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Everything posted by iamthefly

  1. Sound, just doing the kids bed time. U want a standard game or 35ss henchman led game?
  2. Looking for a game tonight about 7:30pm GMT, about 3.5hrs from now. Standard /Kythera/ henchman /casual /competitive /don't care /whatever I just wanna push some models about
  3. And I was looking forward to playing you again. Best of luck to you. Cheers, me too. I know you have this campaign to play, but I'm free most weekends of you pm me through the week I'll see it on my work email and we can may be squeeze a practice in?
  4. Hi Guys, There is a UK campaign running at the same time as this one, I think in the long run it will mess you folks around less if I bow out of this campaign now rather than try to arrange games across the pond/ timezones. Sorry guys, best of luck.
  5. ~Yes I'm in. Resurrectionists Most evenings.
  6. Love this app. I recommend it to people all the time (android I don't know about apple) Thanks a bunch. I use the summoning lists, the explanations of strats and schemes. Its brilliant. Cheers.
  7. I'm up for this, but with the following issues: 1) I can only play after 8pm GMT, if that's not going to work then I'm out with no hard feelings. 2) I don't know where to find the campaign rules. Ressers btw Cheers
  8. Excellent new gaming store Ellerium Games opened up in Inverness. Myself and a few others will be demoing Malifaux, all welcome. Some other game company will be there too demoing their stuff, but I'm sure we can do better! http://elleriumgames.co.uk/
  9. I'd like to get a last practice game in before the Scottish GT any evening GMT this week, except tuesday. Anyone available sometime?
  10. I'm here if you are still looking for a game, it would need to be soon tho.
  11. I'll be there Wednesday, Thursday, Friday night in the middle of Sep if anyone is up for a game, gimme a shout.
  12. Hi, I'll be on a 3 day training residential in Dunfermline in September. Is there a club or anyone who could meet on a Thursday/Friday night? Cheers, Ewan
  13. Orbay Ergun also paid. Trains paid Youth hostel booked X2. Looking forward to it.
  14. Anyone interested in forming a one off team for the day so it's soloers can join in the fun?
  15. Game tonight sat 22nd 8pm ish GMT?
  16. Paid. Anyone able to recommend a good, cheap, convenient place to stay on the Saturday night?
  17. Waited a year for this and I would definitely drive 4hrs each way for this by myself. If I can't do two days can I just do one?
  18. Can u define 'beginner friendly'? Obviously expect people to be reading their cards and help them learn and to enjoy their games (no early matter kills, etc), but what else? Limited crew?
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