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Everything posted by Fog

  1. I love gaelic phonetics. I'm a Seamus myself. My cousin's dog is named Caoimhe.
  2. The store phone number is 508 295 5800 if you need directions
  3. Wareham, ma: no units banned or house rules beyond occasional unique terrain effects. Still pretty casual around here. never realized karn was in state. Small world.
  4. For the life of me I never even considered using a mannequin to trigger Colette. *face palm*
  5. I definitely would love to see some more brawl combinations from the fluff. And things like saying joss won't work for Tina, or similar fluff developments
  6. The store owner has added in a freshly pulled Miss Pack as a prize for the top player!
  7. And yet I hear people praise them like they're the second coming. Honestly, I'm only really curious so when some of my local players complain about my teams I could point them to a post and go "See, I AM playing down."
  8. So what would the tiers be then? There are a lot of people who bicker about where certain figures (like the Viks) place and I'm curious if there is a list somewhere of the generally accepted tiering.
  9. There is also talk of starting up an escalation league if folks are interested. Thanks for taking the time to read!
  10. After the events of Twisting Fates, I demand a means to allow Leveticus and Zoraida to work together in a brawl. Thank you.
  11. The more I look at aColette the more I like her. She stops doing a whole lot herself but enables the rest of the crew to go crazy. I'm seeing this for a potential turn: Activate Colette, Cassandra, Duet and Mannequin Colette 1: Sublime Performance, Flourished card, Bedazzle, Flourish Card, Bedazzle, Flourish Card, Bedazzle Colette 2: Mesmerizing, Card Tricks Colette 3: Mesmerizing, Aetheric Subterfuge At this point, you have up to two models slowed, up to three models have taken a point or two of damage and have to cheat randomly, and you get to stack your opponents deck three cards in. Cassie and the Coryphee proceed to apply righteous boot to ass. Totally situational, but very demoralizing. You also have the option of getting six actions over three models to collect VPs if you prefer. I don't think I'd use her avatar in ever match, but I'm pretty sure there are a lot of times that I'd really enjoy having the option of multiplying my force.
  12. I'd like to hear more about this Def 3 thing. Critical Strike always did sit wrong with me, but I could never put my finger on it. Brutal never bothered me much because it's not as prolific. The gravedigger vs scavenger debate is easy: they didn't print 2pt units with scavenger and the ability to pass off tokens as a zero action. I personally detest Conduit on the voodoo doll--automatic 2 dmg per turn, no resist, forever because you got line of sight digs at me. Far too few models are Living. Firing into melee can take far too many flips and the shot is entirely random.
  13. I like to throw Colette in my opponents faces. I tabled a Lilith team turn 2 because they weren't expecting me to come at them face first. Cassie and the duet tore apart their mature neph, I turned Nekima into a mannequin and doves tore Lilith into bits. I wouldn't suggest relying on that kind of performance, but don't think for a second Showgirls can't kill important targets.
  14. When I lose it tends to be a matter of 'I brought a knife to a gun fight.' We have a relatively small player base around here (half a dozen regulars) so I'll sometimes say to myself "Gee, I'll see if I can't manage using Rasputina against my opponent's friekorps for contain power. That'll work great!" Forcing myself to think outside of the box doesn't always go over very well. For every time I wipe my enemy master off the board with a charge delivered Clockwork Fist I'll wind up tabled. Thankfully, Malifaux doesn't care if you're tabled. Luring my opponent into finishing off my models can distract him long enough where he can't rack up the points he needs to actually win.
  15. I've run with Johan to babysit a Supply Wagon before, but honestly he kind of felt like dead points. Everything else was so far downfield running amok that my opponent was too busy to try to stop my wagon. I've considered Joss before but never used him. The strange part is that I find mannequins a far more essential part of the team than performers and if I had a way to bring a mannequin or two without the performer I'd definitely give it a try. In a few weeks I've got a 25ss tournament with the strategies determined ahead of time and I'm considering bringing Colette with some SPA swarms for the Escape and Survive round.
  16. I'm curious how a guard captain could hope to fight Cassandra, let alone a duet. As she's closing, you're looking at a to your attack and damage against a unit who can, if needed, use soulstones. In melee, she's got a 7 Cb against your 4 DF, upwards of three attacks with the potential to move or cast a spell after each of them, and can easily be back around a corner by the time you activate. Ryle has a bit more oomph thanks to Socially Repressed combined with Ranged Expert, but using terrain to your advantage an solve that problem quick... And the coryphee is twice as hard to kill--DF 7/WP 6 with to all Df and Resist plus soulstones on top of that... Obey-a-thons require three decent masks in hand. The lawyer needs a 9+ to cast Prosecute and will have trouble succeeding against anything on the team outside of performers. There... isn't really anything of the sort going on. Colette's mobility tricks require showgirls on field but there isn't any buffing going on (beyond a +2 Wp aura). There aren't any silly chains that need breaking. Killing a mannequin (who reduces all damage by 5) requires a dedicated effort. Obviously, as just about everything she does requires a soulstone. That said, there have been turns I've generated four soulstones with her. If you're using doves carefully to generate activation advantage it's not terribly difficult for her to jump in late in the turn, finish off a few models and fill her sack. Definitely... unless you're playing with the suggested amount of terrain, in which case your opponent will need to spend some time maneuvering instead of just opening fire.
  17. Username: Fog Crew Leader: Colette Wins, Losses and Draws: 1-0-0 New Strategies achieved: Destroy the Evidence New Schemes achieved: Perfect Performance, Bodyguard Masters Faced: Sonnia Criid
  18. 25 SS Malifaux tournament When: Sunday, September 18th Where: Hogie's Hobbies, Wareham MA. Located an hour from Boston and 45 minutes from Providence What: 25 SS /45 SS pool Fixed Master 3 Round Domination tournament. $15 entrance fee covers pizza, drinks and prizes for top two players. With sufficient attendance prizes for sportsmanship and painting will be awarded as well. Scenarios (Each player will have one match for each scenario, story write up coming soon) 1) Shared Supply Wagon, Mountain terrain, Rockfalls & Heavy Snow in effect 2) Shared Escape and Survive, Ruins, Special terrain (campsite) 3) Shared Treasure Hunt, Guild Holding Facility, Special Terrain (Dead Zone) Feel free to message me with any questions. Custom terrain is being built for these events--it would be very helpful if you could RSVP so we can make sure we have enough tables ready.
  19. Thanks, I literally *just* strolled over to work on this!
  20. Her box supposedly has three fire gamin in it.
  21. Someone copied the wrong list in there and dropped off 80% of it. I'd fix it but I'm at work posting on my phone. Anyone feel like fixing it?
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