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Everything posted by Slimnoid

  1. From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    He's a mean little bugger, and I wanted to bring that across. Surely and likely to stab you in the kneecap.
  2. From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    I painted one of the octopods yellow because at the time I was painting, I had a stream of Octodad in the background. No one will probably get the reference unless I point it out, but that's very Malifaux don't you think? Little references you have to dig for to find out.
  3. From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    For some reason I just adore this little guy. I think its the banjo. Clearly he's having a good time.
  4. From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    At one point I attempted to get a blast effect on their faces, not unlike the Looney Tunes Daffy Duck effect where he accidentally shoots his face. I couldn't get it right though, so I had to scrap it.
  5. From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    These two were somewhat annoying to paint. There's a few deep recesses around where they are holding the rifles, and I kept having to go back and fill those in.
  6. From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    I rather like these guys. They seem particularly interested in their telescopes. In retrospect I maybe should have painted a giant eye at the end for extra amusement factor.
  7. From the album: Bayou Gremlins

    The meat and potatoes of any Gremlin crew.
  8. Slimnoid

    Lord Chompy Bits

    A commission for LCB with an intricate, detailed centerpiece for their Neverborn force.
  9. From the album: Lord Chompy Bits

    LCB before he was painted.
  10. From the album: Lord Chompy Bits

    Just to show how big LCB is. He's nearly 4" tall from base to claw.
  11. From the album: Lord Chompy Bits

    I kept The Dreamer more subdued and simple, to better contrast LCB and his oversized base.
  12. From the album: Lord Chompy Bits

    Several elements were pulled together. Elements of nightmares; eyeballs, mouths, hands coming out of the walls and things under the bed. Stuff that would be common for a child to be frightened of.
  13. From the album: Lord Chompy Bits

    Cutting through LCB was surprisingly easy. All it took was a set of metal cutting shears and a little elbow grease. Pinning him to the top was a bit tricky, but with some apoxy sculpt and patience I got him to stay balanced and sturdy.
  14. From the album: Lord Chompy Bits

    LCB is build primarily with plasticard, greenstuff, and apoxy sculpt. The majority of the work is just GS, sculpted over several layers.
  15. 1/4" sidewalk plasticard from Evergreen Scale Models and greenstuff. I've debated on sculpting bases and then casting them in resin, but it's something I'm having to put off for a little while. Oh, and I finished LCB.
  16. That's just plain ol' LCB. It's a commission, and the customer wanted something really impressive as a centerpiece of his Neverborn.
  17. Oh yeah, I have an account on here. Whoops. May as well post some models, eh? Good ol' Abuela, shaped like a thumb. After like a zillion years I finally finished Sonnia's crew. And hey, some Lilith and her little kiddies. Teddy and some Daydreams, chillin' out. And finally, some LCB love. Just finished up the base, and will be painting him soon.
  18. Hey, remember when I posted models on here? Yeah, neither do I. Sonnia Criid! I finished her up a month ago or so, but being a lazy good-for-nothing I didn't bother taking photos until today. Silly me.
  19. Building templates you say? Well! I've got a few of those, as well as some papercraft buildings. Wizards of the Coast had a Map Folio back in the 3.5 heyday, and they made an online supplement that just so happens to a) be free, and still up in their archive. They're pretty decent insofar as papercraft is concerned, and you can always glue them onto foamboard or cardboard or something for extra support. The original Map Folio is long since out of print but you might be able to track it down on ebay or even not-legal means (how YOU go about it is your own business). http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fpm/archive A ghost house from Raven's Blight. Suitable for Malifaux! http://www.ravensblight.com/GhostHouse.html Microtactix has a free building sampler you can grab. Print out a few of these and bam, instant city. http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=466&products_id=28820&it=1 One Monk Miniatures is ALL about the papercraft. They are mostly focused on simple one-dimensional figures, but they do have a decent crypt and tower that's worth a look. http://onemonk.com/downloads/ A decent hovel from Fantasy Cutouts. They advertise themselves on the product which is a tad bothersome but free is free! http://www.fantasycutouts.com/Hovel.html Now this one, I've had sitting on a couple hard drives by this point so I can't be entirely sure on where I got these originally. It's a bunch of building templates and papercraft made mostly for 40k, with some of them ripped from GW's site before they took it all down and remodeled it; this includes the much-coveted building templates they once had! Insofar as I know this is all freeware and/or fan-made material so I'm pretty sure I'm not stepping on anyone's toes here. http://www.mediafire.com/?e526lwpxjuzi8hh
  20. Another entirely unrelated Wyrd post, but one of my own models (FOR ONCE). Wight King banner bearer for a Vampire Counts army I'm slowly working on.
  21. Been busy with commission work (ain't that a surprise). Nothing Wyrd-related, but miniatures nonetheless. First up, BLOODBOWL. Simple but fun. After that, Battletech. Also simple but not nearly as fun. I dunno, something about these models is just...really boring to work with. Lots of lines and fiddly details that doesn't leave much room to work with, all but forcing you to drybrush and wash. Maybe it's just me.
  22. I'll have to remember how you do the gold, 'cuz DAMN those look rich.
  23. If you want to squeeze the most out of range for Hoffman, then you'll want to grab Ryle and Lucius. Hoffman and Lucius can give Ryle several out-of-activation shots with his Gatling Gun; Hoffman can either Machine Puppet him up to 3 times, or give him Reactivate and one machine puppet attack, and Lucius can use Issue Command three times. Essentially, you could have up to 10 shots with Ryle in one turn (Ryle fires 3 times, Lucius uses Issue Command 3 times, then Hoffman gains Fast and uses Reactivate and Machine Puppet, giving Ryle another turn). It's quite nasty. The Pale Rider might be worth a look into if you're looking for range; it counts as a construct and thus, has some good synergy with Hoffman.
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