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Everything posted by Nical

  1. I think Jack daw or Shenlong is most complex master, but I think most complex crew is Levi's Crew. Because Jack Daw and Shelong's Basics are very complex, but Levi has the greatest 'model pool' by Pariah Upgrades. Collodi is a complex master, but his basic is not complex. It is just limited, because Collodi sometimes can't do nothing for Something. (For Example, Enforcers) So Collodi(and his player) must think about his limits, and that make him complex.
  2. In very short, Lucius' tactics are AP Transfer & VP Control. And if you want you can add Some Guns as Neverborn. AP Transfer - Lucius can give AP to his minions by Issue Command or Command Presence. VP Control - Lucius can make his minion take interact actions while Engaged. And he can "steal" opponent's Scheme Marker by Legalese Upgrade. Some Guns - Lucius can get a Shooting Attack by Secret Asset Upgrade, And he can take up to 4 "Guardsmen" Models by Surprisingly Royal Upgrade. So Lucius usually take good beatstick or boomstick minions to kill Something and get VP by himself or Scheme runners.
  3. When I take Vasilisa without upgrade, I take more SS or other effigy to prepare for 'situations'. Collodi can give many AP to his minion, but his range is limited. And many other factions can get more, long-ranged weapon easily than neverborn except Lucius. For example, Guild's Ortega Family / Guild Riflemen. If they want, they can attack out of our range. So I like to hold a line for VP with Denial & Counterattack with Collodi. (But I think it is just problem of experience) Ram to heal is only 13 cards, right. But Lucky's heal can be used when you can't deal damage. I focused it. Because I like to hold a line for VP as I say. And If it can hit his target, Lucky Efficy 'can' deal damage like Stitched Together in melee (just can, but useful against low Df Model like Stitched Together). I think about Doppleganger, too. But I will take her with Lucius. Because I like to take Lucius with Vasilisa & some Stitched Togethers when I want to play aggressive. because he can take his gunners. This is my roster against TT today. My opponent took Lynch, so I kill Hungering Darkness twice(by Rising Sun) and a Illuminated. But in truth, it's strategy was Reconnoiter, so I won by keeping at least 2 Quarter and interrupting his actions for VP. Neverborn Crew - 50 - Scrap Collodi -- 3 Pool +Breathe Life [1] +Fated [1] +Threads of Fate [1] Marionette X 4 [12] Arcane Effigy [4] Lucky Effigy [4] Stitched Together [6] Stitched Together [6] Stitched Together [6] Vasilisa [9]
  4. I like to use the tactic like yours, but my tactic is a little different. First, I take Lucky Effigy (you must make it) to use his Luck o' the Draw. So whenever Stitched Together flips a in a duel, it may immediately heal 1 wound. It means our stitched together can heal by Game of Chance and even your opponent's attack (It needs "duel"). So I like Lucky Effigy more than Brutal Effigy. For example, if your opponent's model attacks 1 wound Stitched Together, it can survive even it is hit. (If the attack can't ignore hard to kill and you flip .) In addition, I think Brutal Effigy as range slow debuffer & sacrifical pawn for scheme. Second, I don't like to give upgrades to Vasilisa. Her upgrades are good, but she is very fragile. If your opponent can hit her 'easily', She will be killed easily. And her Wp is 5 and her Wd is only 6. So I like to take vasilisa without upgrades or with a upgrade to survive for more SS or other model like Arcane Effigy. (Unless I need other upgrades for schemes. For Example, Vasilisa wtih 'A Friend to Talk to' + Coryphee + Shadow Effigy can be great combo for some schemes.)
  5. Commanding Presence is useful, but it needs 8+ Card to pass TN13 Horror Duel. So I think it is not good without lawyer or Sergeant than Obey. But with them, Commanding Presence is more useful to save resources than Obey (If Austringer can flip 8+ Card by buff.) If Commanding Presence can be used to give AP, Obey can be used to control opponent's models. Waldgeists always be very good with Lucius. I like them, too.
  6. Thanks. I think he can use it, too. But He can't use it in Crew Creator, so I asked. From now on I will not believe Crew Creator, unless it be updated.
  7. So I think Useless Duplications is better than Depression for Doppleganger.
  8. So I said "I think it is not powerful as buffed rifleman's shot". But I want to talk about synergy of Lucius & Vasilisa, Austringers + Obey Spam is one of examples. And Neverborns have other "good enough" models like Illuminated or Beatstick Enforcers. In truly, I like to take "some" Stitched Togethers with Lucius & Vasilisa. Vasilisa's (0) Action can give "Free" AP to Stitched, and Obey be usually used to control opponent's Models. Because Stitched can be targeted Issue Command.
  9. I like Collodi / Vasilisa or Lucius / Vasilisa to control my opponent's Crew and give more AP to my minions. It is useful tactic, but It needs much cards (or thought to save resources) as you say and needs to keep Vasilisa. She is very fragile.
  10. I think I must take full 7ss. I like to take Vasilisa, and she be always hungry for soulstones in game. Depression's "Delight is Despair" is (0) Action. Sadly, Mimic is (0) Action, too. But I think Doppleganger can copy Austringer's raptor to save soulstones & cards.(But non-triggers).
  11. Yes, It's My tactic's Greatest Problem. So I think about Mr. Tannen. He can use "Leave it to Luck", So I will use 5+ Cards for obey. And he is mimic. And My Combo Always be using first obey to Austringer A, Second to Austringer B in an Activation. So I take two Austringer.
  12. Agreed. But I have a question. Can Mctavish use "Hex among you"? I think "Hex among you" is neverborn / gremlins upgrade for "swampfiend", and he is "swampfiend" mercenary. (Mercenary can use hiring factions upgrade.) I know he can't use it as neverborn in crew creator, But I think crew creator needs updates. And he can use it as gremlins.
  13. I think Vasilisa can replace Captain Deshel in Lucius Crew by her Obey. (If you don't take guild riflemen.) Because obey can give AP to models that can't be buffed by issue Command or give more AP to minions. For Example, I will use Lucius + Vasilisa + Austringer x 2 + Doppleganger combo. Lucius can take Austringer. but he can't use Issue command to Austringers. But Vasilisa can use obey to them. So they can attack at most 6 times. And Vasilisa is not leader, so Doppleganger can use mimic to copy her obey or Austringer's Raptor. Now they can attack at most 8-9 times. Austringer's main attack (Raptor) is not require LoS and ignore Cover. (So wyrd makes "non-austringer" restrictions in wave 2) I think it is not powerful as buffed rifleman's shot, But austringer can shoot in the blind spot safely. How about Your Ideas?
  14. If you play with Zoraida against brewmaster, think about your crew's other models at first. Because Zoraida's Wp is very good, But her Swampfiend friends & Enthralled models aren't. (5 or worse)
  15. In addition, Collodi's Ca is 7 and he can take Arcane Effigy to remove conditions. (Sorry, I forget saying it)
  16. Liquid Bravery? Why not? But Down the Hatch is (0) Action, and it give +2 Wp to only Minions. If you target non-minion models, It is not matter. (Except Leader) And not only Brewmaster can decrease his enemies' Wp. Neverborn's some models can do, too.
  17. I usually take Collodi against Gremlins. Their Wp are not good, so Collodi can easily control them. In Stake a Claim, his slow trigger is more useful. And Collodi can use “My Will” & “Breathe Life” to move his minions.
  18. "Best" master for "some strategy" can be completed by his/her crew. Each master is good at some strategies, but he/she is poor at other strategies. And truly, they are not best for "their good strategies", just as good or better than other masters. So they need combination with other models to be "best" for some strategy. Additionally, we need to think about schemes & terrains for victory. So I think there is only a "best crew" for "each game".
  19. Their connection is just a hommage. E.T.A "Hoffmann" wrote 'Derr Sandmann' and "Coppelius" is one of characters in the novel.
  20. Pay up = flip cards for each enemy has Brilliance and get masks from them Woke Up With A Hand(Upgrade) = If Lynch is Crew's last activated model, he draw some cards.
  21. Agreed. Lynch's gaming themes are Manipulating Cards and Using Brilliance. But I like to play him as Neverborn.
  22. Lucius & Collodi. I like their Minion-specific theme. But If I need to choose only one, I choose Lucius.
  23. At least, you can't do that with Alp. Command Presence(Horror Duel after Walk) is used to only "Minion", but Alp is peon. I think Gupps is good for your idea.(4ss, Wp 4, Minion)
  24. So Inhale Terror can be used as insurance for enemy's horror duel ability or actions.
  25. As Enforcer & Mimic, they both can use Useless Duplication (Upgrade for Mimic) / Fact / Nexus of Power (Wave 1) / Mimic's Blessing / Retribution's Eye (Wave 2) Useless Duplication & Mimic's Blessing are upgrades for their survival. Retribution's Eye is good for Graves. but other higher-cost enforcers are better. Graves can use Obsidian Talons / Rapid Growth (Upgrade for Nephilim). They are useful for other Nephilim, but almost useless for Non-Nephilim. Tannen can use Depression (Upgrade for Woe) It is upgrade for control enemy. I think Melancholy is more useful than Delight in Despair for Tannen. Because He needs DiD only for Yaws Trigger and He have other (0) Action. Additionally, I think Tannen is better than Graves for Lynch. Because Lynch has enough melee beatsticks except him. (For Example, Huggy with Fear Given Form)
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