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Everything posted by Malharath

  1. You still have me in the aussie group. Work times screw this over and I need to verse the dirty americans for ease of games, if thats cool.
  2. So did he leave the Miner buried until he needed the re-summon? Seems like an interesting thing.
  3. New post today. Are we allowed to post about games yet or is that next month? Check it out at, Tickling the Tyrants
  4. My apologies, I always thought it had a 'dead' clause in there. Fluff wise, this is very cool, it is like a guilty runs up, smears blood all over your hands, dies at your feet and then the Guild comes along and your standing there with dead bodies and bloody everywhere. I would use this on my own models more than the opponents. Leaving the Guilty free to cast at whatever is needed.
  5. FYI, I will only be playing with Schrodinger's Models, to save lengthy discussion.
  6. The performer is a mercenary and she is a handy model regardless Madman, I think the models are still good and the combo is not a 'must do'. The peformer is a nice objective runner, and nurses are, well, nurses. Vasilia looks interesting.
  7. So I am doing Zoraida for the ToMB, and have realised that there is no discussion on Zoraida at all, not even her avatar. One thing that I would like to try is have a nurse and Performer. Charge would be best, but hit the voodoo doll twice with the nurse giving it poison 8, if you want to add more you can (with other models), then hit the model with the performers lure, making it take all that damage and you have only needed to duel with it once! Also with the Nurse having accomplice means they will not have a chance to remove the poison, you can also use some of the conditions by casting 'take you meds' off the attacks against the voodoo doll. Also Iggy and the Voodoo doll could be painful for some crews. I hope to see some more that I can try out and report on
  8. mm Hallucinating. So here is a list of how give/getting tormented works. 1) Jack Daw's curses give the Tormented characteristic as a part of the Curse Upgrade that is placed on the model - this can be removed by Penance (nullifying the curse). 2) Guilty can cast the spell "share Guilt" to give the Tormented characteristic until they die or cast it again. 3) Lady Ligeia can cast her spell "There is no Forgiveness", this puts a Condition on the model that gives the tormented characteristic - remove the condition (or end of turn) = remove tormented 4) Pre-Manifest Jack can currently (could change) cast "Sentenced", this puts a Condition on the model that gives the tormented characteristic - remove the condition (or end of turn) = remove tormented The underlines are the key part of each ability. Does this clear it up a little. The "Penance" part of the Curse Upgrades is only for the Curse Upgrades themselves.
  9. Correct. Only Lady Ligeia and Jack give a condition, to give tormented (thus removable). The Guilty give the characteristic, not a condition. Does that help, or is it clear as mud.
  10. Very nice to see you enjoyed playing Jack. Just something to take away, Jack actually pushes the activating model 3', not Jack himself. It is better this way, so many more shenannigans. Also you had Creeping Terror on Montressor so it would have been a 7" range for the activation pushes. You can always try some non-Tormented models, like Ronin (awesome with Nurses) and Convict Gunslingers and use the Guilty's spell to make them Tormented.
  11. Month Zero post is now ready for your viewing displeasure - Tickling the Tyrants
  12. Jack Daw can still do it though . I have just picked Ama, i think that she will still work well regardless.
  13. What is the list? I have tried a drwoned/jakuna list before, not very well though.
  14. Do you burn out a summoned abom to give it more movement and form a DE. Teddy's are fun to Burn Out as they can re-heal. Something that is about dead, or only has a wound left. There are more, but there are some fine uses fine Burn Out.
  15. Nurse are ladies who have their skin peeled off, replaced with new skin which drives them crazy. They are insane, that's their link to Jack. Don't have my book handy but i think the procedure is without anesthetic also. Also game play wise they are great. So many cool little combos to throw around. I love running one with two ronin nearby, to utilise "downers" as much as possible.
  16. Have a real quick query. The Sword Vik's Dragon ability. If you kill the target, of the attacks granted, you can't move can you, as the last line says "target". I ran across this, and just thought I would bring it up, either to be corrected or bring to light for the new players.
  17. It was more, if there is anything it could come up on, sorry should have said that.
  18. Well, what about Cursed Object?? Can they make an attempt to clear the condition? Or is it free points to oppoment?
  19. This. My first M2E game with Viks was like having two headless ninja chickens. The I was thinking about the crew, and had an epiphany about the Dragon abilities. Now it is a lot more interesting.
  20. Do you have itunes? Works fine there, can't say for podbean though sorry.
  21. Another ranged model, that fits the theme you would like is Rusty Alyce. She is Leve's henchwench, but her gun is really nice. She can take an upgrade that will allow some small summoning, or you can give her a generic, oathkeep would be best. Also she can hit hard in melee, and has a 3 inch no charge zone.
  22. I do not use the Hard to Kill on the Viks, use the Accomplice one instead. It is just your play style that will determine the schemes. And yeah throw Oathkeeper on Blood Vik, so you can sling them around with plenty AP to do the job.
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