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Jon Kerr

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Everything posted by Jon Kerr

  1. Unfortunately no progress on Lucius OR the Mansion again- but I do have some Malifaux stuff to show off. I've been distracted by a painting competition in my area- the Leeds Iron Owl Painting Competition... as such I've been working away on a piece to enter. Decided to do something a bit quirky and go for a working clockwork base. [ame] [/ame] Paint job is VERY WIP at the moment, the shirt will be completely redone as it was just a test. Not quite pulling off the NMM either (the robot hands are the most complete section), but not done any washes or anything yet.
  2. Thanks for the in depth explaination! I love the theme even more after hearing your ideas behind it. I agree competely with the Jack idea, much better than Andrew Ryan..... I went back through the thread and found your Levi conversion afterwards, brilliant job, I must have missed it on the first glance at this thread. Have you considering using Ryle with Levi? He'd be really easy to convert into a Big Daddie. As for alt models in official tournaments- are you sure there would be no exceptions? With a very clear theme, beautiful execution and 75% of your crew being Wyrd minis, I cant see any Tournament Organiser being THAT anal....
  3. Thats for the tip, I was planning to go back to the red. The only bit thats about finished is the face, and I might still add a couple of glazes to that. As for brush size, im using a standard Windsor and Newton... I think its a 1? Why do you ask? There are some very fine white 'sparkles' on the mask that havent really photographed very well, I think my light was too bright and got some glare.
  4. Welcome to the boards! Great paint job, but I'll echo the above comment and say that a couple of washes might benefit her. Very tidy paintjob though and love the colour choices. Whats your plans for the base? Don't neglect it! It will really finish the model off.
  5. This is awesome! Very cool to see someone doing some heavy conversion work with Malifaux minis (not something I see very often, but I think thats a side effect of the range being such high quality). Particularly awesome job on Alice/Big Sister.... I really can't wait to see her painted up. Did you not consider doing some sort of Andrew Ryan model instead of Levi?
  6. Wow, fantastic paint jobs. Love the "living" style Belles.... great job! Seamus somehow looks even more sinister with such a warm glow...
  7. Took a little while to add an update as I've been busy with commisions/eBay minis (a WHFB Black Dragon and Cockatrice, on eBay here and here check them out) Managed to slap a little paint on Lucius this evening. First ever attempt at NMM and I'm actually really pleased- it was certainly much easier with the mask being such a small area.... I usually just use metallic paints but for Lucius I wanted to do something a bit special. Any comments/criticisms are very welcome! Still very WIP.
  8. How do you guys go about photographing with a black background? I can take great photos using a white background in daylight, and using GIMP to white-out the background leaving only the miniature. I just take the models close to a window and snap away against a piece of white paper. Like this: I've tried similar using a black bedsheet but it just isn't a dark enough background for GIMP to black out- and it stands out like a sore thumb on the photo. What do you guys use for your black backgrounds, and what lighting do you use for black backgrounds? Is gloss black paper the way to go? Or maybe black felt? or just a sprayed black background? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Jon
  9. Currently painting one of the new GW Dragons for eBay, so I need to finish that before I start work on the Malifaux- I'm hoping to make a start on at least one of Lucius' crew by tomorrow though. Thought I'd give you guys a glimpse of what I'm aiming for in the long run with the mansion:
  10. Hi all! This is my first proper post on the forum, so I'll also make it a quick introduction. I've been wargaming since I was 8 years old, mainly playing Warhammer Fantasy. I've dabbled in 40k, WarmaHordes, Mordheim, Necromunda, Magic and many other games, but it's always been Warhammer thats my favourite..... though since my discovery of Malifaux it seems like thats about to change! Painting and modelling comes second to gaming for me, and thats what I enjoy most. I run a commision painting service called Clan Kerr Miniatures to pay for me to live while I'm studying at University (ok, so it pays for plenty of beer too....) I became captured by Malifaux immeadiately after hearing the back-story for The Dreamer. I fell in love with that crew completely- but then I found the Nightmare Edition Lord Chompy Bits, and my heart was broken. I simply don't have the money to pick up that beautiful model off eBay at the £200 mark its selling for, but I also couldn't possibly do a Dreamer crew without him.... Thankfully, I also got hooked onto another model- Lucius Matheson! So, after my huge essay about myself, this blog will be about my journey through painting up my Lucius crew, and also building a pretty display board for these beautiful models to sit on- a small section from Lucius' mansion. Maybe in my next post I'll also try and talk less..... so here's some pictures of the humble beginnings.
  11. Good luck! Don't forget the pics, and let us know what recipe you went for in the end
  12. Great looking models here ratty! Your basing is particularly excellent! Where do you tend to get all your gears/cogs etc? I assume watch-part packs from eBay and the likes?
  13. Hi all, New to the forum, and eagerly awaiting my first Malifaux boxed set- Lucius. I had a look around and started to make plans for bring my crew up to 35ss with a few additions, but I I'm looking for some advice as to what sounds like a reasonable all-round crew. I particularly love the idea of the Guild Hounds, so my first question is- how usefull are they to Lucius? Worth taking? I also came up with a couple of set-ups for my 35ss crews, and any advice on these would be much appreciated. To begin with, using as many models from the starter set as possible: Lucius Ryle (8) Lawyer (7) Guard Captain (7) Guild Guard (4) 3 Guild Hounds (9) Later, as I manage to pick up a few more models: Lucius Drill Sergeant (3) Guard Captain (7) 2 Guild Guards (8) 4 Guild Hounds (12) Austringer (5) Any help would be much appreciated! I'm also very new to the rules/game in general (I've played two games so far), so keep it newbie friendly and feel free to dumb-it-down as much as you like!
  14. (I did put together a beginners painting guide on another forum, you may like to check it out? http://baddice.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1010&sid=5836842ee7bc5094afb79c2dd98dfe9e) To get you kick-started, here's what I'd personally go for for a nice easy paintjob for a beginner: Undercoat the model Chaos Black. 1. Paint the skin Tallarn Flesh. 2. Paint the leggings, hat, boots, wristbands Dark Flesh. 3. Where possible, pick out the leather straps etc in Chaos Black. 4. Paint the T-shirt Scab Red. 5. Wash the WHOLE model in Gryphonne Sepia. (This is the best part! Let it dry completely and the effect should be great!) 6. Dont forget to give the base some attention! As you improve, you may want to go back over each area once the Gryphonne Sepia wash is dry to "highlight" the most raised areas with the original colour. Until you have the brush control to pick out folds in cloth or raised facial features etc, you might want to skip this stage. Remember you can always go back to a model and work on it more as your skill improves. Tips for beginners: -Try working with the LEAST amount of paint possible on your brush. Too much paint on your brush is a very common problem with new painters (and might be the reason for the bad blending attempts?) Gather some out of the pot and wipe the excess onto a paper towl/toilet tissue. -As a beginner, brand new paint should be a reasonable consistency straight out of the pot, but as paints age you may need to water them down a little. The paint should flow up the brush and into the bristles, not goop ONTO the bristles. -Let the model dry adequately between stages. Don't paint the clothes, then imeadiately try to slap a different colour onto the leather straps if they are still wet.
  15. Like Ratty said, the Plastic Flagellant ones are great. Should be able to grab them from www.bitzbox.com or www.bitsandkits.com. Games Workshop (Boo! Hiss!) actually do an "Arcane Books" bits pack too. Check them out here: http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat440122a&prodId=prod1290127 Hope this helped!
  16. Great work there! Love the display base too. Where did the brass etch railing/fence come from for the Freikorps base? I'd love to get my hands on some of that.
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