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Everything posted by Boshea

  1. I'll be running demos from noon until close at Gamezilla Fredericton (1211 Prospect Street) on August 25th. Feel free to bring your own crew, or borrow one of mine to give the steamvictoriohorrorwestpunk game a try.
  2. Imo, I like him better as an arcanist minion than a neverborn minion.
  3. Highlights is one of those things I have trouble with. I'll probably grind through highlighting some of my marauders until I get it down since I don't care if a few of them look off. Just really hesitant to try highlight on these in case I mess it up and need to repaint the whole thing. Speaking of which due to my matte spray frosting I need to repaint all my witch hunters. Gunslinger frosted a little but he was savable with some olive oil (I don't know why it works but it does) and a new coat of matte. The witch hunters were still frosty in spots and there was just some generally bad spray work overall. At least I know they sealed well since its been a bitch trying to strip them. Oven Cleaner and Acetone have gotten the worst of it, and have them soaking in simple green to clean out the last few spots. Really need to look into finding a good paintable matte varnish to finish with since spray paint weather is fickle. Gloss varnish is easy enough to find, but matte seems to be the hard one. Heard good things about liquitex matte varnish as a sealer, but that its very glossy for a matte. Also going to give priming with gesso a try since my spray primer is also fickle at times.
  4. Every henchmen currently is part of a special forces, so taking one other than collodi prevents you from taking effigies.
  5. Hounds are definitely a solid option for ortegas. They're cheap, quick, and can fit into the companion chain if positioned right.
  6. The blue things are his cables and hoses.
  7. I can always use more models for the vik-korps. It'll be nice having melee option for the freikorp other than Taelor and Jhohan, and some more support options in the viks. Magical ranged attacks is just bonus.
  8. This definitely tops my thread for my war rooster.
  9. All I need to know is if book 4 adds any new belles for Seamus and Molly.
  10. Oiran are $21 ad come in a three pack, so Riflemen will likely be the same.
  11. I'm wondering if the Ten Thunder Brothers will get errat'd to Dual faction. More likely each Ten Thunder master has a hiring rule that lets them hire Ten Thunder models at no additional cost when declaring that faction.
  12. My bad, got the names backwards.
  13. Need to seal them when weather permits, but got my first crew done up for my demo day. Sam also looks like a bad-ass Cowboy Curtis.
  14. So does anyone have any mystical secrets on the best way to attach a guild gound to a base. Fairly certain they are unpinnable, which isn't bad for the one with three legs down, but the running one looks like it will be a nightmare to keep on a base.
  15. See the Unseen has no effect on Pandora targeting Perdita. Pandora needs to be within 12 to remove Immune to Influence with the Box Opens, and See the Unseen lets Perdita ignore Pandora's Emotional Trauma. So if you're close enough to target Perdita with spells, then she's close enough to walk forward and shoot through your DF2.
  16. Malifaux models became a lot easier to do eyes for after trying to dot the eyes on my Man-o-war captain. Threading a needle is easier. I'm a big fan of the colors for Alt-Seamus and his art (Used his art card as reference when painting) over the baby blue colors for his original model. Most of my models I paint up in leathers, denim, and fairly basic colors. I figure most people dress fairly conservatively in Malifaux. Keeping it simple also makes them far easier to paint. Did my three stalker up in about 2 hours since they're mostly one colour. The white and black belle turned out a lot better than expected, considering my failed attempt at purple on the blue belle (blue was attempt two). The Grave Spirit is more of a dark grey than black, but it doesn't show up well in the photo. Also looks like I need another coat of matte for sealing. Working with 2 and 2 currently, but Red belle and the gunslinger could use another one. The other models are either pure matte or were done with testors dullcote instead of krylon matte finish. Dullcote works great, but krylon is a hell of a lot cheaper.
  17. So finally got around to getting more photos done. My Red Chapel Gang Also repainted my Gunslinger after stripping him due to chipping before getting a chance to seal. As for projects ahead, I'm in the process of organizing a demo day and want to try and get all my crews painted before then. So looking at the following to get done. Alt.Viks+2 Ronin+Taelor (because I stripped her again), Witch hunter box set, Ortega box except for Papa loco, and assuming I get it with enough time a Death Marshal box (currently on back order at my local store).
  18. Solid stuff nix. Confirms a lot of conclusions I had with Neverborn. Mainly with Lilith, Dreamer, and Collodi needing specific purchases and Zoraida/Pandora working well with almost anything.
  19. Was originally thinking of expanding my ressers, but that is on the back burner due to the awesomeness of this set. Doesn't hurt that Orian are mercenaries. I'd be concerned if my blood wasn't red
  20. Demos are still every Thursday, but there have been talks of starting an alternative gaming night on Wednesdays. Will also be switching to the classic of Lady J versus Seamus as soon as the rest of guild stuff shows up. As always, shoot me a PM if you'd like to setup a game on another day or to let me know you'd like a demo.
  21. So not bothering to gear this towards completely new players anymore. Morella's thread does a better job of that. So it really comes down to if Collette would be a better choice for this project than one of the other masters. While Marcus is a cool guy he has the same problem as Kirai and Nicodem in that he needs a lot of models (as far as I know) which kind of hurts budgetting. Personally I'm a big fan of dgraz's list since I like those masters, but depending how models go there may different combinations depending on who you want to play. The only master I feel should be in every list is Kaeris since I see her as Von Schill for 2 less stones, and Gunsmiths are a good alternative to Convinct Gunslinger. Just some random thoughts since don't have a whole lot of practical experience with arcanists. I look at fire gamin in the same way as nurses in the mcmourning box. While not great in your initial purchase you'll probably want them down the line at some point (ACriid likes them).
  22. So been retooling how I approach this, and pretty much gave up on designing it for newer players. Still a good guideline to follow, but Morella's approach is better for somebody just starting. Easiest way to learn the game is to learn with a single master instead of trying to learn several at once. What this changes does though is opens up the options for what to take for each factions. Mainly masters that I didn't include due to difficulty are on the table for building the faction. The problem I'm running into with Neverborn Boxes is that a lot of boxes need certain purchases in order to work. Zoraida needs a Voodoo Doll, Lillith needs Young Nephilim, and Dreamer needs Day dreams. While Pandora and Collodi are less specific, they both need additional models beyond their box to get better results. So with my limited amount of never born knowledge, what is the best way to do 3 neverborn masters under 150?
  23. It comes down to who's crew does the model belong to during Alpha. Kirai is really the odd one with this since it overrides the previous ruling about Kirai sacrificing herself.
  24. I stopped flipping for terrain effects after several games of them having no impact. If its something board wide like all terrain is obscuring/severe then it changes the game greatly, but a campsite or soul stone mine never really does much.
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