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Everything posted by Gabbi

  1. Ok, thanks. There are enough to justify the purchase of a deck just for these cards?
  2. Thanks everyone for replies. One side question about cards: will the arsenal decks be useful for people starting game (ore simpl y a faction) with M2E ? Say I purchase now my first Resurrectionist crew , planning to add a second one soon. Will I get all cards I need within crew boxes, right? No need to get the arsenal boxes, isn't it?
  3. Looking at BGG (it seems that Wave 1 decks are no more available in Wyrd shop, so no list of cards there anymore) I noticed that Woke up with a Hand card is included in both 10T decks. Since it's a Lynch only card, I'm wondering why. Was the first print wrong?
  4. Exactly. ...and believe it or not, there's still people convinced that playing with toy soldiers is wasted time!
  5. The armless scales of justice just won a ticket for the bits box, as I managed to get a spare one from the trade section of the forum oh, and it seems that the proper english name for the "dishes" of a balance is just "scales"
  6. Uhm, looking closer (how I missed this in first place?) it seems the poor dude is lacking forearms, too... Thanks for suggestions, btw
  7. Thanks for replies. In fact, Malifaux looks like a difficult game to play and collect, now... Looking at Wyrd online shop, there are more crew boxes than single mini/squad boxes...
  8. Simple question (sorry if already asked, found nothing on the subject): does any online store sell single miniatures from crew boxes?
  9. Hi, friend gifted me of a somewhat ramshackled Lady Justice crew. It's the new crew but Lady Justice herself, that is metal. Plus, and here's why I'm writing here, her totem lacks the bracers/plates (don't know the proper english name for the "dishes" of a balance). Any idea/suggestion on how I could replace them..?
  10. Looking for a Wendigo proxy. In first edition I used EoP with Rasputina, so never got one. Now it seems it's sold in the starter box only. I could track down the old metal one, but I'm not a fan of it (oddly, because as rule of thumb I usually like best the old "grotesque" albeit a bit rough style of metal models than the more polished style of the new plastic ones). Anyway, any suggestion for a Wendigo?
  11. Thanks again for replies and advice. I was asking on base size because some other games (i.e. WM, Infinity) changed a few models' base size moving from one edition to the newer one.
  12. Yes, I never regret having bought a book, for any games. Even once they become obsolete, it's nice to have them for art, fluff, etc. But I suppose the books you're suggesting don't include phisical cards, but stats (or at the very least, multiple cards printed on its pages). I find cards more handy than flipping a book, especially while you're playing, so I think I'll get the decks anyway
  13. Thank you very much mates. I'll go for Arcanist 2nd deck and Wendigo asap, then. Leaving Dark Debts for later and the Gunslinger last (I suppose I'd be better get the new model than a whole deck for a single card ) Thanks!
  14. Hi, I'm finally moving to M2E and wondering what arsenal decks I need... there's a list somewhere to know what models are covered in each arsenal deck? If not, could someone tell me what I need? (in particular, is Jakob's crew in Neverborn or TT deck?) I've already got the Arcanists one, so I got Rasputina covered. Other models I own (and I don't have M2E cards for) are: Silent One Snow Storm Willie Dark Debts Mr Graves Beckoners Baby Kade Teddy Stitched Ones Sorrows Coppelius Convict Gunslinger Also, in first edition Essence of Power was a better totem for Rasputina than her own, so never got the model. It's still the same, or should I get a Wendigo? One more question: any model changed base size from first edition to M2E ?
  15. Thanks, I'll make a test trying a lighter color, then decide. About the angler fish, I remember a mod of Hungering Darkness with anglerfish esca..
  16. Hi everyone, long time no see... ^^ I've crossed the breach along the Lynch crew, but never really loved Huggy's model, so never painted it. Now, while painting another figure for another game, I got inspired on how to paint it. Here's the result (still a wip, but I'm quite pleased). But I have now to ask suggestions for teeth: I plan to make eyes pale green, very pale. They're now painted in Vallejo Verdigris. I plan to wash them with green ink then hilight them with verdigris up to white. What about making teeth the same? After all Huggy it is an unnatural creature, plus I really don't see standard painted teeth (bone + brown wash + higlight back to bone or white) as fitting with my scheme. Any opinion or advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
  17. As decker_cky said, Reaper Bones don't need primer. In fact it is advised against. Look here: http://www.reapermini.com/forum/index.php?/topic/48667-bones-frequently-asked-questions-unofficial/ Here's how I paint mine (post in Italian, but pictures speaks to everyone ) http://gabbigames.wordpress.com/2013/10/18/dipingere-le-reaper-bones/ One final note on the sealant. It seems it is unnecessary, but if you want to use one anyway, you should use a brush on sealant.
  18. Thank you VERY much for reply! I have sculpted the base on the Sorrow directly in place because I prefer to not clip the tab on metal miniatures, to get a stronger bond to the base. I'll try the glitter on the snow, I already have other tests to do, as using modeling snow (like GW one) or water effect in place of PVA glue. Thanks for suggestion.
  19. at last, I had to 're-sculpt' some of the tiles, as I cannot stand it.. ^^;
  20. the Illuminated being eaten by the nightmarish thing on its back is the single miniature that made me wanting to play the game =) also love: Seamus Avatar 'regular' Rasputina Mr. Tannen & Mr. Gaves (how freaking can be a 'simple' humans in spite of all twisted monstrosities this and other games sport...)
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