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Everything posted by Edweird

  1. The PSD's were made for each card(once you build the general template each suit falls into place) and then compiled to make them fit the card stock. To host all 62 PSD's is not something I am interested in doing at this point and honestly its better to design your own. Also I will remention that my wife is picky about using other peoples work and letting other people use her creative work(without expressed written premission from major league baseball and the commissioner) so I would rather not ask... also remember I dont want to sleep on the couch during the day(I work graveyard shift normally) As for the card stock I did quite a bit of research on the many types of material that playing cards are made of... from plastic coated paper, 100% plastic, weird laminated hybrids, to the nifty air cushion paper that bicycle uses, there is lots to choose from but all of them are a PITA to find. I finally found air cushion playing card cardboard at an online store called lybrary.com(please don't completely run him out... I have a few more decks promised). The pages are only available in A4, its a different format than we are used to here in the states... so be sure to plan around that. each deck requires 6 pages(54 card deck @ 9 cards a sheet also double sided = 12 color prints) which the cost of the printing is largely dependant on both the amount of card stock you buy, and your access to or willingness to go to a printshop ie Kinkos to have them done. I went to kinko's... I think I ended up spending $8 usd on printing, with one wasted sheet due to an error. They gave me some questionable stares about if the card stock can be printed with a laser jet but it worked out great.
  2. I did not anticipate that concept when I made the material decisions, purely going for a form follows function approach. However I noticed the visual dominance while painting and opted to work with it rather than hard compensate against it. (Not that I am that good of a minis painter, I am only as good as the washes let me be)
  3. Here is my take on steampunk arachnids with magnetic bases... First of all the SpA's are based to steel lockwashers with a twisted staple 'drill bit'. All the base inserts were partially drilled from below and 1/4in neodynium magnets were inserted. The SpA's themselves need no magnets since the steel lockwashers do the job just fine.
  4. Heres the hangups about selling copys... first we never intended to do so. 1) we dont have premission from the fine people at wyrd (although I have heard there is a precedent), but if we did sell it some of the profit would go to cover prize support for our league. 2) we dont have rights to the images, since this is/was not intended for profit/sale... so if this is something (you want/we can sell/we are willing to sell) either we need to get the photo rights(hardmode) or replace the images with similar images or new art. My wife is a photographer and very picky about image rights so this is non contestable, and no amount of couch sleeping is worth selling a few decks.
  5. The card stock is the same air cushion stock you see on casino / bicycle cards, super nice stuff to work with. Also I am experimenting with a way to smooth the edge to get rid of any residual cutter flashing... anywho enjoy
  6. So back in april my +5 Wife of Awesome pitched making me a snazzy custom fate deck for my new hobby of choice. After some time and delays to find playing card stock and waiting for the supplier to come back from vacation; we have printed our first run of my deck. I say first run because I intend to prize pool and gift another deck to our local henchman and store owner. Also the only bit of photoshop I did missaligned the card backs to the fronts, a problem my wife has already fixed for the next run... Enuf jibberjabber, on to the Pics!
  7. Witchling stalkers tear up spirits in melee like madmen
  8. We have a decent league down here in Tucson, out of Hats Games on Friday night. I get that it is far away, but that's the facts... I get back up to Phx on occasion, I want to get back to IOG, but normally get stuck in the east side playing my Brother-in-law
  9. Thats the point. I am normally quite humble, so to gloat i felt the need to turn humble off for the duration of the victory dance period
  10. Here is my version... sadly still in primer link to my flickr acct: http://www.flickr.com/photos/62228693@N04/ I went with this pose for a couple reasons, sideways to aid with storage in my tacklebox containers for my malifaux dudemens, and tipped forward to give a more menacing and looking down on smaller models. The feet tips are glued into recesses drilled into the base, he is rocksolid on there. I opted to pin the legs to the hip cowling, and am debating using the pin holes as anchors for cables to the arm mechanical bits... The base is microart studio, damn them polish can sculpt!
  11. I too have been considering a doc taranto for one of my gunsmiths... as for Kaeris I have already kitbashed myself one up from: warmachine eris from years ago, microart studio wings and I replaced the eris arms from a dual weilding reversed dagger pirate duelist(cant recall manufactuer). Pics can be provided if wanted, but I don't want to clutter up someone else's thread with my half painted mini
  12. box only he is still a bit of a challenge, adding in the electrical creation and building a proxy Mobile Toolkit(since it is not out yet)totem helps quite a bit... obviously that implys useage of of the rising powers as well.
  13. I was in need for a sutable proxy for Ramos/Hoffmans Mobile Toolkit totem, So I figured I would kitbash one together from my bits tower. (faceyspaces wont let me link directly to the picture, so here is the linky to the image on our local malifaux facebook group) http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/photo.php?fbid=1963870664515 Yes I know it is quite a bit more of a departure from the book art, however I dreamed up something more in line with its abilities... Therefore I give you a rolling bookshelf, loyally providing the much needed tomes when absolutely essential. I know that it is kinda oversized for its base... in fact I eventually think I will put it on some steampunk-esque mechanical legs, but I did not have any on hand... thus the FoW german tank treads. The rest of the peice consists of left over GW chimera bits and a Tau gun drone. now to find/build myself a statcard for him... anyone have one premade they would like to share? If not I can always unpack the computer with photoshop but the path of least resistance is always appreciated.
  14. @pipeline I am proud to say I have gotten Sonnia's personal scheme off 3 out of my last 4 games... Its damn nice to turn the 'me first' Ortegas into witchlings wholesale.
  15. I'm pleased I am not the only nutjob enjoying sonnia+student, I tend to add 4 stones, Sam, and fill the rest with stalkers... I love love love my stalkers and own 6 of them often starting with 4 and ending with all 6 on the table.
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