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Everything posted by Patzer

  1. Dreamer can be quite a pain if he gets his Stitched engine rolling, which wouldn't really be a problem if they were rare 3. Other than that, I think he is fine. Ulix seems very strong. I gave him a closer look some time ago, and I was really impressed by him. Looking forward to see what he can do! Perdita... Don't get me started... One thing I think is quite overlooked with Colette and her potential, is the amount of scheme markers the Doves can get out with Practiced Production upgrade. MD, what kind of crew will you run with Leve?
  2. Izamu would sacrifice himself, so the acting model would not get any credit for killing him. The only way you can come around the ability's effect is to kill Izamu with non- :meleeattack, effect, etc.
  3. Dgraz, cool move with McCabe. I don't see what the problem is with having McCabe in melee though, since he becomes df 6-7 then... That is for another thread and day though. Really neat points about the strength of a generalist master's ability to adapt to the flow of the game. I have question though. Do you feel that the Chi condition limits Yan to an extent since he needs to be somewhat near the action in order to ramp up the condition, thus being able to flourish? In other words, do you think the other generalist you spoke have more dependent ways of getting the most of their abilities?
  4. First, Lightning Dance separates him quite a bit from the other masters I think. No other Resser master can move enemies with such ease (not taking the help of Belles or the Dead Rider into consideration here). In Ressers that can be quite powerful, if you throw the model into Yin and Izamu with Unnerving Aura for example. Second, your argument against him just say that the others are better at him at a specific task, which is fine, but you aren't pointing to why that makes him worse than them. He can do a little bit of everything; isn't that powerful too? Usually generalist models are view as being powerful. Maybe you think he is too sub par in his abilities to make him worthile? I am just saying that pointing out that one master is better at one thing than Yan Lo doesn't mean he is awful all around. Its like saying Ironsides is better than Rasputina since she is better than melee. Also, just to clarifying, this inquiry isn't pointed at you specifically Zfiend, I just quoted you to spring the argument Really cool. This is were I think he is a bit overlooked in Ressers, as the other spirit master. He seems to synergies fairly well with the spirits overall. Another thing, is Datsue Ba turning into Ressers' answer to Mechanical Rider? x)
  5. Why are you down on Yan then?
  6. What did you learn after 5 games?
  7. The Spiders will take less damage if you summon fewer too, which is something that is worth to consider. If you summon 3 and have the Combat Mechanic-upgrade you can Accomplice to chain one of spider who then turns the group into a Swarm.
  8. You will need the one that is built in, stone, and cheat/flip if you want to summon 3 spiders.
  9. Yan Lo has a lot of critics on the forums. I am eager to hear why people think he is so bad, and also why those people are wrong To quote a great warrior poet: "Discuss!".
  10. I would go with one or the other. 13ss is a lot for Mortimer, even with the added stuff from the upgrades. The Shovel can make Mortimer a bit more versatile, while Corpse Bloat is all you need if you want to make corpse markers.
  11. All of the Gamins are solid if not outstanding at times. The Metal Gamin my favourite of them, but the others certainly have their places and uses too. Neverborns' cheaper models are fine I think, they all do a certain role very well, but there is a lack of them. The faction could really use some more 5ss models, as well as a decent 3ss model (which is coming) In general though, Ressers and Gremlins have the best filler models. "Oh, my list is nearly only beaters... How can I fit in two Night Terrors or Bayou Gremlins to get my numbers up?".
  12. I think there is an older thread on this specific topic, check it out. Tuco is a decent model by himself and very good with Lilith; read tangle shadows. His gun is very welcomed in a faction where shooting is novelty!
  13. Great stuff Wyrd! When I got into Faux a couple of years ago the Aethervox podcast's stories really help to cement my love for the game and its overall feel. Naturally I am really pleased that you dug up and resurrected Ian Travis and his outstanding narration.
  14. Your list could work, in some games, but it is more fruitful to tailor you list to a specific game's opponent, strategy, and schemes. If you want to ease into the game, I would suggest that you start out with smaller games and slowly increment the amount of soul stones. If you do that, you also will the time to paint a solid roster of models for larger games!
  15. I don't know what to say...... Oh, those days when we hit each other in the face with Dreamer vs Leve...
  16. I can warmly recommend the post-rock band *Shels!
  17. Another thing I quite like with this concept is that besides the first turns Nico can save his high cards/stones for defence, higher damage, card drawing, etc. Really opens up what he does for the crew, also if the opponent attacks him (a tank to say the least); they aren't killing the other important models in the crew.
  18. Yeah, its quite handy. With Sinister Rep, the Seishins' lowly ml4 becomes quite ok too!
  19. So does Shikomes, Bishop, Strongarm Suit, Datsue Ba, and the Hanged... Resser got it cover!
  20. What was the strategy in that game? Minimum damage 4 Shikomes who can be healed by Nico, charge for (1) ap, and attack either WP/Df is simply nasty. I really like how the concept shapes out. Opponents will have to more or less choice whether they should go after Rafkin or Seb (or the Shikomes...), so they more or less have to pick their poison (pun not intended). There are so much passive damage in this crew that it isn't fair... I will have to get me a couple of dogs, Rafkin, and Seb soon...
  21. McMourning is a fine master, I promise!
  22. Hey, I call dibs on one of your games for next month!
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