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Everything posted by LordZombie

  1. Two months down and not a single point scored. I need to get some work done!
  2. Has Wyrd ever listen to this thread? We post it every year and the Miss is not even close. I don't want to be the downer here, but I am just saying.
  3. If it is an extra band, why are two members missing?
  4. So I am going to guess that since it is midday on the 3rd day of Gen Con, that there will be no restock on any thing sold out. Would have been nice to have been warned that everything was limited on the sale. Live and learn, huh. Not that my money was anything compared to what others spent anyways.
  5. I always found that really odd. If I ever had the chance to go to Gen Con, I would be flooding the place with pictures and reviews.
  6. I started a thread on that very same question. That and the book were the only things I wanted.
  7. Yeah, that was the only thing I was going to get, but now I am out of luck.
  8. So will this be like years before, where something goes out of stock, but they get more in before the sale is over? It is that, or I am screwed out of getting the Crossroad 7 story encounter because I can wait like a normal person to order something.
  9. Crossroad 7 will appear on the site as well as all other non "limited" edition stuff, but not until it is released.
  10. Just looking at the photo, it does look like it could be a War Machine style. Caster, large monster, and troops. Wyrd really is putting on the big boy pants in the gaming world. This would make sense, I mean, think about, what is left for Malifaux? More factions, more masters? That would be a mistake as we are all barely getting down what we got at the moment. Moving to some new game could be the best idea.
  11. A new malifaux podcast, very nice. Good to listen to as you paint, and I need to paint.
  12. How is everyone doing? I am really slow to go at this. Been focused on the Iron Painter before, but now I hope to get back to paint once both jobs settle down.
  13. Welcome to Malifaux and the forums! Since there are 7 factions with 7 masters in each, you do have some options. I recommend picking the faction with the most masters you like. Would make collecting easier.
  14. I am seeing the full picture now. Looks pretty good.
  15. I am seeing nothing, but a page that still needs to be purchased. Unless this is the new site, which looks just the same.
  16. So you only have made two gremlin purchases? Sounds like you are a little behind on gremlins, really.
  17. It is nice they just colored them this time. I have seen those before, but did not know they were colored.
  18. Now that the Iron Painter is over, time to focus on this.
  19. Same here. I have painted quite a few things that could have counted.
  20. I also look at this as the tip of a large iceberg. We got some really basic core rules, and anyone can say what they want, but they are rules. As the campaign books come out, we will see more balance. The only real problem I see with AoS, will be set list as a balancing agent. List where you have to take X hero, X number of Y troops. I can't say I am a fan of that, if that is the plan. For me, I am just to look at is at a new game that uses some old models. It is not WFB, but at least I get to use my models still.
  21. I have played WFB since '96. I have 8 armies all in the 2000 minimum size range (by old 8th standards). Outside the comments the GW rep said about the old WFB players, I don't feel burned by this game at all. I have ran one demo and played one game, and both were crazy fun. I really can't understand all the hate. They boiled down a 96 some page rule book to 4 rules. Everyone is losing their minds over that, but really, what was lost? Overly complicated rules about moving a block of 50 models. A magic system that was house ruled in every tournament ever ran. A hit and wound chart that was only really needed in the most rare occasions. Troops and models totally left off list as they were no "good" in a game or too expense to buy. I can't remember ever seeing a campaign or tournament that was mot house ruled with page after page of rules to make the game balanced for all players. I mean, I know 8th was at its highest point in the gaming world before GW came in and took that all away. Really, I just can't understand the hate. For the first time in 4 years, I played a game with my fantasy models. For the first time in 4 years, I worked on some of the models. For the first time in 4 years, I have wanted to play a game of fantasy with my 1000 some models. And this is not fanboy talk, I dislike GW's greed to the highest degree.I have not gave them a penny of my money in 5 years. I like the game, my fellow wargamers in my group like the game, many are hyped to get armies together and play something we have not played in 4 years. So the rules are only 4 pages, that does not make the game bad in any way. So you got to house rule some stuff, what edition did you not have to do that with?
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