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Everything posted by Wings

  1. I really like your bases. They look very natural.
  2. Wow! Teddy's heart is amazing. And sharing the green and purple around the mini and the base stops me staring too much at it so I can appreciate the rest as well.
  3. He's going to look SO good when he's done.
  4. Ooo, the metals and their oxidised look are fantastic. Nice.
  5. These look great! Unfortunately chrome didn't like opening the thumbnails so I had to go into another browser to look at them instead as they were so tempting. I love the texture to Yan Lo's robe and Chiaki looks beautiful in that colour palette, particularly with those greys.
  6. Lovely colour for the lantern and it's good to see you working away on this again.
  7. It definitely was. That's a lovely blue.
  8. Now that's going to be a lot of work. Looking forward to seeing how it progresses!
  9. Beautiful smooth painting. Shame about the arm join on the left shoulder (or is it just the photos?). It wouldn't be so noticeable if the painting wasn't so good!
  10. I really like the blood pools on the Doppelganger's base. I haven't tried mixing blue or purple into Tamiya clear red so will have to try that after seeing you get such great results.
  11. Yeah, looks like I was needlessly confusing there. All in a desperate attempt not to look too unproductive. I think I started all of these going "I'll just paint these up quickly so that the mountain of unpainted minis stops accelerating so much" and then didn't want to stop painting them. Slightly faster than I normally manage though! SpiralngCadavr - the Soul Porter is my favourite too.
  12. Beautiful yellow/ochre colour on his clothes.
  13. Since I had the two weeks off work and painted up Nicodem's Avatar I've had very little painting time, although now that I'm only doing one job (for the first time ever!) my weekends are supposedly more free than they were. Anyway, here are the Malifaux minis I've been slowly working on. The colours aren't quite right as my camera decided to overexpose things but it's not too bad. I've also eventually started work on Sedition Wars and have painted a couple of Deadzone minis (very badly) for my boyfriend. I've refused to take photos of those. Here's hoping to a bit more painting time this year!
  14. Lovely lighting effects on the Seamus Avatar there. He looks incredibly atmospheric.
  15. She's looking great, very hard to believe it was your first time doing dark skin. Fantastic job!
  16. I'll allow you credit for that. I now need to fight off the temptation to do the same thing for my Candy. It's a tried and tested scheme so I'd be tempted to go with it again. Otherwise you could always paint them in your wife's favourite colours if they're for her?
  17. I'll allow you credit for that. I now need to fight off the temptation to do the same thing for my Candy. It's a tried and tested scheme so I'd be tempted to go with it again. Otherwise you could always paint them in your wife's favourite colours if they're for her?
  18. I love the bright green scissor handles for Candy - they look like kid friendly scissors which would make being carved up by her a very long torturous process.
  19. Beautiful looking paint job there. And thanks for the tutorial on the tree!
  20. I use vallejo brush on white primer as a rule. Spray primers were not an option in student halls and it's much less fiddly.
  21. I'm impressed that with such a simple method you got such amazing results. Envy!
  22. Beautiful work. I love how the hair is so bright and potentially different to the other colours but is so well tied in.
  23. Fantastic work on the muscles of the horse. It looks amazing.
  24. And NEVER get accelerant on your skin when there's some wet superglue also on your skin. That's a very bad combination. It sounds like you're taking a much healthier approach RagingRodian. I'm just very impatient, particularly for fiddly tiny bits.
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