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Everything posted by doubledragon

  1. I've got all my games in for Guild. 2 wins and 1 loss.
  2. I like to get around this by bringing Francisco along. Give him the "Hermanos De Armas" upgrade. He then gains a (0) action which he can use to push friendly models 5"'s away into base contact. So he starts his activation in base contact with Sonnia, gives Sonnia +2 to DF and WP, then walks 5" to where you want and pushes Sonnia into base contact. Francisco also helps you get around Sonnia's other weakness - ML. If Sonnia is engaged in ML, just use Francisco's "Confront Me!" on the target, Sonnia then pushes out of ML.
  3. That is correct, but there was no cheating. For half the game, no one died. That's part of why it was a highlight of the game.
  4. Hey Guys, All three of my games for this stand off are done! I played a 50ss tournament this weekend. 3 games, which all were coincidentally against Ressers! Game 1: Sonnia VS Nicodem I lost 7-9 Highlight from this game was turn 4, 4 flesh constructs reactivating because I had no cards in hand. Ouch. Game 2: Sonnia VS Seamus I won 7-4 Highlight from this game was a death Marshall pine boxing bête for half the game. Game 3: Perdita VS Yan Lo I won 9-8 Highlight from this game was Perdita. Turn one she killed Jakune. Turn 2 she killed Chiaki. Turn 4 she killed Mortimer. Turn 5 a lone Ashigaru. Turn 4, with a combination of soul stones, rams and vengeance bullet and a cheat in of a red joker for damage, she did a total of 14 damage to Mortimer in one shot from 14" away. BOOM!
  5. I'll be posting a couple reports on behalf of the Guild after this weekend
  6. Sam with his with witch hunter upgrade. 8 points of burning a turn? 16 with a doppelgänger? So good.
  7. I think I might play a game or two with McMourning as Guild just to annoy the Ressers on this thread.
  8. Thanks! Alright, no problem. I'll start posting results from next month then. Guild for the win!
  9. Hey guys! This sounds like fun, I'm in for The Guild! Will play my first game tonight and post the results tomorrow.
  10. I ran McMourning as Guild this weekend. The strategy was Squatter Rights. The schemes were Cursed Object, Distract, Bodyguard, Vendetta and Line in the sand. My crew was: Mcmourning with Plastic Surgery, On The Clock Zombie Chihuahua Sebastian The Judge 2x Nurses Death Marshall Witchling Stalker 2x Guild Guard I took line in the sand and bodyguard on the judge. My opponent played Marcus. Despite killing his entire crew and only losing 2 of my own models, I lost 5-10, but at no fault of the good doctors. my opponent out played me with a very well put together crew for squatters rights and smart scheme selection (cursed object and distract). He had 3 molemen, 3 canine remains, 2 razor spine rattlers and Myranda I found that McMourning brought along some great interaction and scheme marker tricks that aren't available with other guild masters (except Lucius). Line in the sand was a breeze. Handing out precise to other models such as The Judge was great - a couple one hit kills on molemen. McMourning is also a monster in ml. Also, the nurses pushing up the damage on my own guys was great. At one point The Judge was doing 5 min damage ignoring armor. Also, the heals from the nurses are amazing coupled with a witchling stalker. It took 3 turns of sustained attack from Marcus and Myranda to kill the judge. The poison didn't play too much of a huge role, except for McMourning doing rancid transplant and expunge on a couple targets to kill them. BUT, Sebastions induction combined with the chihuahua was a great way to finish off almost dead models at the end of each turn. I thorough enjoyed playing McMourning as Guild and would encourage Guild players to try it out.
  11. Turn 1: 1 Turn 2: 1 Turn 3: 1 Turn 4: 1 Turn 5: 1 That's how I'd rate each flip as a generalization from my experience and game play style. This is also coming from someone who can't remember the last time they won an initiative flip. And has had to develop a play style around that.
  12. I'd take out the effigy and the acolyte and put in Johan and 2 mole men. Johan does what the effigy does but better and hits really hard with his hammer, and his flurry is a lot easier to pull off with Colette. The molemen have great synergy with all the markers you'll be dropping. So they can run off and do schemes with the performer while the rest of your crew smashes face.
  13. Masters with great synergy are: Ramos Kaeris Mei Feng They can mix and match crews with great synergy pretty easily Colette is also a great addition to them because she's just so good with any models
  14. I also find the Rail Golem lack luster for his points. Purely because I find his performance from game to game inconsistent. Howard is much better for the points in my opinion. And if the powered by flame upgrade is around, he's great with Kaeris. I also find the combination of a metal Gamin giving Johan df6 and his flurry enough to take on any big hitters your opponent may have. And if they've been softened up by the gunsmith from a distance, even easier. The crew I posted earlier isn't the fastest, but when they get where they need to be, they'll sit there for some time. If I need them to be faster, I'll swap purifying flame for wings of fire. That list works really well for turf war, squatters rights and reconnoiter. The trick with Kaeris is to know when to do what. She fills both support and offensive roles well. Some turns she'll support, others she'll jump into the fray, as Decker has mentioned.
  15. Large arachnids remove scheme markers too, not just scrap markers. Which is amazing. They also have creative salvage, so they can potentially create scrap. The fact that they can remove scheme markers alone makes taking more than one very worth while.
  16. I was having the same problem with Kaeris. Even had a similar thread on here a while ago. Since then, after some good suggestions from fellow gamers on the thread and some games, this a crew for Kaeris that I'm finding works pretty well in most situations. I'm also not one for proxies. The only proxy in here is the firestarter, cos he sets up so much for Kaeris. Kaeris: Powered by flame Purifying flame Firestarter: Imbued energies Johan: Imbued energies Gunsmith Large arachnid Large arachnid Metal Gamin Metal Gamin Metal Gamin The crew is surprisingly tough with plenty of healing. And puts out a whole lot of burning without even trying.
  17. Thanks guys! Plenty of good suggestions there. I also find the gunsmiths tricky. If I take two, I find I don't get my Soulstones worth, but one seems to do the trick.
  18. Hi guys! So, I've had a couple games with Kaeris now and I'm still figuring out which models work best with her. I've found that the firestarter, 2x large arachnids and 1x gunsmith works well most times then whatever else is needed for the game at hand. I also usually play Kaeris with the purifying flame upgrade. What models or model combinations do you guys find work well with Kaeris?
  19. I've put all 3 hoarcats onto a single base. It works and looks good. Just requires a bit of shuffling around and careful placement.
  20. The way I understand it, and I may have it completely wrong, is that he used to be a miner under the M&SU. Now he's one of those small independent operations miners that the guild and M&SU go take over through whatever means necessary if they're onto a good soulstones patch. Johan fights back though and usually wins, this then makes him a sort of hero with other miners under the M&SU. Still flimsy, but that's what I understand. A fluff story involving him in one of the chronicles that explains this for us would be great.
  21. Thanks for the positive feedback guys Glad you've enjoyed it!
  22. Hey guys A buddy and I played a game on Saturday, my Viktorias against his Mei Feng, 50 soul stones. It was really fun and thematic. I wrote it up in "story style" from the perspective of the Viktoria crew. Deployment: flank Strategy: Sabotage with set up camp for defender (Viks attackers, Mei Feng defender) Viktorias schemes: Plant evidence, bodyguard (Johan) Mei Feng schemes: Plant evidence, bodyguard (Kang) Result: 9 - 8 to Viktoria Enjoy! ENTER THE DRAGONS Viktoria received an anonymous envelope with a letter, and a small amount of soul stones inside. On closer inspection, The letter was a contract, asking her to destroy one of the Arcanists supply warehouses along one of their railroads and make it look as if the Ten Thunders did it. If she accepted, she was to accomplish it in two nights time. After successfully completing the mission, she'd need to meet at the Star Theatre the night after to receive the rest of the stipulated lucrative amount in soul stones from a man in red, who would approach her. Viktoria thought to herself, why red? Red? A Guild guardsmen, or just a gentleman in a red suite? It must be the guild, or at least whoever planned this wants her to think it's the guild. She decided to do it. If she could help increase the tension between the 3 power houses of Malifaux, in anyway, then so be it. Especially if she earned a large amount of soulstones from it. --- The night air was brisk, Vanessa could feel the change in season coming, even through her duster coat she could feel the chill. Next to her was Johan, in his thick hooded cape with his massive glowing hammer resting over his shoulder. Just ahead were two Ronin - Tasha and Lisa, both carrying Ten Thunder standard issue dynamite and fuses, some would be used to to blow up the warehouse, some would be used to plant as false evidence. The small group were silent as they approached the point on the map the Viktorias told them to be. The area was close to southgate station, bordering the Quarantine zone. They came up towards an old ruined building on their left and a large dead tree, similar to the hanging tree, on their right. The soil was barren, but Vanessa could feel the energies of a leyline. Not too far ahead, to the right, Johan pointed out the warehouse, "I think that's what we're here to blow up". "Yes, we're in position", replied Vanessa in a whisper. She signalled to Tasha, and with that, Tasha pulled out an old pocket mirror, which she used to flicker some moon light off into the distance. Viktoria saw the flicker she was waiting for in the distance to her right, exactly where she expected it to come from. "Dependable as always", whispered the other Viktoria as she readjusted the straps slung over her shoulders, holding the sheaths that carried the two masamuni swords. Viktoria readied her clockwork pistol, pulled out a small mirror from her coat and looked back over her shoulder, her sister in spirit was there, both hands now moving up from the straps over her shoulders to unsheathe the two masamunis slung across her back. Next to her was the nameless girl, their small protégée, which they now just call, 'the student'. Just behind them crouched Alice, a freikorps librarian, who's arcane abilities have saved the sisters lives many times before. Viktoria flickered some moonlight off the mirror back over to Vanessa and the others on the opposite side of the ruins, signaling to approach the warehouse. As she put the mirror back into her coat, she heard voices coming from the tall ruins on her left behind the tall rock formation jutting out of the earths surface. "Bollocks!", exclaimed Viktoria in a whisper, "Why can't it ever be easy?". "If it was going to be easy, they wouldn't have hired us to do it", replied the other Viktoria, peaking over the small wall they were hiding behind. "I see two men, with construction tools as limbs. A taller man, with a massive shovel. A smaller man pushing a wheel barrow. And a woman followed by a, a flame?" "Mei Feng and her Ten thunders rail workers", said Alice cautiously, "they fight just as well as they build". "Bollocks!" extorted Viktoria as she quickly ducked behind the wall again, "they have a rail golem with them!" As Viktoria ducked down, the massive construct, three times the height of a man, stepped out from behind the ruins with steam billowing out its back on their far left, holding a piece of rail steel the length of two men in it's red hot, iron grip. "We have to go! We have to go now!" shouted the student jumping up. Before the other woman could react, the little girl sheathed her sword and started running into the open towards the warehouse ahead of them. The rail workers saw her, "Mistress, what do we do?" "Catch her!", exclaimed Mei Feng in a calm demeanor. One of the rail workers started running directly for the student, while the other started running to his right towards the wall the others were still hiding behind. "Go! Go! Go!" Shouted Viktoria, as both sisters stood up and started sprinting with unnatural speed towards the student. "Here we go", said Alice as she ran behind the two blondes, trying her best to keep up. --- "What's going on over there?" asked Lisa. "I'm not sure", replied Vanessa, "but it doesn't look good! Lisa, Tasha, Johan, you three run over to the warehouse and do what we came here to do. I'm going to make my way over towards my sisters there, looks like they could use some help." "Yes ma'am" replied Lisa with a sarcastic salute. "I'm coming with you Vanessa", instructed Johan. The two Ronin ran past the large, dead, hanging tree look-a-like and into the tall dry grass behind it. Vanessa and Johan jumped over the rubble they were hiding behind into the open and started running towards the sisters. "We're on a leyline!" said Vanessa. "What's that mean?" asked Johan. A long grin appeared on Vanessa's soft face, "You'll see!" --- As the beautiful blonde twins ran past the tall rock formation on their left, the rail worker running straight after the student came up through the trees next to the rock formation, meters away from the two of them. Viktoria paused, raised her clockwork pistol at the half iron man and released two shots, both hitting him. One shot ricocheted off his steel chest, only winding him and the other exploding a small chunk of flesh off his shoulder. After regaining his balance, he kept running. A blue ball of light hurtled past the two Viktorias on their right with such speed, it almost pushed them to the floor. The ball of light blasted into the rail worker with a blinding flash of light, exploding the man into bits of flesh and steel which landed with splashes and klanks around the twins. "We've got your backs!" Viktoria looked back over her shoulder, running up towards them into the open was Vanessa and Johan. Lisa and Tasha made it out of the tall grass, the warehouse not far away now. "Should we go over there and help?!" Lisa asked Tasha. "No, someone needs to do what we came here for!" With that, Tasha threw a stick of dynamite onto the ground and pointed at the warehouse. "Let's blow that building sky high, get paid and make the Thunders answer for it." --- The student carried on making a beeline for the warehouse, both Viktorias close behind her on either side, reached out and grabbed the little girl on either arm. "What are you doing?!", yelled one Viktoria. "You want to get killed?!" Yelled the other. "Wait for me!", Alice was struggling to keep up with the sisters. Both Viktorias turned around to see how far behind Alice was. Just as they turned around, Mei Feng flew into the librarian, slashing at her with catlike claws, ripping through the freikorp armour. Alice fell to the ground with a piercing scream. Thinking the librarian dead, Mei Feng turned her attention towards the sisters, "What are you two doing here?!" With Mei Feng focused on the twins, Alice focused her mind, closing her wounds with healing energies, pulled out her hunting knife and slashed at the back of Mei Fengs legs with a miss as Mei Feng intuitively dodged out the way. The Viktorias drew their swords and charged towards Mei Feng with a roar. Vanessa readied her arcane staff, Mei Feng was a sitting duck. Just as she was about to unleash a leyline charged ball of arcane energy at the foundry leader, Johan slapped down onto her staff with his hand, "Stop! You could hit Alice!" Vanessa froze in shock, "I, I didn't see her!" "We need to help her!" exclaimed Johan as he lifted his unwieldy hammer and started to run over to Alice and Mei Feng. "Aaaahhh!" Johan swung round to see Vanessa was now on fire. Mei Fengs totem, the emberling had charged at Vanessa out of nowhere and was swirling around her. As Viktoria was about to leap at Mei Feng, both masamunes drawn, she saw something massive rocketing towards her on her right. The rail golem came crashing out into the open through the trees with the speed and power of a freight train, slamming his rail line of a club into the ground, inches away from Viktoria, the force of the slam knocking Viktoria off her feet. She looked up and saw the club coming straight for her head, with inhuman dexterity, she flicked herself out of harms way and back onto her feet. She glanced to her left, her twin and the student had made the charge and were locked in melee with Mei Feng, swords and claws slashing and clanging into each other. She turned her attention back at the behemoth coming at her for a second round. She mumbled to herself, "Time to keep my oath" and leaped out of the way of the rail line steel that came crashing down towards her. Then, before the golem could stand up straight from its own arching swing, Viktoria had leaped onto its back and buried both magical blades down through its neck, into its torso. Viktoria somersaulted off the front of the golem ripping out both blades, sending a swirl of hot coal and fire into the air behind her, whilst the golem let out a deep groan and slumped into the ground. Viktoria landed on both feet and leapt into melee to aid her sisters against Mei Feng. --- Johan dived into Vanessa, exploding through the swirl of fire created by the dancing emberling, sending himself and Vanessa crashing into the dirt. Johan sprung to his knees, whipping off his cloak and used it suffocate the fire engulfing Vanessa. He grabbed his relic hammer and swung around onto his feet, hammer stretched out, but missed the elemental. Vanessa, angered by the emberling, stood to her feet with her short sword drawn and lunged at the fiery aggressor, stabbing it and sending out a spew of hot coal and fire out its back. The emberling let out a high pitched scream and spat out a ball of fire onto Vanessa, setting her duster alight again, though this time Vanessa kept fighting the elemental through the burning. She swung at the emberling again, slicing through its head, causing it to explode into black smoke. Johan glinted through the black smoke to see a scrawny man with a wheel barrow, then a cylindrical red object landing not too far from him and Vanessa. "Fire in the hole!". BOOM! --- "What was that?!", Lisa and Tasha thought they were the only ones using explosives. "I don't know" said Lisa, "but we better get on with it". The two ronin had reached the warehouse and 'dropped' enough discriminating evidence against the Ten Thunders on the way. "I hope we have enough dynamite left after dropping so many on the way here, this warehouse is sturdy". "That's why we throw the dynamite inside, stupid!" exclaimed Lisa. Lisa then carefully pried open a window with her short blade, trying not to make as little noise as possible, in case someone or something was inside. --- The student swung her sword with all her might at Mei Fengs legs, but missed as the martial expert jumped over the blade, twisting into a jackhammer kick that sent the little apprentice flying through the air and into the dirt with a thud and puff of dust. "Oh no you don't!" exclaimed Viktoria at Mei Feng, as she slashed with lightning speed at Mei Feng, who managed to side step most of the blow, with the sword only skimming her side for minor damage. Mei Feng retaliated with cat like swipes of her smoldering metal claws, slashing both Viktorias. The twin with both swords swung at Mei Feng with a whirlwind of steel blades, cutting Mei Feng across the chest with the first blade, but missing with the second as Mei Feng misdirected the blade off her steel claws into the other Viktoria. Viktoria staggered and fell to one knee, bleeding profusely out of her stomach. --- Johan found himself on the ground covered in dirt, he pulled himself up along the shaft of his hammer that stood upright, head in the ground. He could see Vanessa lying in the dirt, just outside the crater of the explosion. She looked dead. Off to the distance, he could see the scrawny man planting dynamite in the ground. Johan didn't care what Willie was doing, he wanted to get Vanessa and get her to safety. He staggered towards Vanessa, picked her up, she was black all over and bleeding from the head. Johan slung Vanessa over his shoulder and made a run for safety through the tall grass towards the rendezvous point. --- Lisa and Tasha positioned themselves defensively outside the window, each of them lighting a fuse attached to a kindle of dynamite. The two young mercenaries threw their charged bundles of dynamite through the window of the warehouse in unison. And then ran as fast as they possibly could into a safe distance from the building. "Ten, nine, eight, seven", Tasha started counting down, anticipating the explosion, "six, five, four " BOOM! The dynamite exploded, blowing out the entire back of the warehouse in spectacular fashion. The two ronin then headed for the rendezvous point, which was in the direction of the Malifaux Exploration Society. --- Alice had managed to bring herself to full health while Mei Feng was occupied with the sisters, and now, the sisters needed her help. One of the twins was flat on the ground in a pool of blood. If she could heal her, she knew the twin would be okay. She had seen her survive worse. Alice walked towards the melee with both hands out uttering an old language. Healing energies flowed out of her hands and into the twins, closing up the cuts on the twin still fighting Mei Feng, but no movement was coming from the sister on the floor. Then, just as Mei Feng was about to send a burning steel fist through the standing sisters chest, she was floored by a sweeping kick from the sister on the floor, who then sprung to both feet. "It's done! The ronin have done it! Let's get out of here!" shouted both Viktorias in unison towards Alice, and with that, they leaped out of reach of Mei Feng, who was still getting back onto her feet. One of the twins picked up the unconscious student as they ran towards the rendezvous point. As they were running, the Viktorias looked back to see if Alice was behind them. She was not. Through the smoke and the flame of the burning warehouse, they could see the larger rail worker with the massive shovel dragging Alice's body away. "We need to get her! She could still be alive!" Shouted Viktoria as she pulled out her pistol and started towards the fiery seen. "No! She's gone! Leave her!" Johan's voice came out of the dark, Viktoria turned around to see him pointing to the far right, where dozens of rail workers were running to the scene of the crime. Behind Johan were the two Ronin and at his feet was Vanessa, "We need to get her to a healer, now." End.
  23. Hi guys, Have any of you tried Ama No Zako with the Viks? If you have, what has been your experience?
  24. Some casting thoughts: McCabe: Hugh Jackman Sonnia: Eva Green Perdita: Jessica Alba Lady J: Jessica Chastain Hoffman: Stanley Tucci McMourning: Willem Dafoe Nicodem: Christopher Lee Seamus: Cillian Murphy Molly: Christina Ricci Von Schill: Nicolas Cage Viktoria: Amber Heard Colette: Christina Hendricks Rasputina: Mila Kunis Ramos: Ben Kingsley Directed by Guy Ritchie
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