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Everything posted by Pallas4

  1. The horse meat is delicious, you know.
  2. Oh tournament is not my goal. ^^ but it will be 8 masters revealed by contents creators. Maybe some by Wyrd. We'll see for the others. ^^ In fact I "whine"* a little, but 35 ays is not that long. It's just a little frustrating. ^^ (I will buy PDF I think) *In French I would use "chouine", but I don't know if the translation is really correct.
  3. Sad news T_T because, for non gencon buyer its means more than 45 days of delay.
  4. I never thought about that... but... yes. Models are always on their LOS. And models can't target themselves with an attack action. But it's Nexus who attacks, not Meredith.
  5. Hi During the gencon, the next book will be avaible, right? So... does the application will be updated with the new profiles? And, just to be sure, I assume the pdf of the book wont be in sale before.. november? thanks.
  6. Ok.... remember all masters last year? Done again with ES. Click bellow. https://imgur.com/gallery/T4iI8Ke ^o^
  7. I had never thought about it o_o xDDD
  8. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54fe412ce4b0c449f7369857/t/611e3ff9a41e7123bda46536/1629372410236/M3E_Card_LordCooper_2481.jpg https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54fe412ce4b0c449f7369857/t/611e4019dd81bf678da2f452/1629372442165/M3E_Art_EmpyreanEagle_162628.jpg https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54fe412ce4b0c449f7369857/t/611e401f668e093ecf752e17/1629372448025/M3E_Card_EmpyreanEagle_17953.jpg So hopeful prospects could be transformed in eagles. You can join the society... As a pet.
  9. Oh, for information, those models are not on the two pages where the content is revealed (while the guild mage and gunner are)
  10. In fact, this subject is for the future Euripides, the rules are not revealed yet. I didn't listen but maybe you can find idea here. Or if you speak french (before the GG2...)
  11. Hi Raputina uses Ice Pillards. She gets . Can she put one around her and one around an Ice Pillar (with ice mirror)? And... may she use the first pillar placed as a relay to place the other one? thanks
  12. Hum? I'm not English fluent, so it could be a misinterpretation, but it seems to have a spider head. Maybe an helmet but I don't think so. Ok the the Marshalls but... It's specific (I just thought to the Sonnia totem in fact). If a model with this head is Guild... I hope someone has a good explanation that it could be hired by others masters
  13. If you look the box, you'll see three faction icons. So I assume nothing will change on that side (maybe in M4E or an extension but it would be with a change of declaration order). I don't remeber a non master or non totem model bi faction but I could be wrong. If I'm right, Cavatica will be able to be played as a NB or Guild with Lucius. Or ES with Cadmus. So tri faction in some way... I don't know if we could see the base faction of this model.... or if we reduce to speculate with the design (I don't see monster without mask in Guild, but in NB or in ES it could).
  14. Jinn's opponents, you should learn to play models with Obey... and take one Gwisin to hit the second.
  15. Nope. and the target decides whether to take the damage or not (so echo won't stay on ennemy models).
  16. Maybe, and I hope, the miniature will have the echo of the artwork.
  17. or after a unburry. ... And flying models must not use this ability to charge in 6
  18. Fun fact, 33 is the page of burry in the rules PDF. ^^
  19. I remove the specific scheme / corpse / Scrap, as @le_wahou said, it's common. Question, Should I list the actions that target a specific marker (except the three listed above)? I'm thinking of Reva's corpse candle invocation, for example.
  20. Big thanks for @Rufessyou made my edit easy. :'D
  21. I really understrand your opinion. And I'm agree with you about the nonsense. More the impassable created during the game have no limitations with other markers to be placed. So in some cases, you can imprison opponent. That's why I'd like to list all markers removal markers here
  22. Play against Hoffman will need remove non destructible markers. Scraps for Hoffman1 Pylons (and scraps) for Hoffman2.
  23. Hi There is a lot of non destrucible markers now. And the new Hoffman added again. Ok. But how remove them? Of course, I see the bulldoze. Can you help me to do a list (it will be usefull for new players). Guild Hoffman2 / Bulldoze Preview Guild Mage / Rule of law Arcanists Hoffman2 / Bulldoze Resu Molly1 / Lost Knoledge Yan Lo2 / Clear the path Neverborns Preview Zoraida2 / Lost Knoledge Outcasts Von Schill2 / Bulldoze Scavengers / Weird Device trigger unexpected explosion Bayou Gluttony / Madening Drump Lucky Emissary / Steamroler Wrastler / Wrastle (non scheme) Mancha Roja / Drop-down Takedown (non scheme) Preview Zoraida2 / Lost Knoledge Ten Thunder Lotus Eater / path of Lotus Yan Lo2 / Clear the path ES Jedza1 / Lost Knoledge Jessie Halliday / Archeological Dig Upgrades: Treasure map / Buried Treasure. I'll edit when I see other... or when someone answer LAST EDIT AFTER answer n°11
  24. Not false. I have all master so I'll buy. But probably some people will ask me so... I searched information.
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