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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. Maybe to put on Karina: (0) Reach into the Void: Discard all cards in your hand, then search through your deck, select one card, and put it into your hand. Reshuffle your deck afterward.
  2. Gosh, thanks! I spent this morning looking for 50mm hippo minis.
  3. CURSED FOREST I borrowed the story of the Biloko (singular Eloko, plural Biloko), from the Nkundo people of Zaire. Because African folklore can be spooky! Then made the hollow tree the master, because the Biloko live in hollow trees and I thought it would be neat to have an immobile master that mostly just lurks in the distance and lobs curses. And made the Bioloko ride zombie hippos (which are also native to Zaire) to make them a little more Resurrectionist-like. The play style is a little odd: They rely on terrain like Lilith, the main caster reflects off friendly models like Rasputina or 1.5 aPandora, and there’s a dynamic of softening up enemies with Wp-resist actions before eating them with a Df-resist action. This is all kinda based off the mythology, since the creatures tend to convince unsuspecting people to let them eat them. The Biloko are a little like Terror Tots with less movement and more manipulation, but they ride hippos the way Gremlins ride Pigs. I added a Henchman/Totem to tie the character into the other Ressers more, and to give some summoning support and special abilities. Hollow Tree A cursed tree that lurks in the forest and seeks revenge on living interlopers, human and Neverborn alike. It can often appear in surprising places, and seems to want something from the Resurrectionists. Cache 4 ss Resurrectionist Master 50mm Df 3, Wp 6, Wd 12, Wk -, Cg -, Ht 3. ABILITIES: Manipulative 16. Bewitching Chimes: When an enemy model fails a Wp duel while engaged with one or more models with Bewitching Chimes, it gains the following Condition until the end of the Turn: “Trusting +1: Reduce this model’s Df by +1, to a maximum of 3.” Eyes of the Forest: When taking a Ca action, this model may draw LOS and range from any friendly model in base contact with terrain. Actions taken this way are at -1 Ca and cannot target the model used used to draw LOS and range. Hide Biloko: Friendly Ht 1 models in base contact with the Hollow Tree cannot be targeted. ATTACK ACTIONS: (1) Devouring Maw (Ca 6 :crows, TN 10 :crows, Rst Df, Rg 2): Target suffers 3/4/5 damage and is pushed into base contact with the point of origin of this Action. (:crows) Cannibal Bite: After damaging enemy model with the Trusting condition, target suffers 1 damage, and heal this model a number of Wd equal to the value of the target’s Trusting condition. (1) Mischief (Ca 6 :crows, TN 11 :masks, Rst Wp, Rg 1): Target enemy Peon or Minion model immediately performs a (1) action chosen and controlled by this model’s model’s controller. TACTICAL ACTIONS: (1) Invasion (Ca 6 :crows, TN 12 :masks, Rg 6): Push target friendly model its Wk toward the enemy Deployment Zone, or in any direction if the target model is within the enemy Deployment Zone. (0) Eloko Home (Ca 6 :crows, TN 14 :crows): Summon an Eloko into base contact with this model. Nathaniel Westmoor, Apprentice Resurrectionist A deranged madman who fled from Malifaux. He has been listening to the whispered secrets of the forest and calling on ancestor spirits, and has made ties with the Resurrectionists. 7 ss / Cache 6 ss Resurrectionist Henchman, Living, Totem (Hollow Tree) 30mm Df 6, Wp 6, Wd 6, Wk 4, Cg 5, Ht 2. ABILITIES: Thinks He's In Charge: When this model is the leader of a Crew, it loses the Totem (Hollow Tree) Characteristic Fueled by Visions: When a model within 2" of this model fails a Wp duel, this model heals 2 Wd. Join the Ancestors: When this model is killed, summon an Eloko model into base contact with it before removing this model from play. ATTACK ACTIONS: Stolen Knife (Ml 6 :crows, Rst Df, Rg 1): Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. (:crows) Infect (:crows :crows :crows) Crude Ceremony: After killing an enemy living or undead model, summon an Eloko into base contact with target model before removing it from play. Target does not drop any Scrap or Corpse Markers. Creepy Giggle (Ca 5 :crows, Rst Wp, Rg 3): Target gains Slow. This Attack gains a positive twist to the Attack Flip. TACTICAL ACTIONS: (1) Uncover Secrets (Ca 5 :crows, TN 13 :crows, Rg 1): Until the end of the Turn, friendly models can ignore target terrain for LOS and cover. (2) Return to the Tree: Place this model in base contact with a friendly model in LOS in friendly Deployment Zone. Eloko Hairless dwarf-like creatures with snouts for mouths, said to be the spirits of ancestors. They haunt the deepest parts of the forest and bewitch humans with the sounds of their magic bells. Sometimes they pretend to be human children to get close to their prey. 5 ss Resurrectionist Minion, Undead 30mm Df 6, Wp 5, Wd 4, Wk 4, Cg 6, Ht 1 ABILITIES: Bewitching Chimes, Disguised Hippo Rider: When a friendly Dread Behemoth within 2” declares a Walk action, it can ignore severe terrain when moving, and this model may be placed into base contact after the friendly model completes the Walk Action. ATTACK ACTIONS: (1) Long Claws (Ml 5, Rst Df, Rg 1): Target suffers 1/3/4 damage. (:crows) Cannibal Bite. (1) Mischief (Ca 5 mask) TACTICAL ACTIONS: (2) Carve New Home (Ca 5 mask, TN 16 :masks :crows, Rg 2): Place a friendly Hollow Tree in base contact with target Corpse Marker, then discard the Corpse Marker. This ability cannot be used when the Hollow Tree is engaged. Dread Behemoth A big rotting zombie hippopotamus. 8 ss Resurrectionist Enforcer, Beast, Undead, Rare 2 50mm Df 3, Wp 4, Wd 10, Wk 4, Cg 8, Ht 3 ABILITIES: Terrifying (Living) 13, Armor +1, Impossible to Wound. Lie In Wait: During enemy model’s Activations, this model is considered Ht 1 if it is in base contact with terrain. ATTACK ACTIONS: (1) Enormous Bite: (Ml 7 :rams, Rst Df, Rg 2): Target suffers 2/3/6 damage. (:rams) Critical Strike (:rams :rams): Overbearing Slam. After damaging, push target 3” in any direction. TACTICAL ACTIONS: (1) Stomp and Wallow: Until the start of this model’s next Activation, the area within aura 2 of this model is considered severe terrain. (2) Massive Charge: This model makes a Charge action, ignoring penalties for severe and hazardous terrain. Attacks generated by this Action do no damage to Ht 1 models, but get a positive twist to damage if the target is in base contact with terrain. CURSED FOREST UPGRADES: Rare Fruit 1 ss (Hollow Tree, Limited) Blessed Fruit: Friendly models that Activate within 2 of this model gain Regeneration 2. (Df/Wp) (:crows :masks) Cursed Fruit: After an enemy model within 2” completes an action that targets this model, this model can take a (1) melee Action targeting the enemy model. Vengeful Forest 1 ss (Hollow Tree, Limited) Creatures of the Deep Forest: This model can hire up to 4 models with the Beast characteristic, regardless of Faction. TACTICAL: (1) Enriched Soil (Ca 6 :crows, TN 14 :crows, Rg 3): All friendly models within 3” of target Corpse Marker may make a 1/2/3 healing flip. Then, remove the Corpse Marker. Essence of the Dead 2 ss (Hollow Tree) Lure of Deception: Enemy models within LOS of this model do not lose the Trusting Condition at the end of the turn. ATTACK: (0) Poison Fruit (Ca 6 :crows, Rst Df, Rg 2): Target model with the Trusting Condition gains the Poison Condition at the same level. Buried Secrets 2 soulstones (Hollow Tree) ATTACK: (1) Ancestral Revenge (Ca 6 :crows, Rst Df, Rg 10): Target suffers 2/4/5 damage. (:crows :crows :crows) Loom Hungrily: After damaging an enemy target, place this model into base contact with target. (:crows :masks) Alarm: Push target model 6” toward a friendly Ht 1 model in LOS of the target. (:crows :rams) Drive The Prey: Push a friendly Ht 3 model within 6” and LOS of the target model into base contact with target. Whispers of Hunger 3 soulstones (Hollow Tree) Friendly Eloko models within LOS of this model gain Pounce.
  4. Huh! I have been enjoying playing her every time I play her. I do find that I'm playing with Killjoy more often than Nothing Beast, but Nothing Beast is definitely solid if you're playing with her bury mechanics. I need to try Karina a few more times to get a sense of her. I'm usually playing with Student of Conflict instead of Karina lately. Maybe I'm missing something.
  5. "A disengaging strike deals no damage, has no other effect and may not declare triggers." I'm pretty sure that "has no other effect" means that there's no other effect at all. Not even allowing Nothing Beast to Obliterate. Which is an effect.
  6. The podcast is great! Thanks for doing it. Lately, I've definitely been running Leveticus with Hodgepodge every time. Gaining more Soulstones during play is really handy. I actually have been lately mostly choosing Path of Bone and hiring undead. Crooligans are great objective runners. Necropunks are too, but in a slightly different way and you can take them either way. Belles are always handy, but I especially love Bete Noire. She's amazing for Deliver a Message, great at killing enemy models, and just generally very strong. I'm still learning how to use Abominations well. I'll have to try out all the ideas from the podcast. Gumming up enemy models is great, and I had neglected the card-drawing uses and will have to pay more attention to them. It's exciting to know that I still have so much to learn about how to play Leveticus!
  7. Well, there's the Brewmaster, whose liquor is magically delicious. But I think the most alchemist-like model is the Rezzer model Rafkin, who specifically talks about Mithraditization.
  8. Hello all! I did a few proxies for a tournament tomorrow and figured I'd share them Hannah (made from a Gunsmith and a Mechanical Attendant). Rat Kings (made from three Malifaux Rats) Thanks! Ted/Hateful Darkblack
  9. From the album: Proxy Models

    Rat Kings! For Hamelin! I named each of my Malifaux Rats after a member of the Rat Pack (the old celebrity clique). So I called one of these The Pack. The other was The Nest, just because.
  10. From the album: Proxy Models

    Hannah! Back view. The black with green trim matches the rest of my Freikorps models.
  11. From the album: Proxy Models

    Hannah! (Front View). Made from a Gunsmith and a Mechanical Attendant.
  12. Some games I play much less competitively than I could. Some games I give my all to stomp them. After each game, I really like to go through what happened, discuss what each of us did right and how we could have improved, and hopefully both learn from the game. If I'm being especially competitive or harsh, or a lot of rules arguments come up, I'll probably offer to buy sodas, compliment their figures, etc. What I expect from someone across the table: That they be polite, that they keep rules arguments reasonable and honest, that they show their cards when asked without hesitation, that they not throw an angry fit, and that they make a reasonable attempt to proceed forward at a decent pace (modified by circumstances). Players who refuse to show stat cards, who regularly make mistakes to their own advantage only, or who make up rules arguments in hopes of being unpleasant for competitive advantage are players I find unpleasant. There are folks in my game who are super-competitive, who have played the "broken" lists, and who mop the table with my troops and then bring out a slice of bread to mop up the last of the delicious VP for themselves. Some of them are my best friends and I'm glad they play! (One player I'm thinking of specifically has brought Alp Bombs to the table in play. But he also has a habit of walking friends to their car after a game to make sure that they don't have any car problems. He's amazing and I'm grateful for him!)
  13. This tool is also very handy for determining who can hire what: http://www.malifaux.com/M2eCrew.php
  14. Oooh, Lure + Traps. I see the nastiness in that.
  15. I'm still learning Hamelin! His core crew is plenty strong! The things I've learned most recently: - Don't take Bodyguard on Nix. Just don't. Maybe take Frame For Murder on Nix. But not Bodyguard. - Figure out your opponent's Schemes. If any of them involve Scheme Markers, be ready to make everything better with a Rat King. - Dissolve a Rat King once you've ruined opponents Scheme Markers. Then make more Rat Kings. - Each Rat-Maker should make rats every Activation. - Crooligans are great objective-runners. Keep them hidden!
  16. Thanks for the thoughts, PandaDirector! It was intended as more of a comical interlude rather than a main part of the storyline. I'm planning on picking up the usual tone in the next installment.
  17. I'm currently not eating grains because of a funky diet. Taco truck tacos are one of the things I miss most. Especially the really simple ones: Just a soft corn tortilla with some carne asada, a little onions, cilantro, and salsa, and then squeeeze a lime over it. So good.
  18. Yes, that's the one! It was in my Friendly Local Gaming Store! I painted it up in the same colors as the rest of my Von Schill crew (black with green wash and trim) and it looks like it fits right in.
  19. If the rules were translated into C code without any other changes or corrections, this would be a failure to sanitize data, and the results would be implementation-dependent. In tournament play, I would expect that almost any TO would say no, you can't charge yourself. In casual play, you'd have to be very pushy to insist that you can charge yourself. But in Theoryfaux, you can totally charge yourself. You just might go blind from it.
  20. You can't be engaged with yourself. You can only be engaged with an enemy model. If you *could* be engaged with yourself, you wouldn't be allowed to charge ever, because you can't charge while engaged. So, yeah, I'd say you can't charge yourself.
  21. Is there another link that Google search didn't turn up?
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