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Everything posted by Darguth

  1. Definitely dig the color scheme for your alps, you've got some rich tones that contrast well to make the model both dark/eerie as it should be as well as allowing details to pop out and catch the eye. I feel your "muscle lines" on Lelu might be a bit too wide, they don't look very natural. But then again I just dislike Lelu's sculpt in general, so I may be biased.
  2. Yet...it's not a poll? My vote would be for Perdita in terms of raw power. The Family are beasts. My vote would be for Sonnia in terms of flavor and fluff, she's awesome.
  3. Dunno what you're smokin' but I love the new WHFB rules. Could just be preference, to each their own. I've come to really dislike the evolution of DnD over the years. Things became to simplified and formulaic. It turned from an RPG into almost solely a combat gaming system IMO.
  4. Someone said something 'The Man' didn't want getting out just yet
  5. All excellent, I really like the yellow on Ophelia and Francois' shirt. Not sure I'm crazy about how pink Pere's stuffed piggy is, but oh well. Great paint jobs all around though.
  6. Taelor looks great, I really like your Student of Conflict as well.
  7. Well, only the Warpig can eat counters with "Eat Anything", right? Piglets only have "Eat Your Fill" that 'triggers' when they kill something.
  8. This is a pretty great cross-section of factions, though it's somewhat disparing that the spread seemed to be pretty wide amongst them (4 Res players averaged nearly 18th out of 23? Yikes!). Would love to see some pics of the "Best Painted" crews too, if anyone has some
  9. I haven't got to use him yet, but I suspect he'll do reasonably well in Som'er's crew because there are so many damn bodies there are gonna be lots of corpses. Especially with "Get Yer Bro" wounding the models, it's very easy to generate your own counters for the Taxidermist to use. I think he will lose some value in anything that requires him to move significantly for any reason, because both he and Som'er like to generally spend all their actions on summoning and whatnot. I'd be unlikely to take more than a 0-1 Stuffed Piglets with him to start. I'd either camp him with Som'er and work with the corpses he creates, and send him forward with my Hog Squad (Whisperer/Warpig/Piglets/Haulers) and let him do his magic off stuff when it dies.
  10. I voted for the Stark's Guild over Android's Guild primarily because I thought the uniforms on the Marshalls and Austringers looks fantastic and made sense thematically, whereas I thought the uniform look of the Ortegas detracted from the uniqueness of their characters. Both were superbly painted though. The Mechanical Dove and Resurrectionist crews were great too, but I feel they were going up against near-professional painters, so it wasn't too much of a contest in terms of quality. Sorry guys!
  11. Love the base work done for Sonnia's crew
  12. My girlfriend is from Ypsi. I'm from Livonia, which is pronounce "Lih-voh-nya" and not "Lih-voh-nee-ah" as some statewide commercials like to call it.
  13. Pretty sure they just interact with regular old corpse counters.
  14. 1.) Raphael LaCroix 2.) Ophelia LaCroix 3.) Piglet!
  15. I'd like to see an alternate sculpt for Som'er that has him sitting on some misshapen bayou-themed "throne" with his feet propped up on another gremlin whose on his knees as a footstool. I'd also love another Giant Mosquito sculpt. I really dislike the current one, anything different would likely be better. An Avatar-version of Sonnia Criid with a flame-dragon spouting from her mouth (re: Rules Manual art) would be pretty amazing too
  16. Love it, I think I might actually like the pocket watch idea more than the original flame. It adds an extra touch of period/steampunk to the model.
  17. Getting an Error 404 - Not Found at that link
  18. Great board! Certainly excellent for demos, and you could make some modular pieces to spice it up for more experience play. Excellente
  19. I'm still seeing the reference sheet as well.
  20. I *really* like the striped top hat for Som'er. You also did a really fantastic job with the facial details for those Gremlins, well done!
  21. I just know when I tried to make trees with glued-on-foliage in the past, the foliage fell apart pretty easily. But as you said that might have been a glue quality issue. Since then I've been making "desolated forests" where the trunks are burst midway up. So no reason to worry about foliage issues
  22. That sounds like a pretty solid idea.
  23. How durable are those foliage twig matting things? After they are applied, would they tend to fall apart through general wear and tear rather quickly, unless you're extraordinarily protective of the terrain piece? That'd be my main concern with attempting a project like this.
  24. Definitely look good to me, especially for first attempts. I think you friend will be very happy with them
  25. Luckily, people you can round up at a LGS typically are into the hobby aspects of the game And if you have some friends that you really want to play, you could always offer to at least assemble their models for them if the time is too much for them. Then don't bother with painting them if you're not playing in anything official. Or, heck, make your own character tokens to use Sure Wyrd may not like it since you won't be buying much, but they can't really stop you outside of official events. And you'd still be spending money on the printed materials like rulebooks and character stat cards. Plus if you decide to use the actual bases for your tokens (that's how I'd probably do it) you'd be supporting them through buying those as well. Though you certainly wouldn't have to go that route.
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