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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. The main use I see for Nurses and Executioners is actually getting their lard arses somewhere to be useful before the enemy have taken the plodding gits down!
  2. Well I've just started a new thread here for some more advice as there's not an awful lot on Guild McMourning here. Keeping him away from combat seems counter-intuitive to me though. I usually have McMourning right in the mix.
  3. OK folks, I have recently branched out (and by branch out I mean I've bought every Guild boxset (except LJ but I have Dead Justice which is better!)) to Guild from my beloved Ressers and I'm wondering about running McMourning in Guild. I know that it's often strat/scheme dependent but how do people find the good doctor in Guild? Are there any particular tricks that work well? I've read around the forums a bit and have seen synergies with the Judge and Exorcists but are there any other good ones? How much of the Study Group do people take? I'm thinking Nurses make Executioners a worthy edition to a Guild crew in a way they're not usually but do any of the rest make it in? Are there any other models that are a must take? I'm thinking Hounds might be more worthwhile than I've found them so far as even if they die McMourning can still make them drop scheme markers or take Interact Actions. Any advice would be great.
  4. That is a completely unfair representation! The good doctor would never waste a single body part like that filthy Ice Witch.
  5. Very old thread but I've just been browsing for McMourning Guild advice and came across it. With regards to fluff Lucius takes his mask off and reveals whatever is under there to McMourning and there's a 'you keep me ok and I'll let you continue with your shenanigans' agreement (since neither of them are true Guild it works!). Pretty sure it's in the Wyrd Chronicles that's already been mentioned.
  6. The Hunters in Hoffman's box were a bit of a pain (or more precisely the heads that are in three pieces). I've not made Hoffman himself yet so that's something to look forward to! The female Guild Guard was also a pita.
  7. The Following started last week in America, not sure if it's got a UK air date yet. The last series of The Walking Dead was very weak but this one has been better (although I'm still waiting for Negan to show up!). Heroes was really good to start but just lost itself too much. Absolutely agree on Prison Break. First season was fantastic but the rest if absolutely turd! So I definitely know what you mean about following through on TV series regardless!
  8. True Detective is fantastic. It's not a comfortable watch as it's pretty dark but it's so intense and so good. Not sure on the second series casting but time will tell. I'm watching The Following and the third series started this past week. Agree with what you say though, first was really good and second didn't reach the same heights. Third has started ok but I'm not convinced that it will be any good. I think it's going to suffer from being drawn out too long (remember how awesome the first series of Heroes was and what happened with that!)
  9. I find most of the things I list don't really require much attention! I'll watch the first few episodes of a TV series properly to get to know the characters then it's back to the painting desk! It's the sixth time I've watched The Wire so I'm pretty familiar with it! Penny Dreadful was really good, looking forward to the second series. I've watched most of these. Dexter started really promisingly but it went on too long (I've just finished watching Sons of Anarchy and that suffered from the same as the last couple of series were pretty weak and the last episode was bad in the same proportions as Dexter's!). How do you find Marvel Agents of Shield? We saw the first dozen or so episodes then moved house and forgot to re-series link it and realised we didn't care! But I've heard that it gets a lot better.
  10. I'm really sucking at getting my pledge finished! I've almost finished the boxset which I hope I'll get finished tonight so I'll get some pics up of them. I will be short for the full £40 pledge for this month but will make it back for the next deadline.
  11. So in the spirit of Zfiend's recent What are you listening to? thread I thought I'd start a similar one asking what people are watching? I tend to watch a lot of things whilst painting, particularly as the wife will sit and stitch whilst I paint with TV on in the background. On a weekly basis we watch wrestling, Banshee, Big Bang Theory, Brooklyn Nine Nine, The Walking Dead, Arrow, Flash and Gotham whilst I'm also watching The Following. I am also watching through the greatest TV programme ever made (aka The Wire) again when I get to do painting and the wife is not around. What is everybody else watching? Do you regularly have TV programmes on in the background when you paint?
  12. Probably about an even mix between mine/friends houses and the FLGS. I'm pretty lucky to have Firestorm Games only a 15 minute drive away (though in traffic you can double that!) which has a massive gaming area (they've just moved and can host 128 player tournaments with space left for other games!) and a decent Malifaux player base. A lot of my close friends also play and we're lucky enough to have invested in gaming mats/scenery so that playing at home is pretty convenient as well. This week I have three games arranged
  13. He gets a lot of stick but I don't think he's a useless as he appears. That doesn't mean that I don't think there's not better options (Francisco, the Judge) but he's no terrible.
  14. Just had to mention it didn't you ... In the same game Dashel also bludgeoned Francisco to death. Starting to think he's more useful than he appears.
  15. What are you reasons for the differences? I always take Chiaki. I find Incorporeal very useful and I sometimes take her as a Bodyguard target as people often ignore her (in a way they rarely ignore people with a big ass hammer!)
  16. Did another blog post here detailing mine and Ampers&nd's ToMB game. Would love some feedback (I've found comments on the blogs have been very limited so far). I finished painting my Purifying Flame today and hope that I'll get Sonnia and Samael finished tomorrow/Monday. It does mean that I'm likely to not complete everything for the deadline as I've yet to finish my Witchling Handler proxy but hope you won't all frown on me too much!
  17. Currently watching the best TV programme ever made (The Wire!) but was listening to Mastodon earlier who are also an awesome band.
  18. Expunge does a maximum of 9 damage but the Showgirl's Sip of Poison does the same and has no cap.
  19. OK, I read it as discussing FF and FNM as commerical bands but very different!
  20. I was never really a fan of FF until I saw them live (I went as Jimmy Eat World were supporting!) and they were actually brilliant. I've never really thought of Faith No More as being commercial but Royal Blood aren't like that because FNM are ace and RB aren't!
  21. Nope! In this person's humble opinion anyway. They're a bit too commercial/produced for my liking, not rock enough!
  22. I found Unto the Locust just merged into one as there was nothing really distinctive about any of the tracks. But I really like The Blackening which I thought was a return to form. Their best album is Burn My Eyes though, absolutely fantastic from start to finish.
  23. +1 to sober Donner Kebab. Love them! Black Pudding is amazing but I'm not a fan of haggis. This could be a derailment of a thread that's partly here to stop derailment of other threads ... For crazy Japanese music check out Mad Capsule Markets. Not sure if they're still around but some of their songs are actually quite fun. And for odd metal Austrian Death Machine and ArnoCorps. Both bands dedicated to the work of the ex-Governor of California himself!
  24. Skindred are loads of fun! I can't count the number of times I've seen them as they used to play all the local shows back in the day. Nah, Skindred are ace! I'm sure that there's other ones out there that have pulled it off (and some like P.O.D. that have sorta tried and failed miserably!).
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