette prompt and beat down lists. Are there any big negatives to turning a beat stick into a beast (unless your facing Marcus)? is her cost not worth it?
  5. Yeah, she bought him at the beginning and he either had a defensive upgrade or was under some kind of defensive effect (don't remember which) but I think I found my own answer, when fighting red, for now on I'll always bering along an acolyte, getting rid of HtW, HtK, would have helped a lot.
  6. Honestly, that's how I lost, ran up to it with Howard, it survived, fluried then went on to kill joss.
  7. Are acolytes better than makes for ranged attacks?
  8. Read the PMF on Colette, adding in an Oxford Mage sounds pretty bad asked. Furious casting with a +to CA and three prompts... Just Wicked...
  9. Hey, so I run Ramos and am getting Colette, and with either list I'm going to be running almost all constructs. A few games ago I went up against Tara with a Student of Steel. The combo almost wiped out my whole Ramos crew by the second turn. Specifically the student's attack is devastating to a construct. Flurry, ignores armor, and ++ to damage is death to just about any construct hit with it. And the Terror 12 meant I was wasting high cards just to be able to attack it. Hard to wound and hard to kill and armor means it's damn hard to take down. If every heavy hitter you have is a construct, how do you deal with this?
  10. Hey, so I run Ramos and am getting Colette, and with either list I'm going to be running almost all constructs. A few games ago I went up against Tara with a Student of Steel. The combo almost wiped out my whole Ramos crew by the second turn. Specifically the student's attack is devastating to a construct. Flurry, ignores armor, and ++ to damage is death to just about any construct hit with it. And the Terror 12 meant I was wasting high cards just to be able to attack it. Hard to wound and hard to kill and armor means it's damn hard to take down. If every heavy hitter you have is a construct, how do you deal with this?
  11. Just ordered the nightmare Colette... couldn't resist...
  12. BUT BACON GOES WITH EVERYTHING!!! even dental floss and baby formula... http://www.damncoolpictures.com/2010/08/100-most-creative-bacon-products-ever.html http://www.likecool.com/Maple_Bacon_Coffee_Beer--Food--Body.html
  13. hitting a big DF mook with -4 def means piglets can cause wounds to it... hitting it with the Ulix splash that calls all pigs within 6 to attack the mook after that... priceless...
  14. another reason to love Gracey... ignores severe terrain... the pig jumps over buildings...
  15. she absolutely can, though its one AP per grem unless she's attacked.
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