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Saint Norton

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Everything posted by Saint Norton

  1. Picked up the Kirai box set over the weekend and got a spiffy Miss Pack in it. Seeing as i'm playing the dry undead and not the wet squishy undead I don't see much use for her. I'd be open to trading her to someone who will love her in exchange for some spirits. Edit: Felt bad asking for as much as I had originally. SO I revamped... If someone wanted to trade for one of the following instead? Night Terror blister The Drowned blister The Hanged blister Shikome Blister Jakunne Ubume (if this post lasts that long ) Gaki Blister Insidious Madness blister
  2. I'd even go so far as to use Baby kade as your proxy for Dreamer. Fits the "look" of your crew even better then the little kid in a t-shirt.
  3. Two thoughts come to mind, First, black joker on the the "to cast" won't successfully cast Obey in the first place for any model I can think of so you would never get to the Rst stage. Second, Choosing the tie the result is not under the rules for cheating fate so the rules for the Red/Black joker should not apply.
  4. Neverborn Crew - 35 - Scrap Lilith, Mother of Monsters -- 4 Pool Malifaux Cherub [2ss] Lelu [7ss] Lilitu [7ss] Stitched Together [5ss] Stitched Together [5ss] Terror Tot Nephilim [3ss] Terror Tot Nephilim [3ss] Terror Tot Nephilim [3ss]
  5. Very smooth, very nice in general. I aggree with you about the base, it needs a splash color to make that empty space 'pop', a tuft of bright grass, a bright bottle or blood splash perhaps, something simple though. Otherwise the model is very well executed, clean and realistic color palette make this feel like a historical model instead of a steampunkfantasywestern!
  6. Brood mother. Getting the whole silurid race togeather in one crew would be awesome. Like a Malifaux-lizardman army.
  7. Doh, Ninja'd by the OP... One quick question then, in the past when i've tried those horrible metal frame trees that you are supposed to add clump foliage to i had zero luck in getting the foliage to actually stay on the armature. Yours looks very robust and not "spongy" like i would have expected from clump foliage. Have you varnished them or is there some technique to how you glued them all togeather to make them tougher as yours appear to be quite hard.
  8. Yes, Please share the delicious secrets that go into that smoke / fire! I love the look of those counters both the scrap and the flaming ones.
  9. 3- Remember that Killjoy will only drop corpse counters IF there is a model with the Graverobber characteristic in play when he dies. Most neverborn models will drop corpse counters as well for the same reason, it's just rare for a neverborn player to have a model with that characteristic in play. ( Widow weaver and Spawn mother are the only two i can think of? )
  10. I've run Lillith many times now and inlcuding some games with no other nephilim in the crew. And she works perfectly fine w/o them to be honest. The key is to keep her with other quick models. So Lillith plus stitched = no so good, the stitched quickly get out paced and left behind. But Lillith plus waldgeist, siliurids, baby kade (he really benefits from being slingshotted into place with transposition with his melee expert plus high damage potential) If you want to look out of faction (unless "Hot chicks with swords" is the faction you are playing) the Ronin mesh very smoothly with lilliths attack and speed styles. As an example of all i've mentioned above here is a 35 ss list that I would feel is a solid "all-comers" style list, multiple significant models with very fast movement combined with multiple models capable of dealing out some significant ammounts of damage for scenarios about killing the enemy. Lastly it keeps you above a 5 SS pool so you can use the Ronin's "Always for hire" ability to summon a Ronin mid-game if the need arises. Lillith Baby Kade - 6 Ronin - 6 Ronin - 6 Silurid - 5 Silurid - 5 Silurid - 5 Ronin and/or Silurid could be swapped out for Waldgeists if you wanted a more defensive model that retained that fast movement stat.
  11. Welcome aboard mate. Glad to see another convert in the home of GW.
  12. Very nicely done on this last one. It ends up with a very realistic feel, like the chalky look to the verdigris is correct.
  13. It's the Malifaux curse i swear! The dice-gods are getting back at me for turning my back on them...
  14. So i'm laid up this weekend. Kidney stones have got me on some major pain killers so i got some free time on the couch doing some quality wall-staring. Busted out some paints and put this guy togeather this afternoon. Of course the lighting isnt great due to my lack of moving off the couch... What do you think?
  15. I'd second the austringer, great sculpts - particularly the kneeling guy. LJ can occasionally have problems with hordes of cheap opponents swamping her deathmarshalls.
  16. Very nicely done, the bows really finish it off nicely. I rather prefer this look to the emaciated nightmare edition. Now it just needs paint!
  17. I like the effect on the female gunsmith, she looks straight out of Tron!
  18. To temper what The-Madman said a bit, the bases just need a bit more. When I've done snow bases in the past i've used PVA mixed with baking soda to make a "slush" and then applied it with toothpickk. It might help add the texture that your bases are missing here to make them pop. Give it a try, snow bases can be a very tricky thing to do but kudos for giving it a go.
  19. So are JuJubee and Gingabee related?
  20. Welcome to the boards. Glad to see another new player! Where are you from / what factions do you find interesting?
  21. Now someone needs to do up Gossamer as a nightmare to go with that concept art!
  22. Funny stuff. I need an "In case of science" drawer in my house...
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