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Everything posted by (TV)

  1. In theory it's my favorite, but of course in practice no one else ever here will want to do them, so I only get to play fiction based stuff 8/ Regards, TV
  2. (TV)

    Hey all

    Nice to see you. Myself in NB as well as a group around Halifax and the Aethervow crew occupy the eastern wasteland. Regards, TV
  3. Great retrospective to have shared-- and grats on the achievement. Regards, TV
  4. Checked it out, was pretty good and it was good to have an updated "intro" to the game. However: y u no outcaassts!!1? Regards, TV
  5. I have a bit of interest in the SM job lot if it hasn't been selling. Regards, TV
  6. DLing now, and just in time too! Have had malifaux fever since I got in all my molly stuff yesterday. Regards, TV
  7. Unless they do faction books, only (3) would be a workable option as it doens't require retroactive balancing changes which would mean re-releasing. Usually for other games I like doing numerical adjustments, but because the currency cost for most units is low (1-10 instead of 10ish to 50) this would be more difficult. This really does seem like a less troll version of the other thread... Regards, TV
  8. Sorry, but that would be way too drastic, and would be harder and harder to implement as the community grows. Wyrd has already done an OK job of sneaking in balancing to older material during new releases (ie v1 rules to v2 had changes to masters other than simply for clarification) Finally, looking at things from this linear perspective of "Master X" is best seems more like talking about other games where tourneys are played with fixed lists, whereas in malifaux the new system of choosing the master and the list right before the game throws the classic idea of "Army X vs Y" out the window. Regards, TV
  9. The little pieces of paper in the box sets with a code are the packer code numbers, which are from Wyrd. Ie this would be a Wyrd issue not a maelstrom issue and that's what Nathan was referring to . Yeah, I've never seen a mispack. I did see a miss pack though. Regards, TV
  10. Leveticus it is Regards, TV
  11. I think the fact that she's a high cost model but the cost to summon in the same will intuitively make people more likely to choose her to summon. Regards, TV
  12. Great to have gamed with you guys at Hal-con! Next year a malifaux event for sure! Regards, TV
  13. please Christopher Lee as Levi FTW I don't know anything about voice actors so I can't actually contribute though. I hear a lot of things about Mark Hammill + joker, maybe he could fit for a suitable persona like McM or Seamus? Regards, TV
  14. Significant consumables in a McM crew. Summoned into cover a short distance from the battle, on an objective, and they can really be worth it in a defensive sense. Regards, TV
  15. No, they're not mine, but they seemed relevant: http://www.flickr.com/photos/69387463@N08/6306902004/sizes/l/in/pool-1606491@N21/ Regards, TV
  16. HAL CON BOYYYYZ Sorry, but yeah, I'll be there. Regards, TV
  17. Yeah, when I first saw this I was a bit worried what with the prefix "loli-" already having a pretty standard use on the internet. Good content in the end though, cool thread. Regards, TV
  18. Looks like mine just shipped. Regards, TV
  19. Hmm I ordered on the early end of mid-way through and still only have "processed." Ominous! Regards, TV
  20. Ok, well I'm going to say Leveticus because he's awesome. I'm also an McM fan, but I don't think you've ever done anything with him. Whatever you do up I'm sure it'll be cool! Regards, TV
  21. Not regularly. Once fall hits I suspect a lot of our players will be on, though. Regards, TV
  22. Great tactica guys! I know our Ramos player is pretty set what with this. Regards, TV
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