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Everything posted by FoeRender

  1. Stuff looks amazing as always ! But I feel you owe wyrd at least one mini , to post pictures of work on a very specialized board ( this is a wyrd run board dedicated to malifaux ) . I mean out of all your fantastic work all 17 pages I am yet to notice anything Wyrd . I might be alone but I come to these boards to get away from 40k there are hundreds of boards dedicated to GW games or a mix of all miniature companies . Again I am not here to offend , I just feel if your going to link your painting service you should have some of the websites own minis .
  2. Our club is hosting a 35ss tourny in New York city on June 11th . details in link . link http://warmongers.ziggyqubert.com/wmbb/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=16313
  3. iam going to be adding silk leaves to the bases , anyone have a good site to get them ?
  4. +1 for simple green . works on metal , plastic , resin , and is safe to handle which is a huge plus .
  5. me too , that would be awesome .
  6. I used the hunter for the first time over the weekend and found he is just 2 fragile . I love the model so much and will use it in larger games , But for 35ss and below it takes a back seat to the peacekeeper .
  7. lady J 4 witchling stalkers ( or more if you have them ) executioner and whatever you can fit that's slow to die . Dreamer works by popping up doing damage than going away . slow to die allows you to get in blows to there low wound stuff before you die which hurts them , witchlings blow up damaging the rest of there crew when they die , and lady j has great WP and can kill the dreamer if left out with one activation most times . take eye for an eye , and stake a claim as your schemes .
  8. ahhh after reading the cards over again is true , only had about 3 games using Lucias this changes a bit , but not too much , Ryle still makes a great fire base for lady J and Lucias . Playing with Ryles zero action gives him shooting lanes that the opponent usually didn't see coming from Ryle . Before I had the models I have now I ran Lady j 3 marshals Nino executioner peacekeeper or Santiago I actually think instead of Santiago or peacekeeper 2 witchlings would be awesome giving a nice amount of activations . And would be great against Alp bombs .
  9. Ryle is elite division so can be used by Lucias as an attack node and also can go up to cb 7 with advanced training . letting Ryle shoot up too 6 times at cb 7 . Along with a watcher stacking the deck this can have a very brutal effect . That with his 12 to 16 inch range ( keep Lucias behind him allowing him his 0 action walk ) is a great source of board control . After I get Lucias and Ryle in the group I fill out with marshals and the watcher leaving lady jay to have 6 stones in a 35 point game .
  10. I ran Hoffman for the first time yesterday to see how he runs . I didn't have all the pieces i feel that makes the crew solid . we did 25 stones , i took . Hoffman Hunter Guardian Watcher Ryle It was a shared claim jump with 3 players , Hoffman is very hard to kill the watcher is awesome and a good target for slow when you have a good hand already . The guardian is well amazing and a must for his crew . The hunter was Hoffmans ride but other than that really didn't do much and was killed easily he does not have enough wounds . I would have liked to have had the toolkit , I feel this piece is just as vital as the guardian . Ryle was amazing , shooting 7 times a turn sometimes . At a normal 35 stone game I would go Hoffman peacekeeper guardian watcher watcher toolkit ryle leaves me rocking 6 soul stones
  11. mustache = cool . but a tad Chaplin like .
  12. Played a wacky version of malifaux today . we split up our crew cards into piles , a stack for 2-3 point , 4-5 , 6-7 , 8 and up . we took 2 cards randomly from each stack except from the 8 and over stack we just took one . Was a fun game and mixed things up a bit .
  13. The sepia wash is my most used wash , great for skin tones , cloth , and weathering metal
  14. I have been running lady jay with Lucias leave the executioner and lady jay back , Lucias is very hard to duel since you cant cheat against him than fling lady Jay and the executioner into combat . take one less Marshal and lose some soul stones . the stones you wont need to defend her since she is in the back field can be used to help pay for Lucias . At this point I would drop the guardian since she is safe in the back and take ryle who has awesome synergy with Lucias . lady jay is a beat stick leave the totems and just beat stuff down on the charge she just needs to hit , all her pluses usually grant her great damage on the charge .
  15. The whole negate cover thing is his secondary use by far , keep him back and stack cards , late game fly in to get objectives or use the flashlight . in hoffman he is there cause he moves 7 and can keep up with the Hoffman cluster o pain , he is also a good peice to give slow too to give the Hoff fast and to sack if you need healing .
  16. Here is the thing in malifaux things can go down fast , but if you keep your cool it works both ways . against crews like Victoria or dreamer they are made to hit you fast and hard . no matter what against those crews your are going to lose things early , just decide what and move on bait them feed them something of your choosing and counter and take away there big hitter . against them take things like body guard and hold ground , hide your caster or play someone that can play from the back , and shoot shoot shoot . bad cards happen but read when it happens to them and take that turn to jump them . i find the caster or a henchman can also force a hand from some one use your soul stone to make them drop there hand , feed them your master most people take the bait and use your soul stones to force them to drop big cards for a few wounds on your master . than take that turn to attack hard with the rest of your crew . Also taking odd crews that are not competitive help also , since there meant to lose but are a blast to play , and when you do win with them it feels double good ! Also keep your cool I had a ruff game and lost the first few turns but turned it around and squeaked out the win . I was about to quit the game ( Victoria fustrates me ) but Perdita happens and all was well . Also flipping red jokers on damage in the last 2 turns helps as well !
  17. seems like you have a lot painted . * swirls the last sip of wine in his glass , and thinks to himself if he is buzzed enough to drink the wine they sell in the supermarket ..... nah looks like blue moon it is than . yes a cold blue moon on a warm spring night is good !
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