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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. That is the same reply I got from one of my friends. -laughs- The trade off should be something you would want to do multiple times, otherwise, yes the effect would just be an ability. As a 0 action, you could only do it 5 times. So if you would reduce your Wp by 1 to gain Casting Expert for one turn? Would you trade 1 Wp for Armor +1? It should be something that you would want to take. The upgrade could only be taken for a limited time, like 1 week out of a 6 week league. You did post some good ideas.
  2. Ok, I asked my friends in my gaming group, but I got no help. Maybe my fellow forumian can help. Here is a generic upgrade. It can be used by any model that can take an upgrade, any faction. Reads like this: Upgrade in Question 0 ss This model gains the following Tactical Action. (0) Something: Reduce this model's Wp by 1 for the rest of the game to gain the following until the end of the game "Fill in this Blank". This action can not be taken if would reduce this model's Wp to less than 1. So what would you feel would be a good trade off? What would you fill in the blank with?
  3. Talk about a nice surprise to end out a pretty good day! Did not see this coming. Thanks Thrawnic, it is really awesome! Just starting Outcast and 3 masters in!
  4. I have heard rumors that TehMik has a package heading his way! Should be there around Monday.
  5. In my campaign, there is a 200+ year old vampire that looks like a 12 year old girl and an outcasted Neverborn master that other neverborn try to hunt down. Just noticed you said characters also. There is a woman trying to become a Resurrectionist master, a young nun that know old Malifaux language, a necro botanist, and a guy who got his spirit trapped in a voodoo doll.
  6. You got my vote. Not sure if it will even really matter, but at least you put up a good effort and your voice was heard.
  7. It might have been a bad idea to order something from the Black Friday special for this. Looks like it will be a little late for my giftee, but should be worth the wait.
  8. Hey! You got your black Friday special pre order already?!
  9. I play with a theme all the time. I normally try and match up the theme to the strat with different masters. For me, it is more about having fun with a crew than winning the game.
  10. Guess since you asked. I won't mind one of the following: Samurai Oiran Monk of the Low River Pathfinder and Clockwork Trap Anyone of them is $21 so one and done! But anything also works, Sure I will do something fancy with it to mark the moment!
  11. Anyone in the know, have any idea if only the specials count for the $150 to get the bonus minis? I only see two things on the list I want.
  12. I have told my crew, now to see what happens. The 1pm start time might scare some players, but we will see.
  13. The pink crews almost look like those plastic figures you would get out of a bubble machine. The trans lime green is pretty cool.
  14. If Wyrd follows suit with most other companies, no one shows off black Friday specials until Wednesday. And Loveless, you are right, it is not a sale, but a pre-order, alt miniatures grab event.
  15. Another thing to keep in mind, the TTB fluff and the Malifaux fluff are not always on par with each other. In Malifaux, the stories make you think you are likely to die five minutes after you get off the train. In TTB, the stories make you think the world is full of wonder and adventure. At least that is how it feels to me.
  16. Kirai and Yan Lo still have that "outsider" feel to them when compared to the other Resurrectionist, so I don't you are missing out too much.
  17. I go factions. Best way to limit yourself on buying models.
  18. That is coolest thing ever. My encounters just got 20% cooler. Now if only I can figure out how to use it.
  19. I can see where the OP is coming from. Nothing like showing up with your freshly painted brand new crew and see 3 other people pulling out the same crew. Thing is, the answer can't be found here. If is going to be based on your local meta. For my area, non of the wave 2 masters have really been seen, no gremlin, little Arcanist. So it varies area to area.
  20. So it just me, or was Johanna "supposed" to be in box sets for a few months if you bought your box set in a LGS. Seems she turned into a Somer Only LE and soon to be Black Friday freebie. What happen?
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