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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. Wrote up Young Nephilim. That's all the Nephilim done. I'm going to keep hacking at whatever's left.
  2. Barbaros written. I'd love someone with more experience to add any further tips to these, but I'm trying to fill in the huge void we have for Neverborn tactica on the Wiki right now.
  3. Horror Duels are all Wp duels. Resisting something with Wp is also a Wp duel. Trying to overcome Manipulative is a Wp duel. Basically, any time you're using your Wp plus a card flip, you're making a Wp duel. A Horror Duel is a particular kind of Wp duel (usually but not always from a model with Terrifying) where if you fail you get Paralyzed.
  4. Updated Nekima. Still a lot of work needed here, my friends! I'd like to get this all finished by this Friday, so each page has content. Any chance y'all think this'd be possible?
  5. Ooooh, judge's challenge, OOOOOHHH! Love it!
  6. I have played Ama No Zako in Outcast Crews a lot. I find that Promising Whisper can be amazing, but that most of her actions require a lot of setup to use right, and she can have survival problems because she needs to be close to enemies.
  7. Close! But nope, the Outcasts have been done for a week and a half or so. My goal is to have no empty articles by Friday, even if I have to write 'em all myself. There's still a lot more left with the Neverborn.
  8. Updated Philip and the Nanny. Doing more today. I'm hoping we can get them all done (or at least not-empty) by Friday.
  9. Can we change the name for "Philip and the Nurse" to "Philip and the Nanny"? The model name was changed halfway through the Beta.
  10. Eternal Flame also done. OTP, go ahead and send it to me and I'll upload it if you like!
  11. Updated Mouse. It's pretty simple and all Theoryfaux, but Mouse is a fairly straightforward support model.
  12. Has anyone tried Hannah with Resser Tara? She can't take Ancient Tomes for the obvious burial synergy, but if you also take Bete Noire, she can do Make A New Entry to borrow One With The Night to heal and bury herself. And even if Bete is buried, she can still chain up and bury herself with Make A New Entry to borrow Whispers From Darkness to borrow One With The Night! (She can also borrow a lot of other stuff through Make A New Entry/Whispers From Darkness.) It seems like she'd be expensive, but there would be some interesting tricks. She's durable enough to hit the front lines as a melee beatstick for a Tara Bury Bomb, with a good regeneration mechanic through Bete. Anyone tried it? I'm not convinced it's amazing, but it seems fun.
  13. Shimian, good question. Hodgepodge's gives soft cover, but not blocking. Just soft cover. You can see through it just fine. It only provides the .
  14. My advice: Don't get intimidated. If you play like she'll beat you, you'll avoid bold moves, and lose the game from lack of VP.
  15. In theory, a future model or scenario could give him an additional tome.
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