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Everything posted by Halflingspy

  1. Great stuff! As someone trying to paint the death marshalls now, I have much respect for those that get every nook and cranny on the coffins and such.
  2. This is a pretty good assessment from everything I've seen so far - I'm a colette player and I LOVE her - however, she is really tricky and the reason I picked her up is because I'm used to that slight-of-hand playstyle already from other wargames (ex-Eldar player). Marcus, if there is any Master in the game that would be considered underpowered, it would be him. He's got some great abilities, but you need to know them in and out and chain them right to really make his group flow. My very good friend got him for her first ever wargame army because he looked cool... its been a painful learning process. Ramos is cool from what I've seen, but if you get him, expect to spend a bit of money buying spiders. Lots and lots of spiders. Rasputina my friend plays, and yes, mobility is certainly an issue sometimes with her, but she can blast things really nice-like... just sometimes a bit too late in the game. Have fun with the Arcanists!
  3. I still need to get a good melee bruiser for my Sonnia crew, something to keep people away from Samael for a little longer. I would get the executioner, but I'm not a huge fan of the model for some reason. The guild austringer I cannot reccomend enough if you play guild. They are amazing at harassing enemies, and giving you a great 12' radius of threat. Pulling up to an objective behind a wall with one of them is an amazing way to keep the other side wary of jumping in, that, or sometimes they stray too close and you get a few swings in for free. Also, the austringer's "Deliver Orders" can be really good at giving you companion.
  4. Ouch, that's harsh! Personally, part of me twitches now that I've seen the photo floating around of the zombified Lady J crew, but I'm also happy that the storyline is progressing, always moving forward. It makes me really really excited to see the other changes that are going to happen to characters - I only hope that some characters will actually improve rather that rot away or corrupt - one of the reasons I left a previous wargame (once awesome Malifaux arrived!) was that, while grim, it had some bright points, such as Lady J's constant vigil against the dead, etc etc. If it becomes that every force out there is dark and grim, or grim and dark... it will get frustrating I feel as the world just feels more and more hopeless. On the personal anti-new Lady J box set, I think the models are great, and the new death marshals look amazing! However, my girlfriend is rather scared to death of zombies, and the more they are in pop culture the worse it gets. I'll probably stay away from the new set, much as I love the living Lady J. Still holding out for a Spirit Lady J form of some kind!
  5. I LOVE Samael for having 5 damage on a weak as long as you keep pouring gasoline into his colt .45 (Flaming Bullets). However, the problem I currently keep having with him is that he gets singled out and STOMPED as soon as the opponent sees that first shot go off. In fact, that's my problem with Sonnia too - she gets off one fantastic round of fire absolutely everywhere, and then promptly gets obliterated in the wave of people that are still on fire and unhappy. I think a good solid melee character is needed to keep these two safe to keep firing - I have judge, and am experimenting with that, but the executioner seems like a good choice too, although I don't have the model. I'm going to echo on the guild Austringer, because the model itself looks great, and I love being able to set up shop behind a building and keep a range of threat going for 12 inches around. Its great for setting up a zone of the map and just denying enemies the ability to move about it without feeling threatened, or at least very very nervous about moving around. Good luck!
  6. I've been trying to figure out this problem as well: I'm picking up Von Schill very soon because I love their fluff and the look, but worried they will run into the same problem that most Outcasts have: limitation of crew. The Freikorps are very awesome because they are cohesive as a group, but the problem is their Master is a henchmen. It does limit them to scraps, although I do plan on using the Specialist and Trapper to fill in gaps in my other armies for now.
  7. I saw the announcement wallpaper yesterday and promptly freaked the heck out. My friend that plays is Ressers, and so I texted him and he spent the next hour laughing at me and saying things like 'don't mess with Nicodem' and so on and so on. Its cool that they ARE advancing the storyline, even if they are killing off the 80's hair-metal queen. In fact, I totally understand it: I'm not entirely caught up storywise like I want to be, but Lady J is one of the more 'pure' models as in she's singlemindedly killing the undead, while other models are more nuanced or shades of grey, being associated with the Guild's tyrannical practices or having a pretty mean streak (Sonnia, Perdita). SO where does this leave us? Theories I've tossed together: She's Dead, Jim: She's gone, that's it, she's not only not a Master anymore, she's a minion now. Some fluff behind that is that Judge and the Death Marshalls DO know necromancy... Judge is somewhat devoted to her... what about breaking that vow because they are too attached? What if, in a crazy twist, Judge becomes the new Master, sort of the Guild Necromancer? Heck, maybe even an Outcast Necromancer? Both have viability, even if they aren't probable. The Guild Masters are niched into groups, and with Hoffman, they now have a steam-punk master like the arcanists. The precedent is there, and the switch-around would be really, really cool. This is just some poor corpse walking around now... granted, one with a REALLY big sword. *Note: The wallpaper has the guild symbol huge in the background, so I doubt she's going rezzer. However, if this model IS just a minion, there might be a chance that the rezzers will have the option of taking her just because. I find that doubtful though? Maybe? Mainly because I don't want my Rezzer buddy to have her. Down, but not Out: The one most people are going for, which is that this is the Lady J Avatar. Becoming what she hates, and probably still beating the crap out of everything in sight, just headless. If so... I'll be wincing a bit, since the model will be pretty gruesome to say the least. Its right up Wyrd's alley though. However, what I would really want is... But, The Spirit Lives On: This goes off of 'She's Dead Jim', where she really is just a minion as Dead Justice... but that's just her physical corpse. The actual avatar of Lady J isn't the model we see, but instead a spirit, a ghost of Justice that flies about and absolutely is a terror. Heck, there's a chance that this is a combination of everything: the wallpaper we saw is the avatar, but that's her spirit manifestation, ala "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" without the horse or Ichabod Crane. However, and this might be wishlisting, it would be really cool is there was a spirit and a body of Lady J around as two separate models. If anything would speak to the character of Lady J being awesome, that would be it, running around with two iterations of her and going to town on people. Those are my ideas! Great job Wyrd!
  8. I definitely want to echo TheOneWhoFell here - I have been an off-and-on tabletop player, because I loved the idea of tabletop games, but the only ruleset that I really had and could find people for (GW) was unbalanced, and really expensive. It felt like a chore to paint 5-10 guys for one troop choice alone that you knew was going to get blown off the field in a few seconds, not to mention the cost. I found out about this game only at the end of January I believe, and I got the Showgirls at first, thinking the box would be enough... and you know, cheaper. But you know what? I now have three boxes (Lady J, Sonnia, Showgirls) and a Coryphee all to paint, but you know what? I'm happy and don't regret my buys at all. Because these models are fun to pain, I find myself inspired to work on them and even convert changes and make bases for the first time because each model counts, and the games are just plain fun! Before I go off ranting for a while, I'll cut it short. Thanks Wyrd. This is what I've wanted out of Tabletop for years without even knowing it.
  9. Wow, really well done with the boards slotting in and out like that. I'm actually in the same bind, wanting to make corpyhee this way... but I use wooden coffee sticks for my showgirl bases. I am at a bit of a loss of as to how to do the same slot in and out method that you have so brilliantly here.
  10. I got Lady J, even though her beatstick approach is one I usually avoid in gaming. However, once I started looking at guild... yeah, I just want more. And more. And more... o.0 Guild Austringers are really cool models, in my limited experience, and are great molds. The death marshals go without saying...
  11. Thanks for uploading this in bit-by-bit. For someone who wants to build, but is intimidated by seeing just finished products, this is great to see it really in its in between phases. How do you get such good texture in the last pictures though?
  12. Something that I haven't done yet, but was inspired by when I went to PAX East, was to make an indoor piece of terrain. This one company, Soda Pop Miniatures, had a great terrain piece for their mini game coming out, Super Dungeon Explore. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_HCPanLbUnrc/TKUqiAkjM1I/AAAAAAAADCY/3EkvpONLwSE/s1600/Future%2BDungeon%2BExplore%2B1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.ttcreation.org/forum/viewtopic.php%3Ff%3D17%26t%3D3710&usg=__p2rRIxg1eiMtyHE9Uv8raj9yT6M=&h=540&w=720&sz=105&hl=en&start=0&sig2=LrmqlrRlsKOsW719HW0FVQ&zoom=1&tbnid=uoF70lgo1lROLM:&tbnh=131&tbnw=189&ei=Sq2UTb7IB4ecgQeEw9WyCA&prev=/images%3Fq%3DSuper%2BDungeon%2BExplore%2BTable%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1440%26bih%3D684%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=1140&vpy=200&dur=510&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=157&ty=96&oei=Sq2UTb7IB4ecgQeEw9WyCA&page=1&ndsp=23&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0 From what I've been told, they bought foam insulation, carved down into it, and then coated it over with wood glue layers once it was carved the way they wanted. After that, they used an Airbrush. As someone entirely freakin' new to building and converting models/terrain, I don't have an airbrush, but I want to make a Malifaux Sewer system using this set up... maybe melt in some resin for water effects, etc etc... that's the hope, anyway!
  13. I love the hedges, and the tile idea is cool. One thing though, the buildings are a bit on the small side in terms of scale... absolutely love the small garden.
  14. I saw this model, and like the first guy, it's making me put down 40k for a while. Not because its the only thing wrong, but because its the straw that broke the camel's back. I understand that Space Marines are the bread and butter of GW revenue... however, this is ridiculous. I had been hoping that the Dark Eldar release, that did very well, would have been something to galvanize them to keep updating older codexes that sorely need it for balancing - Tau, Necrons, and Craftworld Eldar. However, this is not proving to be the case, as instead, we get another Space Marine variation. They touted that you can take inquisitors and their retinue, but quite frankly, when you can now have an all terminator army, which you can cheap up to count as troops... why would you? Why do we not have varying rules lists for the other armies now, instead of getting a new codex per chapter of the Space Marines? Fluff-wise also, I'm a little fed up. Space Marines are supposed to be A) Incredibly scared of new technology unless their techmarines give the go ahead, and The Emperor spent a lot of his reign trying to keep people away from the Eldar because he simply didn't want people to know that psychic powers EXIST. He had heavily indoctrinated into his chapters that psychics are bad, yet their Librarians have more ability choices than a Farseer. I don't want to see this army that supposedly has anti-demon, anti-psyker abilities across the board. I just feel like 40k is now just too, too one-sided in many different ways. I'm happy they are introducing minor alien races even in this segment, but until I see a little better balance, I'm backing out. I know I won't spend several hundred making my Eldar army formidable just to get steamrolled by armies like this.
  15. These are absolutely fantastic - How did you get the characters on their robes so well, and where do you get those bases? Did you make them?
  16. Something that unfortunately happens is (from a sociology standpoint) that minorities, be it of a particular race, gender, or otherwise, can be thrown into stereotypes or particular roles and then are immediately seen as representatives of whatever they represent to others. A male shirtless figure is just shirtless, while a shirtless female character is <insert derogatory comment here>. If you've ever heard of the 'Madonna or the Whore' phrase, it's a term that constitutes that women are sometimes ONLY viewed in one of two ways by society. Sorry, I'll put away my textbooks <.<
  17. Love the work on the belt straps!
  18. Thanks Buhallin for the advice - I'm getting real wirecutters when I head to the store on Thursday, although I'm frustrated because I want these done BEFORE I go so I can... gah, chicken or the egg I suppose. Pinning is something I've been afraid of for a long, long time. I'm still working on modelling, painting, and light conversion work for now... pinning comes later I think! Finished all six bases, got a lot faster and quicker at it - thanks for all the advice guys, I think I'll be moving this to a painting-work-in-progress thread now that these bases are done. Did I mention I love the amount of help you can get around here?
  19. I love the fact that there are women models in Malifaux. I come from 40k, where the amount of female models ranges from 0 to 2 in a whole army. Here, we have a lot of different examples in each faction, and a lot of variation in story. Are a lot of the models a bit too racy perhaps? I suppose so - Lady Justice doesn't need her front hanging out quite as much, and perhaps Viktoria's metal plate bikini could be beefed up a little bit. I'll take what I can get though, and if you read the fluff, you know the females aren't all vapid bimbos, and instead have a lot of variation. Kirai is a great, non-sexual female model, and I'm waiting for what Kaeris looks like. For me, Malifaux is at least a step in the right direction.
  20. I like the shine of your models, how they look a lot more lifelike, not shimmery. You do a great job of bringing out the edges of details... great stuff.
  21. These models are going to be a source of inspiration for me while I work on my own showgirl army. Thank you!
  22. Okay, model prepped, the base created and stained using Sepia ink wash (GW) and then a little gloss varnish. Realized a few things - one, I needed to cut into my own base to put in the metal clip underneath. This model would be a little unsteady just on her feet alone, since they are so close together, and I also wanted to see if I could pull it off. Found wire cutters, cut the bit down to size, and an old (probably too dull for this) knife and slowly whittled a hole to fit it in. Some bad things learned here... -One, I crushed my dancer's outstretched hand in the wirecutters by complete accident, giving it more of a lobster-claw appearance. -Two, Really hard to slot this in, then glue it in place. Got impatient and bent the model right under the knees... slooowly got it back in place, painted over it. Whew! So, obviously a newb, and the model isn't fully painted yet (blue/white color scheme though) as you can see. Also... can't get my camera to focus on small minis it seems, going to have to fiddle with my manual mode for a bit. I'm hoping that after a LOT of trial-and-error (this took way too long), the next will be easier, and since their feet are not so pointed in the same place, I can clip off the bottoms and glue them in naturally.
  23. I don't have green stuff yet, but I hope to soon - I spent like an hour trying to figure out how to do with the popsicle stirrers and scissors, which was tough. I know Malifaux would be cheap, but suddenly wanting exacto-blades, modelling clay... its adding up fast! Can't complain though, makes me feel accomplished. Used scissors to cut down the stirrers, trial-and-error patching into place after that. Once I got it to fit the base, I took a sharp knife point and make cuts, then used an ink wash to stain the wood to look worn. Put on a little gloss varnish... I'll have a picture of it soon up, once I figure out how to upload it right - I know its far from perfect, but its a start.... which brings me to my next newb question - how the hell do I get off the metal base of the mini so I can glue the legs to the new flooring I've added? Well, without snapping my new mini in half that is...
  24. Good luck! Spending the night painting up my own first set, and resisting looking online for other ones to buy... <.<
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