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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. On the second part of your question no. Smell fear would not take the models ap away. Nor does obey or similar effects. Or pounce.
  2. 2 of 54 cards but hey it could happen.
  3. Don't over extend LCB cause if and when he dies he puts dreamer in base with himself before he dies. And if dreamer is all by his lonesome in the middle of an enemy crew, good chance he will die. Dreamer us a great support master. Treat him as such. Chompy is just their to get dreamer out of trouble and to hit something if the need arises.
  4. I swear I answered this like a week ago lol. But mako has it 100% right.
  5. They can block los so they can't be targeted but no they do not provide hard or soft cover.
  6. Damn I was hoping to live vicariously through you guys since am at drill. Now I won't be able proceed the battle reports.
  7. It's really good to discard an ace for defensive stance. (Not on him ofc) And just pick it back up. Ten thunders brothers love the ability.
  8. The clear wording on it is activation. A model under an obey or heed my will and what not would not get the aces. But a model being alphed or pulled from the void by Tara would since it is that models activation. (Its still counted as friendly.) If a model is attacking you once again no it's not your models activation.
  9. Well I am doing things Now no more vassal for today.
  10. i am free starting lets say 8AM in the morning till roughly 9PM tomorrow. i will periodically check my inbox and this thread at minimum once and hour. if you shoot me an inbox message it goes to me email and i will respond quicker. Edit Eastern time zone
  11. the Flay trigger on Shang's claws Specifically allows you to cheat fate on flips. so you did that just fine. but as said above you only get the option to cheat once.
  12. Should have mailed her an exorcist model for her trouble
  13. No. The base cost of the model 5. For schemes like murder protege it works the same way upgraded d not count.
  14. In an ideal world the word interpretation would not exist and every one would understand each other. But there is an faq that comes out in July. But in this case Idk how it's interpreted different. At its simplest it's 4 steps You take damage. You mitigate damage. You suffer what was not mitigated. Dumb luck model suffers half of that. This is why I keep asking people to fully explain why they see different.
  15. Hard to kill has no merit in this argument thought I was just pointing that out. Hard to kill does not reduce ignore or prevent damage of any kind. I think the reasoning the model doesn't suffer damage till it is applied is sound reasoning. And it's only applied after any and all mitigation is processed. If you believe different please explain why.
  16. On the hard to kill issue let me explain clearer. If a model with hard to kill is dealt (suffers) 6 damage from a single source it only has 2 wounds left it still eats 6 damage. The models wounds would only be lowered by 1 in this example since it had 2 or more wounds. The damage was in no way reduced prevented or ignored. So in the above example if a gremlin shot a model with hard to kill for severe of 6 and the victim hard hard to kill with 2+ wounds remaining the gremlins would suffer 3 damage back. If you believe this is not the case please explain why.
  17. Hard to kill does not prevent damage. On the Ss issue the rule book states that henchman and masters have another layer of defense that after all other things have been sorted (i.e. armor, incorporeal) they can prevent 0/1/2/3/all damage. So after this step is taken the henchman or master suffers what ever is left and the model using dumb luck takes half of that. (Rounded up)
  18. oh no i haven't over written the original its still there i have been adding more depth to what was there plus a little insight and some tips and tricks. i have never thought of it as my own at any point. i am glad to add to the community. i want people to add more and their point of veiws. never said i did not. i guess it could be construed that way with the word Claim. i guess i should use i wish to particpate in making the Dreamer's Wiki more Robust and helpful. (i even added his summoning chart ) i was just confused when Zfiend kept quoting me and saying hey that's not how it works ad nausem.
  19. i point out the above. this thread has been here for a bit and that page has been bare for longer. so if i am "hijacking" some ones work please inform me of who "they" are. if the quoted message wasn't a go ahead work on it then please explain to me what is. Do i need to submit my intentions in writing (wait i did then when i claimed him), do you need me to verbally tell you i am doing so? get on skype i will inform you. do i need a letter from your lawyer letting me know you give me your consent or lack of? but now i am sure of it. Troll me away good Sir. i do love a good banter.
  20. So you dont like gremlins. that's all i have seen this whole thread. so uhhh don't play them?and if you play against them well use that hate and find what works for you to win. then post those findings so the rest of us can benefit from your expertise. also its called dumb luck yeah it hit for 6 man that was ....lucky....weird. on topic yeah it takes half of what you suffer after all prevention and armor and incorporeal. what ever is applied to the model the dumb luck model takes half.
  21. I am really at this point wondering if you are trolling me or no Zfiend. if you head over to the pullmy finder wiki you will see that i have added lots to it. now its not complete needs some touch ups and what not but i do have a job. i work odd hours every day. 7 days a week. so when i get more time i will add more. So now i ask you In Which way to you does this work? What way does it work. cause i am really wondering if i am wasting my breath. Either i am being expertly Trolled and to that i congrats you for. or your serious cause then i am at a loss of words.
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