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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. Good work boss! The trash talk has died down a lot here. We need May to get here!
  2. Was discussing Levi with a mate recently and he came up with a great combination for summoning Levi. Give him the Tally Sheet upgrade that let's you draw a card whenever you kill a model (a pretty easy thing to do with Levi) and take the Hodgepodge Effigy. Effigy does his (0) action on Levi to allow you to discard a card to add a SS to your pool when killing a model. Levi activates and burns a SS to add the correct suit for summoning to kill said target and summon an Abomination. Then draw a card for Tally Sheet and discard a card to add a SS to your pool. At the end of it you have the same number of cards (perhaps replacing a poor one in your hand for a good one) and gain back the SS it cost for summon the Abomination.
  3. More models! This time Ressers ... and Guild ... but they're the same models: Nice close up of the gross bits: And the second one: My Guild Autopsies/Death Marshals.
  4. Hang you head ... actually I could do it ... I'll give you a parasol when I bring you back ...
  5. 100SS Pools seem to be more of a rarity (thankfully as personally I don't like them).
  6. Thunders and Gremlins just fight everybody (though a Gremlin v Gremlin Standoff has a certain hilarity and appropriateness about it!)! And Outcasts fight for everybody (for the right price)!
  7. An Arcanist v Guild Standoff seems like an appropriate one to have. And Neverborn v Guild. Seriously, nobody likes the Guild!
  8. Nobody is bothered by Kaeris now we've leant to play!
  9. I just meant you saying that you weren't trying, not that it should count for this. Didn't seem in the spirit of the Standoff!
  10. Lies, all lies! Take your defeat with the valour you Guild scum are supposed to stand for!
  11. Travelodge usually do some good book in advance details. There's also the Radison Blu, Big Sleep and Park Inn all less than 10 minutes walk from Firestorm.
  12. Next few months no but I'm hoping for Gencon time. Really want to get her on the table some more.
  13. OK, so we played and I won 7-4. As above he already knew most of what I was taking as I wanted him to specifically design a list to try and trouble it so not sure whether that should count (even though I won!) as it wasn't a 'fair' game? Was just one of three victories today which was nice McMourning killed lots of Gremlins then Francois LaCroix did 10 wounds on him and killed himself with Dumb Luck and I flipped a Red Joker for damage reduction which was pretty gross (a severe reduction would have killed him still!). McMourning eventually went down to a Piglet somewhat amusingly (though if he could have survived the third attack I had the crow to Paralyse/full heal from a Nurse, can't complain though considering he was very lucky to survive in the first place!).
  14. How can we do this when I've already had my third game though? Do we cancel out one of my other games?! I'm thinking we probably shouldn't count it anyway as it won't be a fair game. I'm using the 35SS Henchman list again a tournament practice and have told Bertmac most of what I'll take and asked him to deliberately design a list to try and combat/break it as I want it tested as much as possible.
  15. I'm hoping the imminent release of Molly means we'll start to see some spirits soon.
  16. It's always worth killing stuff. A. because it's fun. B. it means you opponent has less stuff to use and C. because you an turn it into something more useful with a Parasol
  17. Even though I've finished my games for the month when I beat Bertmac that counts against The Guild right ...!
  18. I should point out for others reading the thread that this is a post from the cheesiest most power hungry player in our group! Who stomps the newbies!
  19. Not at the moment, we've had a week of sun now. That's like half our yearly allowance ...
  20. Victory in Malifaux isn't about getting 10 VPs, it's about getting more than your opponent. You can concentrate on your schemes and denying your opponent from achieving theirs if ignoring Reckoning. Then try to pick up the odd point from Reckoning if you can (as you shouldn't ignore it completely). Claiming that you lose 40% of the game by not playing Reckoning also overestimates how many points you can score from Reckoning, it's very unusual to score full VPs from it (especially if your opponent has loaded up on elite models and are never going to have eight models that you need to score full VPs).
  21. Not a bad shout. My gaming group has a private FB group where we do mini Batreps. Should start writing some details down so I can do better ones!
  22. Man, 10th April and I've already played all my games for this. We need some sort of side competition going! I've already had my fourth game of the month and should get 5-7 tomorrow!
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