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Everything posted by relaxeddave

  1. Cool thanks for that, he really is a tough choice for a master if Eliminate is in the Pool, at least for the first 2 points anyway.
  2. A have a couple of questions/scenarios I wanted to clarify now I'm playing Lucus McCabe. First up is Eliminate the Leadership, the opponent would score 1 point as soon as (Mounted) McCabe hits half, which will be often but so be it. However the reaches 0 one seems as though it would only trigger when the Dismounted McCabe reaches 0 / is sacrificed etc. as the Dismounted McCabe takes the place of the original McCabe for all schemes and alike. Is that correct ? The second thing I want to clarify is the order at the End of a Turn. Dismounted McCabe can reactivate himself and this is sacrificed at the End of the Turn. In the case of Set Up, are the points for that scheme scored before or after models are removed from play at The End of the Turn. Further to this, if effects are done before points someone dieing from burning would not be around to score ? I'm at work at the moment so sorry in advance if asking a naf question that is clear when reading these things 'in the flesh'. Dave
  3. Received the money from Jan, ticket passed over (virtually),
  4. Mike, what is Jan Proudly's username/contact details etc nothing obvious at first glance. Thanks. Cool Blacks, will let you know ASAP
  5. Will do, real name is David Payne but listed as Michelle Payne on the list, probably as it is her PayPal
  6. Hi all, fate has conspired against me and I can no longer attend ... would someone like to buy my ticket off me ?
  7. All cleared, ££ sent, see you in a few weeks! David Payne
  8. Hi Dave, I'm a near certainty just need to confirm a couple of things. Dave
  9. Ticket bought .... for the organises it might come up as Michelle (wife's PayPal) it is me, DaviePayne
  10. Awesome work, looking to see where I'll get my Malifaux fix once I return to Melbourne
  11. I would like to attend but it is very close to the day my wife is due .... will have to see how things go and maybe enter late is spots available
  12. Impressive list, I hope to make a few
  13. Well I had a great weekend even though my results weren't stellar (to say the least). I think it was really well run weekend, so my thanks to Mike and team. The adherence (more or less) to the timings was very impressive given there was 88 (give or take) players to organise. Everything flowed and the table service was great. The Cons are minor and mainly mentioned above, excessive PA banter at times did make hearing difficult at times, scoring sheets were a little light on but functional I guess and thirdly I thought the food options were somewhat diabolical ... nuclear sausages on Saturday with dry rolls and cold pizza and chips on Sunday left a bit to be desired ... It's a gaming weekend so I don't expect a lot but thought it was a bit poor (and probably out of your hands to a degree). The Saturday evening spread would probably have been fine for the lunches.
  14. Hi Joel, I'm keen for the Saturday event as well please. Road Trip!
  15. Hi there, Paid (finally!). Was from wifes Paypal account but put my name (Dave Payne) and forum name in the description. Cheers, Dave
  16. Colour me intrigued ... get it... Coloured... cause it is at Colours!! I kill me. Seriously though, I will confirm calendar this evening and book in if possible
  17. They look simply awesome! How many parts?
  18. Big thanks for Mr Brown for yet another excellently ran comp, brilliant prize support, 4 fun games. Venue was quite fancy, got warm but that was just due to the 100-ish bodies no doubt, much better than freezing my butt off at Wayland! Anyone want a Whiskey Golem, Whiskey Golem for sale !!
  19. Just sent my payment through, see you in May
  20. Yes to echo the above comments a big thanks for David (and his minion) for running another brilliant tournament. Great events every time.
  21. Purchased!! Phew! Quick or the dead
  22. Better late than never I guess, Lady J for me.
  23. Certainly interested, will try and confirm asap got to organise real life and all that malarky
  24. Yes indeed, a really well run day ... when I initially saw the schedule I thought that 's optimistic but the times were hit and a great day was had! Mental note, wear a thermal in Winter when attending TableTop Nation :-)
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