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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. Will be free from 7ish pm on Eastern time
  2. well you guys are right. slight oversight on my part but it does have to damage for its trigger to go off. and as the FAQ tells us 0 = No Damage.
  3. But why was that tyrant Earthside? Viktoria Got that sweet sword before she was in malifaux. I theorize that shezull Attached itself to her blade because her blade is something that could kill it so why not just become it to forever immortalize yourself? and Still feed off the slaughter the sisters bring. Seems like a win win to me.
  4. You mean the malifaux raptor? he pops up where it wants and can do it every turn if it wishes
  5. post in teh looking for a game thread also make sure you have the latest one.
  6. What? Its been quoted only WALK ACTIONS!!!! Provoke disengaging strikes. Charging does not. Misaki is free to charge who ever she wants if she is range and line of site of that model even if engaged.
  7. Well sure you have to be a legal target. But it you meet all the requirements then yeah target away.
  8. In the rule book under the triggers? Part it explains when triggers are used. (Which is immediately btw unless specified otherwise ie after damaging after succeeding and so on) But after damaging says before the model is removed the trigger happens. So for instance teddy triggers peek a boo and even if he kills the model he can still push the model and then it is removed. But moving that model might place a marker out of los/ range what ever. OR jut move teddy 4" Which ever.
  9. Under "after damaging " it specifically says the trigger is done before the model is removed. So you are mostly right. Also you should get a game in vassal usually is up and around. Course face to face is much more fun imo.
  10. Well no if you attack me when you have one wound left and I have black blood you would die first then after that ability resolved if i am at 0 I am killed to. Its the after damaging trigger that made this all possible when combined with actions causing actions lol. There is a post in in the other thread when a Vick of blood dies before the terror tot since her ability triggers after black blood.
  11. On the Sonnia thing no it's reduced and killed nothing intervened or anything. If it had finish the job it's still killed but before place a marker. Its still killed place a stalker. After all those abilitys are resolved still at 0 still dead. Hanged and Seamus chilling next to each other. Seamus gets attacked by a maul/blood frenzy/onslaught attack. First attack hits trigger is declared. Now the second attack is not optional so has to attack again if declared. Flips the red reduces Seamus to 0 second attack happens fails the horror check on Seamus. Seamus heals 2 and is no longer killed.
  12. First line she has to hit 0 wounds. So what is the differance? Hit zero gets killed right? Or you resolve the trigger Then she has healed from zero. Resolve Collodi's trigger killjoy healed from 0. So either Killjoy heals or that trigger does not work.
  13. He is a tank. Armor 2 hard to wound. Most days he takes one damage lol. His gun by itself is good. But the two action if you decent cards can chew through people. Burn a stone for the ram. Shoot away cheat high if need be. Not always the best choice but can takedown many weak things.
  14. She is dead. She does damage which triggers bb. Then dies. But Vick dies before the terror tot.
  15. Yes. The result of the attack is a push. And if it hits terrain it does damage. But it's still part of the result.
  16. Read Collettes trigger death defying. Then tell me again lol.
  17. Collodi attacks kill joy reducing him to 0 wounds. Triggering do my bidding. Killjoy takes a 1 action which kills a model heals 2/3/4. Is he still killed.
  18. Well riposte is not affected cause there was no opposed duel that causes the damage flip from riposte. Its a trigger and it does what it tells you to do. No more no less. But after repeating this ad nauseam I can not convince you guys otherwise. "If the /bold Attackers final dual total is...." the riposte (lady j) is the defender so please tell me how it's affected. I really want to know. The defender (lady j) is not the attacker how much more clear does one need to make this. Pg 30? I believe right there under damage and wounds. One a trigger is not a result of the opposed duel. Success or failure which results into a damage flip if it has one is. 2 riposte is a defender only trigger. And if is going off there is no modifier since she is the defender. But please continue.
  19. So -stat counts as 0. *flex* I just wish there was a clarification on being reduced to 0 wounds and healing. But if we base it off of Collettes trigger it should be fine. Also no errata to my dear Obedient wretch? Sad face.
  20. Which ever one you want that you are able to score one. But announce it of Course so you know what your scoring as does your opponent.
  21. In step 5 or is it 4 in the rule book after declaring triggers resolve the effects of the action. (Usally resulting in damage) This flip is modified by the accuracy modifier. So for lilth I would say yes the effect of the action does something and might cause damage. But triggers no. No no.
  22. Riposte did not generate a duel. No accuracy modifiers are applied. The original duel is from model A attacking lady j. Which that action fails Since it did meet or succeed the defenders total. Ok so now all accuracy modifiers are disregarded since the action failed. Wait what's this my trigger does damage since I (lady j) succeeded had the suit and declared my trigger. Take 3/4/6? At a . Oh you are undead well since it is a damage flip it is affected by your hard 2 wound. So I am now at . .
  23. Just because you are controlling it does not mean it's your friend. Said every warlock ever. Who it is friendly to does not change unless it specifically says so. There is a call out box in the rulebook some where. So yes it would still suffer
  24. Step one declare the action Step two make an opposed duel Step three calculate final duel total and declare triggers Step 3a did the attacker succeed if yes continue If no the action fails. Step four flip for damage using accuracy modifier. Now the defending model lady j in step 3 declares riposte and then succeeds in the duel triggering it. So riposte happens. For ripostes damage flip NO OPPOSED DUEL was made to determine its accuracy modifier so it would have been straight flip which since all damage flips can be cheated could have been cheated That is why it has a built in. No Action "riposte" was taken No duels were generated. Riposte does not say after succeeding perform a (1) action great sword attack that suffers a to the damage flip and can't declare triggers. Cause then it would be a whole nother duel.
  25. You just quoted why riposte is not effected. The damage flip from riposte was not made from an opposed duel. They did not flip cards to try to resist it. Nor did you flip any to make an attack. (Unless you saying after I declare my trigger we are going to make another opposed duel before resolving the original attack or some jazz) It just happens since it is a trigger. The opposed duel damage flip was x/y/z not x/y/z + trigger that does x/y/z.
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