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Everything posted by jonahmaul

  1. Come on folks, let's give the man a break. He's busy oppressing all the regular folk trying to scrape a living. Another three games coming tomorrow, when can I get some more results in!!!!
  2. I lived in Cambridge for a couple of years and it's a pretty decent city for cycling as it's geared up very well for it and most of the drivers know how to drive properly around cyclists. There's also a decent games club there is you are a gamer (thought that BACMS guy is a douchebag ... ) Congratulations on the prize!
  3. Doppelganger is solid in HH mind because of 'Don't Mind Me' (think that's what it's called?).
  4. The only thing that others haven't mentioned is the University of Transmortis box. The Valedicatorian is a solid Hench(wo)man to have and the other Iron Zombies are great summons, allowing you to summon in whatever is most appropriate based on what you are facing. One thing to note is that summoners are pretty unbalanced at 35SS so is not the best to play against a new player. I'd also advise learning a summoning Master to start and learn the basic game first so you know a bit more about resource management and how important that becomes for summoners. Not really helpful if you want to play Nico I admit!
  5. I don't actually know where my 'regular' deck is. I guess I best find it just in case!
  6. You leave the Puppet Wars deck alone! There's nothing wrong with that bad boy which is the one I use to play.
  7. Two of the ones being offered? They're limited edition ones and really lovely. Though same as you regarding travelling etc.
  8. Not really, both London and Milton Keynes are (marginally) closer and have plenty of events and there are events in Bristol on top of the ones in Cardiff! Still, Bournemouth isn't too hard to swing when we get it booked up in advance (hotel rooms were only £13 each). Will already have the fate deck so that's not a sell unfortunately! But I'm looking forward to the event in May and think we'll probably be up for another jaunt down South in September. One day is definitely an easier sell for us too so glad you've opted for that.
  9. Definitely interested though I think we'll see how May Feng is first (it's not close to Cardiff after all!). What is the fate deck? Is it the same one being offered at Deliverance?
  10. As much as I want to stomp you Guildy scum into the ground, I have to agree! Means that it's still a fight next month with nether side appearing to get too far ahead so far.
  11. Agree completely, if your opponent states immediately I'm going to active X then you have every right to override this if they've not given you a chance.
  12. Guild seem to have been pulling in a few wins more recently.
  13. It's already been proven as B by the wording! 'When you have a chance to activate' happens before you choose a model to activate (which is A). We've always played it as A but seems pretty clear that it's B (though as has also been discussed I think it's unlikely to make a significant difference).
  14. If your opponent is allowing you to Humpo Assault 3 or 4 models then they are setting their stuff up wrongly! I only take one Transfuse normally and sometimes don't bother using it. McMourning can usually get reliable poison out on his own then just Expunge a handful to make a Fleshie.
  15. Yeah, in my experience McMourning and Seamus are both far better damage dealers than Yan Lo (I have played the latter much less than the other two though so maybe I've just not got as much mileage out of the old guy). If you want to kill things Yan Lo certainly would not pop into my head.
  16. i play regularly against NeilH's Pandora and this is totally my experience of her. She is incredibly versatile and more recently I've never even played again Sorrows because they're not necessary to make her work (sure in strats like Turf War taking them can really stack up the Misery damage but Pandora is so reliable on her own that she doesn't rely on them).
  17. I've played quite a few games since my third if we need extra results. The first three after were all wins too ...
  18. What's the count looking like at the moment Dirial. This thread has slowed down a lot, need May to start!
  19. Yeah, that's true. Personally I like announcements. But I'm also not too put out by the delays. I have plenty of toys and know they'll get my money eventually. It certainly is hard to please everybody. I think they should maybe give broader release dates (maybe by quarter?) but as you say, there will still be people who aren't happy.
  20. The delays are frustrating but it's not the delays per se that are the issue. I think what Wyrd are most guilty of in this front is announcing their releases before they have the product ready to ship. If they didn't do that there wouldn't be delays (or at least we wouldn't know about them so there would be no perception of delays). Just the fact that the products go to America first and then have to get shipped over to the EU separately when they could both leave China and head to their respective ports at the same time (I'm not sure what the difference is in boat time from China to UK and US but I think it's broadly similar). Although in Wyrd's defence their release dates still seem to be pretty similar worldwide (I don't know if this is because they hold things back in the US until they've been received elsewhere - I did ask about whether the latest delays would be longer for EU in the official announcement thread but didn't get a response).
  21. I've played both with and against Austringers and I don't think they're too bad. Their attack is consistent because of Sh7 which is nice but if there's strats/schemes without a lot of Interact actions then I won't bother taking them.
  22. Yeah, the fact that everything travels to America first then gets sent on makes the delays even more frustrating. I'm surprised they don't have some sort of distribution agreement set up here as I'm sure it wouldn't cost any more than the extra shipping costs they end up paying.
  23. Cool, might be able to bring another from Cardiff so will let you know if we'd like to add somebody to reserve list.
  24. Interest list for September or for May Feng?
  25. My bad, I thought he could come out of friend or foe. Nevermind, move along ...
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