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Everything posted by Malal

  1. Malifaux really isn't a one list fits all situations type of game. You get to pick your crew after your opponent has declared their faction and after you know the Strategy and scheme pool you're playing. If you're using Ophelia's Hooch gun, you could just as easily be using her Rough Riders, which if she's in Lenny's aura would be min dmg 4 (or if she cheats in a or burns a stone for one) 2 Slop haulers may be overkill, but I'm probably not best to advise on them because I rarely even take 1. I'd check through the Gremlin threads, there's quite a few with advice on where to start with Gremlins, the synergies between models and who's good at what strats/schemes
  2. Malal


    Take Lenny and Gracie with the Saddle upgrade in a Wong crew and make Gracie glowy. She walks and drags Lenny around behind her, effectively giving her armour 3 (1 of which can't be ignored), min dmg 5 (as Lenny's will mean she always gets her =2 dmg trigger) ignoring Hard to Kill, Incorporeal and armour and Regen +1. She can give herself reactivate and if whatever you attacked is still standing, Lenny can attack it too
  3. Wong + Ophelia: Ophelia (rightly) has a rep for being one of the killiest Masters in the game...now giver her Regen +1, +1 Dmg and let her ignore armour, incorporeal and hard to kill P.S., I propose the Colette+Raspy combo be named "Dancing on Ice"
  4. I've actually got some pictures of the Brewmaster crew parts off the sprue Open Spoiler
  5. Malal


    From the album: Malal's

  6. If my model is in cover from the attacker and the attacker is using an attack action, they get a unless it was a attack action (if it was hard cover, they'd also get a on dmg). I can't really see any other interpretation.
  7. Give us a Gremlin/Spider crew in M3E and let us unleash the potential
  8. What exactly did you feel were the weak points for Levi crew, what would be the 'pults primary targets? I'm expecting to be facing Levi and Sonnia in some upcoming games, which is why I'm exploring the idea.
  9. Lenny can toss Ophelia 10" up the board, Gracie then walks and Saddles Lenny up towards Ophelia. Ophelia can then use all her ap for shooting hopefully while still being in Lenny's for Thinkin' Luck
  10. My latest work, was really fun to paint.
  11. I like the Zoraida pumped up 'pult idea. Do you reckon it's worth buffing it further, either by getting more ammo/ammo summoner or a Student of Conflict...or both? Your example is still 21SS for 2 shots and then whatever Papa Loco can do
  12. I've got a couple of games coming up where I can see the 'pult being really useful (namely vs Levi and Sonnia), my problem is fitting it in the crew plus it's ammo tends to leave me very few resources left to complete strats/schemes. Vs Levi, I'm thinking of using it for Waif hunting so the normal Sh 6 min damage 2 piglet shots will be what I want. Vs. Sonnia, I see the 'pult going for her early game so the Sh 5 min damage 3 stuffed piglet shots should be ok. So what do you folks do to mitigate the cost or do you just accept it and build the list around the 'pult?
  13. Shame, he's got a nice Wong
  14. You'd only be able to get 5 shots per round with ZOphelia (and that's with the SoC) Colette + Lynch, because ALL THE CARDS!!!
  15. True, but unless you're Launch'n with all 3ap, you're still gonna have to fry some bacon. Yep, but that's what I mean about building your list around the 'pult. Dif'rent strokes for dif'rent folks I guess. I seem to be the only person that thinks Slop Haulers are over-rated too so maybe I'm just wyrd
  16. Assuming you're wanting it to fire for 5 turns, that's essentially an 18SS model at Sh 5 that can't cheat damage or a 28SS model at Sh 6. Yes, there's some uses for it but I find if I want to use it, I have to build the list around it Would you consider it overpowered if it was Sh 6 but couldn't cheat damage or Sh 5 but could cheat damage?
  17. Agree 100% with Brewmaster (well, 75%, the Izamu thing's not happened to me) Love: Wong, everything about him Love: Trixie, I know I already agreed with Brewmaster, but it bears repeating. She is the BEST henchman Gremlins have! Love: Sammy, I'm claiming some influence on her design. When Justin was asking for ideas, I suggested a voodoo Gremlin (to summon undead Gremlins) Hate: That my suggestion for 2x 0SS upgrades for Taxidermists weren't taken on board. 1 upgrade to make him more a backfiels summoner, other upgrade to make him more frontline. As it is, they seem like they've got a foot in each camp and therefore both feet firmly planted in my figure case. Hate: That there's no news on the Brewmaster. He's late, fair enough, but tell us why, give us an eta, anything! Hate: The triple cuddle for Wong/Pigapult/Stuffed Piglets during the beta. A Glowy pigapult firing Stuffed piglets at Sh 6 and being able to cheat damage was too much. Take away 1, maybe 2 but to hit all 3 seems like overcompensation (not that I know anything about that subject, honest!) Hate: Moon Shinobi: The concept is amazing! How they turned out in game, meh! They'll be keeping the Taxidermist company
  18. I'd drop the taxidermist, gun for a lady on Trixie (Gremlin lure is brilliant, that + Wong's trigger and Sammy's Jinx can keep an opposing crew away from you while you dismantle them, and the Slop Hauler, admittedly this one is personal taste and I'm in a minority when I say I don't rate them but by keeping the enemy away, you're not getting hit so don't need the heals as much in my experience.
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