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Everything posted by Pallas4

  1. Ok I asked on some Discords and I get different interpretations. So... Can we leave engagment with this ability? Someone say no because the Place is part of the move of walk action. others say yes, because it's just the “moves up to its Movement” that prohibits leaving an engagement zone, not the ability, which is a different movement. it's difficulte.. a gray zone of the rules.
  2. Hi Are Strategy Markers available for rules like Entomb (Oro Boro) or Full Pack (Bayou Smuggler)? On two Discords I saw different answers. ^^ I know you can't "target" them (Gluttonny faq) but you can count them for schemes but it's not exactly the same thing...
  3. Like 2021, I did pictures with ALL masters. Enjoy. ^^ https://imgur.com/gallery/aHYOgZu
  4. yep it's our opposition, we're at least agree on that. ^^ For the Talos, I disagree with you. As you said, it's not a rule but an effet, so the effect is, at the start of the target's activation, the Talos player unburries the target of an ennemy model of the Talos. Because cards are written with the point of view of the model. and really, what do we do if the Talos dies? The rule says that you have to choose one of your models with unresolved effects. What do we do if a model is removed from the game? Does the model remain in the void?
  5. I misspoke (I shouldn't have written on the tram). I used the word "rule", I should have used "effect". Sir Vantès gains an effect yes. An effect controlled by player 2. But it's Sir Vantes who has the effect. So it gets to stage 1. If we replace with Into the Furnace (so Talos is the attacker). If Talos dies before Sir Vantès activates, how do we proceed? Player 2 can't choose a model that's no longer in the game.
  6. I think there's some confusion. From what I understand... Let's say player 1 is bayou, player 2 his opponent. The unburry effect of pine box, into the furnace or Glimpse the void (for example), is generated by player 2 at the moment of the attack. In other words, Sir Vantés wins a new rule explaining how to unburry. And who controls the unburry (since the rules are written from the card owner's point of view)? But it's an effect that affects Sir Vantés. So step 1 of the simultaneous effects rules.
  7. True, but same question with glimpse the void. When the model with the trigger is killed, it changes nothing for the burried model. Or "into the furnace".
  8. The question is: is the unburry an effect of Sir Vantès or Death Marshall? Yes, the effect comes from the Death Marshall, but is it an effect on him or on his target? If it's on him, what happens if the Death Marshall dies or is removed from the game? Could it still be chosen when the miniature is activated?
  9. Hello I have two questions. Let's imagine Sir Vantès not far from Candy. He activates himself and uses "On the move" to get out of Candy's aura. Does Corrupted Innocence activate? Let's say now (yes, let's be cruel to this gremlin) that he's buried by a Pine box from a Death Marshall. When it activates, it's the bayou player who determines whether the unburry takes place before or after the one the move?
  10. Pallas4

    Nexus2 hire

    Nope. By keyword by cost by alphabetical by station
  11. Pallas4

    Nexus2 hire

    Have you found? Still 1.7.7 on Android but 1.7.8 on web app.
  12. Pallas4

    Nexus2 hire

    Hi on 1.7.7, on Android, When I want to do a list with Nexus 2 I can't hire Shambling nest. I can do it on the webapp but the cost on the Nest is not displayed in the list.
  13. Hi We have a difference of interpretation between different players. Are defence triggers (as with Toni) reduced by incorporeal? Yes, because it is a trigger generated by the attack action (and in this case black blood too?) no, because it is not on the attack thanks
  14. I can only give you this album with two pictures and one video. https://imgur.com/a/WkBuQSp
  15. An Idea I used on Vassal (but I didn't play a lot so..) Euripides in a center of a bubble. 1 a model take damage to gain a Rune token (for example with the old way). And if this model has frozen Vigor, finish the Activation near a ice pillar or a katlegist to heal the model. 2 Active another model in the bubble, do a duel with the old way. Use hepatomancy to look the opposed player cards and discard good ones. Euripides will gain a rune token. And if this model has frozen Vigor, finish the Activation near a ice pillar or a katlegist to heal the model... again. 3 Repeat. With single duel, you can discards a lot of good opponent cards.
  16. Sorry for custom meeple but I really think plastic markers are not a good idea. it's difficult to do it with those markers. But with printed markers (on thick papers) it's easy.
  17. Does the prospector draw two cards if it is near a scheme marker and Yannick? My doublt it is beacause ingenuity says "this model", but appraise not. Thanks.
  18. I created a game on a Android 1.6.24 My opponent is in webapp 1.6.22 And we don't see the same encounter Both when we leave the game don't see it in the list... BUT my opponent leave and come back in the game and don't see the same encounter again... EDIT : and when I come back I can't do anything.... like the first screen but without the choose faction
  19. Just ennemy models can be treated like friendly Cadmus. Sorry. ^^ But in fact it could be a good question if Nexus1 is versus Anya2.
  20. I have a problem with this answer. Above I'm told that it's a friendly model that chooses to take damage and that's why you can't do it on a parasited model. When Nexus uses citizens of Malifaux centered on herself, ok no worries, it can tell itself that the parasited model is not friendly. Ok. But when she uses exoskeletal connection, Will of Cadmus or her omnipresential influence on a parasited model... Either it's Nexus who chooses who suffers damage to Syphon Power (and it works on parasited models) Or it is a friendly model who chooses and in this case if Nexus doesn't choose one, it is the opposite player who can say that one of his parasited miniature suffers a damage (rules of simmultaneous effect)... and thus serve for hidden martyrs, but in this case Nexus can't refuse (or then where is the point of rules?). I'm aware it's a tricky point but it's could change things.
  21. yes. In general or in the specific case when the parasited model is the target of an action with the restriction "friendly cadmus" model.
  22. even when the parasited model is targeted by a "friendly only" action? (in French, I would say "Je cherche la petite bête", that's accurate in this time)
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