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Everything posted by Zanna

  1. He looks like there's some great detail. I like the gritty rusty look. It's kind of hard to tell, it looks like the flash overtook the model.
  2. His face looks fantastic! I like the bags under his eyes.
  3. Nice job on the battle worn armor. The scrapes and scratches are a great touch!
  4. Great job on the picket sign. I saw it and thought "down with the guild!" then looked at your description. I wonder if he knows about the bomb in his pocket.
  5. Wow, so much detail! The peacock feathers are an excellent touch. I especially love the expression on her face as she's considering the frog.
  6. Adorable. I can't help but smile looking at this. The snail is so realistic, like it got into a toy. Very well done!
  7. Great nnm! I love the noticeable change in textures like how the furnace part of her chair looks more hammered and worn.
  8. You can really tell the frog is not okay with this situation. Much like my cat when she doesn't want me to give her kisses. 😄
  9. Zanna


    I love her face! I can't decide if she looks sweet or mischievous. Maybe she masks her mischief with her innocent smile.
  10. You really know how to use a light source! The shadows are absolutely perfect. It's reminiscent of your Phoenix Ablaze from round one 2017, which was the first time I had seen your work. You never fail to impress, great job!
  11. You got the subtle shading of her skin perfectly, I especially like the sheer look of her stockings. Fantastic!
  12. Zanna

    A Simple Life

    For the sake of clarity, children=monsters. Perdita misses her days of hunting monsters, or perhaps she could never imagine settling into a simple life. I was in a hurry to finish my upload so I didn't have time for a proper description. I made it with 4 minutes to spare, woo!😅I tend to overthink these things all week and when the deadline comes I use the first thing that pops in my head.
  13. She used to hunt monsters, and now she incubates them.
  14. Zanna

    Purify The Wicked

    Thank You! I'm very pleased with how that dark side turned out. Thanks! I was trying to have the pain and terror of those being "purified" fully expressed. While his comrade hides in the next room knowing there's little chance of escaping the same fate.
  15. Those poor gupps must be freezing!
  16. Zanna

    Winter wonder.. wasteland

    It's been a very busy holiday season. Unfortunately, I found myself ill when I finally had some time off. There's a decent chance that I will dnf. But, I'll post what I have so far anyway. Let's see how I do.
  17. From the album: Winter wonder.. wasteland

    I really enjoyed this competition. It inspired some great scenes that I'm really proud of. I'm happy to have made it to the very end.
  18. From the album: Winter wonder.. wasteland

    Phew.. I got a lot accomplished in 5 hours. Now it's time for a New Year's Eve break. Still not finished of course, we'll see if I make it.
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