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The Godlyness

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Everything posted by The Godlyness

  1. Shenlong lol I find that really funny and really sad that I missed saying that this whole time. I now also want to green stuff a beer belly to Yu tiny Santa hat with green stuff jacket. Xmas special coming up.
  2. this thread might help more http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/102151-additional-attacks-from-triggers-and-models-dying/?hl=%2Bgeneral+%2Btiming#entry742575
  3. 1/2/4 is low but adding burning to each attack is fine. 2/3/5 or it could be 3/4/6 from one just attack if you hit a tome on the attack. and with 3 attacks it could add more. so sure they might strikeyou back but they will be on fire. and fire does things
  4. certain totems have a rule which makes them an exception. peasants and daydreams and i think skeeters.
  5. T shirt saying "Do You Even Lift Bro?" is what he needs to wear. two sizes two small to show off his body ofc.which translates to just painting his skin. and on the back "Gym Rats 4 Life"
  6. He's only a 30mm. Now he is a 50. Or should be rather. Someone should also paint him a t-shirt saying "beefcakes!!!"
  7. Wonder if this link works. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/10532908_543707925757939_4715245447616785260_o.jpg
  8. Uh yes it would. Heck it would do that also as any reasonable person reading the rules would think I just flipped red joker now the rest of you eat severe. And under blasts it further makes an understanding of this with this line I will quote for you. As well,the Red Joker's damage is stepped down to Moderate (not Severe) damage. Which with out this rule you could easily do severe off blasts. So wyrd in their infinite wisdom decided that was too powerful. So made it balanced. So your musings are quite correct but rules make it balanced. I
  9. Quoting the rulebook? or red joker stepping down a category? cause dem da rules dere hoss
  10. in game terms truth. but some people are stupid enough that if you lit them on fire they would not notice.
  11. it makes me wonder why i quote the rulebook. instead of the red joker stepping down to severe the rules state that it is stepped to moderate instead. which reiterates that it is its own category.
  12. i follow the rule book. so yes some markers are closer. but you know rules and such.
  13. Just need to cheat rams and there is only 13 of them though.
  14. Yes If she fell from the charge (cause you wanted to) she would take damage. Nothing is preventing you from climbing in the charge. You could also climb 1"down then fall for no damage Then finish moving by climbing up. And end engaged. Also I swear there was a thread that if you same ht as the terrain you can strike something standing on it.
  15. Henchman led would be better suited. Soul stones are an integral part of the game should definitely include them when teaching.
  16. Cause when they explode next to killjoy he bleeds on the enemy and maybe a pig to cause a chain reaction of death. Winning!
  17. They were shouting nurf to the Austringers. And how if he let them focus for a zero how UN pleasant it would be for your opponent. Reaching 18 and tagging someone completely out of los and ignoring cover makes people sad. I would have preferred if he did his focus and + to attack flips to all minions not just guardsmen. But sad face I guess.
  18. These are deff red joker unqualified. You neither flipped or cheated an 11-13. You flipped or cheated the red joker. So no blight. Or wasting.
  19. Then how do we know how to do damage? What tells us what any damage flip does? Must be that chart that tells us. Let me use my fingers but I count 5 categories. Each with card numbers or joker. So saying it's not it's own category, is disregarding what is written in the rule book. I have rules backing my beliefs. Can you show me where you get your conclusion from?
  20. I just thought when they Saud models targeted meant just that not, Attack actions And abilities. Which blasts are clearly effected as it is written now.
  21. See I was missing something. Cheers
  22. I must be missing something how cone the splash is not preventable? Decaying Aura: The portion of the ability which disallows Soulstone use has been split off into a separate ability that only affects models being targeted by the model with the Upgrade, rather than being part of the aura. (7/1/14) Dreamer was not the target and if he was and he used safe in my bed he is still not the target. Now if he faced tanked all the shots and or had no hand then yeah 3 hits with no black joker on any damage means a dead dreamer.
  23. He and I use this word to the greatest effect exponentially increases guardsmen effectiveness. Does he do anything else. No not really. Doesent even have crit strike on his pistol. Must have skipped training Damn officers. That being said if I am going to play dashel I am bringing 3 rifleman with me. The sheer numbers and damage out put at long range is amazing. But if not playing with rifle man then the focus on guild guard and Seargent is less use but focus is still amazing especially when free. Also wardens don't mind focus shooting things hoping to get that paralyze trigger.
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