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Hateful Darkblack

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Everything posted by Hateful Darkblack

  1. That sounds totally doable! Why not make it a Through The Breach campaign?
  2. I'd say this requires errata. I was hoping that LITL wouldn't affect damage flips, but it totally does. I believe if this happens, save your data and hit control alt delete.
  3. I think it's definitely interesting to explore the intersection of different oppressed groups: how two colonized people would interact with each other, how they're similar and differfent, etc. But I think it also requires a lot of discussion of Earthside politics to explore that, and Malifaux intentionally shies away from discussing the Earthside world too much, because it's not the focus of the game. I love Injun Joss. I think one of the most common racist tropes about Native Americans is that they are people of the past: obsolete mystics who serve no function except to teach white people about their hearts. (Obviously, this is untrue: there are plenty of Native Americans today doing modern things and working for good lives for themselves.) Joss turns that on its head: he's a very modern character, laden with cybernetics, who isn't interested in teaching you any lesson except what it feels like to get smashed for messing with the M&SU. He's one of my favorite characters because of this. However: I don't think there has ever been a time when Wyrd has responded to requests for new Crews, or new Crew ideas. It's fun to come up with them, but the best way I've seen to roll out your own original ideas is to run story encounter tournaments that include the models you want to create. Wyrd has their own ideas for what they want to create next; so far they haven't often responded to outside suggestions. Otherwise, you could also, definitely, create a proxy crew and run that. A Viktorias Crew with First Nation proxies would be badass, and you could easily rechrome Killjoy as a magical Bison.
  4. The nice news is, the Pigs would all have a plus flip when near him, which they can use to be more likely to miss.
  5. Hmm. Good point. Beast is practically its own Marcussy faction, innit.
  6. Other crew ideas: Sebastian + Tri-Chi (Poison goodness), Nekima + Belle (Grab & smash), Rusty Alyce + Horseman (Construct synergy + summoning engine), Sidir Alchibal + Academic (many mid-cost Enforcers to buff with Promises), Philip and the Nanny + Showgirl (Scheme Marker synergy), Samael Hopkins + Foundry (Burning synergy).
  7. OOPS. You're right. 'stry that again: Sample Crew idea: "Boar Clan" TEN THUNDERS, PIG Toshiro the Daimyo 6 cache (2) + Command the Graves (1) + Misdirection (2) Old Major (9) The Sow (8) Piglet (4) Piglet (4)
  8. Sample Crew idea: "Boar Clan" TEN THUNDERS, PIG Toshiro the Daimyo 6 cache (2) + Command the Graves (1) + Misdirection (2) The Sow (8) Piglet (4) Piglet (4) War Pig (9) EDIT: Switch out War Pig for Old Major so the Crew doesn't self-destruct.
  9. (Didn't include SPIRIT or GREMLIN because they were too broad. Didn't include VERMIN or TYRANT or SISTER because they were too narrow. HOUND is a subset of BEAST, EFFIGY is a subset of PUPPET, and BRILLIANCE is a subset of DARKENED.) (EDIT: ADDED SWARM back in. A minimum of three hireable models seems to be the cutoff point.)
  10. An idea for a Malifaux game format. Henchman-led game, 30ss. Strategies and Schemes as usual. During the Announce Faction step, each side announces a Faction and one keyword from: HORSEMAN, FAMILY, WITCH HUNTER, GUILD MARSHALL, GUARDSMAN, MIMIC, BLACK SHEEP, BELLE, HORROR, ACADEMIC, M&SU, BEAST, SWARM, FOUNDRY, SHOWGIRL, GAMIN, NEPHILIM, SWAMPFIEND, WOE, LOST, PUPPET, NIGHTMARE, DARKENED, FREIKORPS, LOST, NIHILIST, TORMENTED, KIN, TRI-CHI, PIG, LAST-BLOSSOM, RETAINER, ONI, or ANCESTOR. (Note that this list does not include SPIRIT, GREMLIN, EFFIGY, HOUND, SISTER, TYRANT, BRILLIANCE, or VERMIN.) Choose a Henchman Leader that does not have this keyword. Leaders cannot hire models from their own declared faction (including mercenaries and models with that keyword), but can hire models with the declared Keyword (that are not members of their faction) and Mercenaries from other factions (paying out of faction costs as usual.) Leaders cannot hire models without the chosen keyword or Mercenary, even if they have Abilities that would otherwise allow it. Upgrades are selected from the Leader's Faction. Abilities that summon models are not restricted. (So, for instance, Rat Catcher can still summon Malifaux Rats.) The idea is a coherent Crew that has brought in an Ersatz leader for them. Any big broken possibilities? Any especially good synergies? Any thoughts? Anyone want to try it? Either in the Bay Area, or on Vassal? I'll post up any playtest results I see. What Crew would you use? Thanks!
  11. I have trouble making them work. I suspect they'd be a lot more effective if I kept them close to the Ulixball rather than stranding them with From The Shadows.
  12. Oh man, totally! Slop Haulers have enormous offensive potential! Too many people treat them like a healer-on-a-stick when they're really usch a great debuffer and combat model. Fast and flexible, with Bayou Two-Card and Reckless just to be sure.
  13. I think Slop Haulers would work great with a Mah Tucket crew! But I suspect you'll find yourself using their healing ability more often than you plan. It's just so very useful.
  14. MALIFAUX HARDCORE TOURNAMENT @ ENDGAME OAKLAND 11/16 Sling your clockwork pistols and stoke your zombie furnaces, it's time to do battle! All skill levels from beginner to expert welcome! Hardcore is a fast-playing, simplified format. For those who are not familiar with the game, quick demos may be available after the tournament is over. Rules: The Hardcore tournament will consist of three 30-minute matches, played in modified Malifaux Gaining Grounds format. (http://wyrd-games.net/community/files/file/52-gaining-grounds/) Painted models only, all models must be 66% Wyrd or scratch-built. All matches use the Turf War Strategy, and only one Scheme: Assassinate. Crews are Henchman-led 20ss Crews, with exactly four models per Crew. No extra Soulstones over the Henchman's cache. No Summoning during play. Each player declares a faction at the start of the tournament. Details: Tournament begins 11AM, Sunday, November 16, 2014. There is a $5 tournament entry fee. All fees go into a prize pool for Endgame Store Credit. First place takes 80% of the pool, second place takes 20% of the pool. The tournament will last from 11 to 3, with three 30-minute matches. There will be a brief lunch break between rounds, and there are several excellent restaurants nearby. Endgame Oakland: 921 Washington St, Oakland, CA 94607
  15. Also, and more seriously: Thanks so much edonil for continuing to run Iron Quill! It's such a joy to do and I really appreciate all the work you put in!
  16. WOO HOO! This is my first time actually winning the Iron Quill! I'd like to thank my parents, the Oscars committee, and my makeup artist. I couldn't do this without you!
  17. Yeah, the more I look at which Crews succeed, the more it turns up that Crews with card control are the winning ones. Generating more cards during play wins. Draining enemy cards wins. Surge and Bewitched and Mulligan and so on have such a huge effect, and yet it's so strangely invisible. I think Punk Zombies actually often do need a card, but just the low card to get Flurry off. I would love to see a tactica on this.
  18. Hey! I'm not planning on doing a followup. For future videos, if I do future videos, I plan to do intros to other models. For further counter-information I think the forums or the wiki are the right places to go.
  19. Yeah, the thing that means Rare 1 is Rare 1. Levy and Alyce can both take this Upgrade.
  20. Thank you, Aaron! And thank you, Wyrd! I think hosting it on Wyrd, but leaving it fan-made and fan-run, would be super excellent.
  21. Okay, I paid for the next year. I'd honestly still like to move it someplace better if possible, because I don't like the way wikispaces pulled a switcheroo, but we have time to migrate properly now.
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