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Everything posted by jeffb007

  1. Looking good from what I can see. What sort of camera are you using?
  2. Looks great to me! I'm the same with the Malifaux stuff, it is pretty much all I want to paint at the moment. I was doing quite well working through my other armies but I'm really into individual minis so Malifaux appeals the most. It's nice to get a whole crew painted fairly easily as opposed to hundreds of very similar models.
  3. You seem to have a lot of stuff on the go at once, how do you find working in that way? I'm a finish one thing and then onto the next kind of guy, but it does result in a lot of unpainted minis.
  4. Great paint job and I love the nmm, it's a technique I really want to try as I think it looks much better than metallic paint. I think Ramos will be a rewarding master when you work him out, it's nice to find all the synergies and how things work together.
  5. I've updated the first page with the Hoarcats and Wendigo, they aren't great photos or paint jobs, but I thought I'd better share them for completeness. I'm now going back to painting Guild models for a while before painting the Snowstorm.
  6. I can vouch for how awesome their customer service is, got a response from Zee within a few hours and almost immediately after. In fact I should apologise for being a pushy customer as I kept hassling about an order, purely because I'd been let down by a UK retailer who kept me hanging for weeks. I'd order from them again if it wasn't for shipping times to the UK.
  7. Just wait for the alt sculpt, it looks like it is gonna have a cloak instead!
  8. I've updated the front page of the thread with everything I've finished so far. I've now painted the Silent One which means just the Wendigo to finish off. There is also a Snow Storm to paint, but they will have to wait while I go and finish some of my Guild models
  9. Hi Everyone, Here is my now completed December Acolyte, hope you like it. As always any feedback is welcomed! Next on the list is the pesty westies (hoarcats) then the silent one. Larger image available here
  10. Ok, the +/- bug has been fixed quite simply by changing the display from Wd to 0. The download link in the first post now points to the new version. I'm not sure what effect it will have with the current database so it may need models entered again. I think I'm going to try and find a better way of doing this, perhaps with a file instead.
  11. Just to keep you updated on this, I've identified the +/- error. It's easy enough to fix with a logic check so I'm updating it as an when I can, will hopefully have this repackaged in the next few days!
  12. I think they all look great. The only thing I would personally say about Pandora is maybe try and get some more definition between the skin and her clothes. It could just be the lighting on the picture as everything always looks much better in real life, but the photo makes it look like they are practically the same colour. BUT, that is a very small criticism on an otherwise great looking model. I'm also loving the no pupil look, definitely adds to the creepyness, and any pupil you don't have to paint is a good one!
  13. Ok so here we have the next model for the Rasputina crew I'm painting, the Sabertooth Cerberus. I think the colour scheme and stripes may be controversial with this one. It looks a bit better in the flesh as it were, I think, but I'm really not sure about the stripes.
  14. Thanks for all the positive comments, I really appreciate them. I've managed to put 4 or 5 hours into cerberus so will hopefully have something to add soon!
  15. I'm looking forward to painting some more of them. I'd developed a pretty safe colour palette for my Guild models, so this really pushed me. For a little while I really hated the paint job while doing it but I grew to love it. I also had doubts about the cloak, and I'm pleased with how it turned out, but appreciate it won't be everyone's cup of tea. The next model on my list is the Sabertooth Cerberus, so will hopefully have that finished soon.
  16. Hi Folks, So I'm lying a bit about the friends bit (this is now the lie, new pics further down the thread!), as Rasputina is my first Arcanist finished. I've taken a break from my Guild painting as I promised Mrs Jeffb007 that as soon as I'd painted a usable crew I would do some models for her. So here is Rasputina! The furry hat wasn't a hit so I had to convert a cloak with a hood. I think it has come out ok. Also actually made a tiny basing effort which is a first! Let me know what you think, and I will add more pics as I get the crew done.
  17. Interesting about the error, it doesn't happen to me. Could you let me know what the error is? At the moment deleting an entry is a limit of the database api that I'm using. I might look at an alternative, but that will mean a lot of recoding.
  18. I'm relatively new myself but I will give you my opinions so far! 1) How big are games, usually? I.e. roughly how many figures? The game seems to be really scaleable. I've found 25 soulstones to be a good size for beginning games, which seems to be 4 -7 models for the Guild, depending on what you choose. 2) I'm fairly curious about why there are so many sub-factions in each faction; can they work together, is there a benefit for sticking to just one, and what are the playstyles of each of the subfactions in the Guild? Everything can work together but as I see it there are certain synergies between some units working together, like the Ortegas performing alpha strikes where they all activate. I basically just went for the Lady Justice Death Marshalls box set with a couple of other models to start with, along with an Austringer and the Executioner. They all seem to work together well. 3) How balanced is the game, overall? It's really going to depend on who you are playing, and the cards. I'd also recommend playing the strategies and schemes as they change the flow of the game and balance it out between different factions. 4) How does the Guild compare to the Outcasts? I can't give an honest answer to this as I don't really know. I'd pick some things you like the look of and see how they fit into Ratty's crew creator at http://malifaux.nezumi.me.uk/Crew.php to give you an idea of what you want. The only other thing I can say is that I really love this game, it has loads of depth, great background and fantastic models, so hopefully you will enjoy playing too!
  19. My standard 25ss crew I run at the moment with Lady J is: Lady J Judge Death Marshall Executioner Austringer I thoroughly recommend the Austringer as he has pretty good range, and the Executioner is a great hard hitting character if you can get him into combat. I'm looking forward to trying some 35ss games for some bigger crews.
  20. Don't worry you won't snow me under! App development is always second to painting and gaming. My programming ability is pretty poor so this is a slow burner. There also isn't too much need for an actual crew creator as the one by Ratty is amazing, but I can certainly add those things to a desired features list :bigthumb:
  21. Thanks for all the feedback so far. I really want to add more to it, and will certainly add more slots for crew members. Are there any recommendations for a good number?
  22. Yeah it's limited at the moment. With the soulstones though it would be easy enough to add an entry called "Soulstones" with a number equal to however many you want. It could be increased/decreased per game as required. The database can hold as many characters as you have storage for, it's just the selection that's limited at the moment. My wife wants to be able to track her crew while playing so I might increase the number available for a future version. The original version had my models hard coded in but that was way too much effort when I picked up the Oregas too!
  23. Hi Folks, I've created a quick Android app for tracking wounds taken my models during games (it's not Malifaux specific, but that's what I use it for) and it is available to download from http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7012825/WoundTrackerV2.apk. I've not done much testing, but you add a character name, number of wounds and click +, which stores the data persistently. You can then select who you are using with the other buttons and increase/decrease wounds. It's limited to 10 selected "crew" members. If you're interested have a play and let me know what you think. It's being used on my HTC Desire currently. If this sort of thing isn't allowed I'll take it down.
  24. I might look at getting something done, even if it's just basic to start with. I can see how it ties stuff together nicely, so I'll have a try at basic bases for the stuff I've done already, and maybe something more flamboyant for something not painted.
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